People lose their faith over it. God promises a time when there will be no more crying, no more tears, no more pain and suffering, when we will be reunited with God in perfect harmony, forever. An Address for the New Year, by Marcus Rainsford, 1872, Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past – by C.T. In order to address the reasons why God allows pain and suffering, we need to consider the source of evil. Many argue, "Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow pain and suffering?" The "problem of pain," as the well-known Christian scholar, C.S. What significance do colors have in the Bible? You just told me about a perfectly loving God, but you didn't explain why He allows so much pain and suffering? Can’t He stop it? He is almighty, after all. If you’ve never asked why our world is infected with pain and suffering and evil, you will when they strike you with full force or come to a loved one. God didn't stop Adam from sinning (see Genesis 3:1-9 in context). Reasons for Hope* Jesus exists to glorify God by equipping you to know Jesus better, to love Jesus more & to share your faith. The problem of suffering has been with us since the Garden of Eden and it will be with us until Christ comes back. It’s important to make this distinction. Still, as the all-powerful Creator God, nothing can happen in this universe without God allowing it to happen. Why does God allow suffering? God allows evil that leads to pain and suffering, but he is not the source of evil. Praise the Lord that He provided forgiveness of sin to all who repent and trust in Christ. God promises a time when there will be no more crying, no more tears, no more pain and suffering, when we will be reunited with God in perfect harmony, forever. God is still there despite any tragedy you may be experiencing. Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering in the World? When the question is raised, “why does God allow pain and suffering?”  it’s usually because we feel pain and suffering is unjust. This is such an important and central question for us at Desiring God. The Curiosity Collective brings together thought leaders, authors, philosophers and theologians to explore this difficult question. Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? So, does God allow pain and suffering? What Does it Meant to Taste and See that the Lord is Good? Suffering draws us closer to God But suffering is not just a problem for Christians. When the question is raised, “why does God allow pain and suffering?” it’s usually because we feel pain and suffering is unjust. God never allows pain without a purpose. Read these Top 9 Bible Verses-Why Does God Allow Suffering? Every breath we take, our abilities and talents, everything we have is because God blesses us. This was God’s good design. And it’s a question that arrived in the inbox from a young man. God is loving and merciful, kind and good, all-knowing and perfect in all His ways. On Nov. 21, 1980, when the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas burned, survivors were brought into the Convention Center, where our Crusade meetings were being held. What do you think? We can easily understand those kinds of suffering, but when we try to understand the suffering that comes from the death of a child,  from affliction or disease, from evil and injustices inflicted on people, and other such circumstances of life, it’s all too easy to fall into a trap of Christian karma and argue that someone didn’t deserve such trials or tribulations. You see, God dwells in the dimension of eternity. He is almighty, after all. Now you ask, why does God allow pain, suffering, and failure in our lives? 5 Pastors, priests, and religious teachers often say that it is God’s will that people suffer. We may hurt so badly that even those who try to bring comfort feel the pain. In these verses, Paul is referring to multiple types of suffering – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. When… Abraham's Bosom? The Bible tells of a future time when there will be no more suffering Suffering seems to be of three types: Caused by ourselves – pain and suffering as a result of accident injuries or lifestyle choices. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, we are all fallen creatures living in a fallen world…and we are all subject to the consequences of our sin and that of others. Those are precious gifts that cannot be purchased with any coin other than tears. We too have played the role of sinner, harming others with the choices we make. And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. A question we must all wrestle with is whether there is a purpose in life - and if so, what it is. Where is God when wars break out, terrori Caused by mankind in general – war, persecution and pollution We sometimes ask, “If there is a loving God, why does He stand back and do nothing while the world is full of suffering?” Suffering in our own lives can be a big problem. Everything we see and experience, from illnesses and injuries to grievous injustices and moral decay, are the result of a fallen world. The Logical Problem of Evil There is another version of the Problem of Evil that has not yet been covered. How Can You Recognize True Worship? Next article 4 Ways to Start Memorizing Scripture. Love always involves a choice, Strobel explained. Sin lurks at each of our doors. 1. What is the Difference Between an Apostle and a Disciple? This is the question that I asked myself as I lay with my entire left side paralyzed in the hospital bed every night. On March 31, 2019 By Innermost Being In Diving Deep. Studd (1860 – 1931), In Case You Missed It: Top Ten “Got Questions?” from 2020, Christmas: I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day. Now that I'm thinking about children, I realize I still have a problem with all the suffering I see in the world. His death brought redemption from sin and diseases. If you’d like more on the question of why God allows pain and suffering, please see The Case for Faith, which is available for free through local libraries. Accidents and diseases do not discriminate. Use PayPal or a Credit Card for safe, secure giving. Suffering drives us to lean on God like nothing else can, and it allows us to see that God is enough. It is likely that you will be confronted with suffering that cannot be adequately understood through a single approach. The Real Question. It's a difficult question—probably one of the hardest to answer. Therefore He never gives us anything for which He does not provide what we need to deal with it. As Faith Church joins 800+ other churches in the Chicagoland area in “Explore God,” our blog will examine the seven questions we are exploring in the sermons and groups that are part of the series. Adam and Eve’s bodies were created to be perfect in all ways — no illness or injury. Suffering happens in community and we have a responsibility to be of support and aid to those who are suffering around us. When someone in our church is hurting, the church tends to that member’s wounds. Why does God allow Pain and Suffering? If there’s an all-powerful God, why do you think he allows evil in the world? He might not keep us from pain and suffering but He will keep us (hold us and care for us) in our pain and suffering. What Did President Reagan Say About Racism and Marxism? They’re questioning why does God allow pain? You need to realize that you’re not big enough; you’ll never make it without depending utterly upon Him and going in His strength. In fact, you will gain these things from your pain. Does God Listen to All Prayers? Some illnesses are a result of not taking care of one’s body. What’s in a Smile? Suffering and pain cause us to long for our heavenly home and live more fully for eternity. Why Does God Allow Suffering? Sinning causes suffering. Paul writes, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose,” (Romans 8:28). Questions for Discussion and Personal Reflection. God sometimes uses pain and suffering to humble us and to break our self reliance. When someone in the church is in need, we are to come alongside them to help them through their suffering. Why does God allow suffering by allowing Tom’s wife and daughter to experience the extreme pain that they are feeling? As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. Often behind sophisticated and intellectual arguments against God is a hurt heart. Does God Accept All Forms of Worship? The church is also meant to be a refuge for those who are suffering. And His power cannot rest upon you unless you’ve abandoned the idea that you’re big enough to go it alone. Why God Allows Suffering. Lee Strobel. God allows evil that leads to pain and suffering, but he is not the source of evil. While this may be a hard truth to understand, suffering is that it prepares Christians for more glory. You need to realize that you’re not big enough; you’ll never make it without depending utterly upon Him and going in His strength. When the complexity of suffering rears us its head, we will find ourselves ill-equipped to deal with the ramifications. He could hold out His hand and save us from the pain. (Explore God Week 3) Brian Dennert Jan 30, 2019 . But if He did that, He would never be able to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Satan was wrong. God knows it all. Sign up for Beliefnet's Bible Reading newsletter. 5 Pastors, priests, and religious teachers often say that it is God’s will that people suffer. “Put Your House in Order!” Who Said That? Job accuses God of being unjust and not operating the world according to principles of justice, and his friends believe that Job's sin caused his suffering. "We human beings have abused our free will by rejecting God and by walking away from Him." I was terrified, worried, and upset. When we think of suffering, we often think of God being far away from us. How can there be a God with all the pain and suffering in the world? God promises a time when there will be no more crying, no more tears, no more pain and suffering, when we will be reunited with God in perfect harmony, forever. God could step in at any point and stop the suffering. If the Savior were all-powerful, the Lord could prevent pain and suffering. He will give us the comfort, peace, patience and strength we need. His primary objective is to love us and have us love Him in return. Sometimes the emotional or physical pain of suffering is prolonged. The question, “why does God allow pain and suffering,” is always asked of pain and suffering experienced by those we deem to be innocent or undeserving of such affliction. “Why does God allow pain and suffering?” I asked myself as I laid with my entire left side paralyzed, feeling terrified, worried, and upset. The sermon was focused on the question of “why does God allow pain and suffering?” A deep one this week, yet one of the questions I think we all wrestle with at some point. Jesus died for that purpose. In order to address the reasons why God allows pain and suffering, we need to consider the source of evil. But when we engage with Scripture and understand what the Bible has to say about suffering, it can broaden our perspective and enable us to make sense of our circumstances in a new way. Yet, none of us is innocent. Instead, He uses your suffering to dispense His power. If God is all-powerful and all-loving, then why does He allow evil and suffering in the world? The answer to this question is that none of us are truly innocent or undeserving. It was at this point that evil, sickness, disease, and death entered the world — and along with it pain and suffering. Paul writes, “This light of momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look to the things that are not seen but the things that are unseen. I know it sounds crazy but the stroke was the best thing that happened in my life! What we’ve just stumbled upon is known as The Problem of Evil and it’s been around ever since the first human stubbed their toe- maybe even before that! Suffering drives us to lean on God like nothing else can, and it allows us to see that God is enough. Help me get equipped and be encouraged so I am empowered to know, live, and share my faith. Much of the evil and pain in the world is human evil, humanly-caused pain, the result of human sin. He created the earth, and all that is in it, to be in perfect harmony with His character and nature. Let’s finish with this truth: Jesus took our infirmities (weaknesses) and bore our sicknesses (diseases), Matthew 8:17. It is God’s will that all be healed, that all be saved from sin and sickness. James 1:2-4 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. This verse doesn’t mean that God won’t give you more than you can handle. One of the most pressing challenges to Christianity is the problem of evil. God never allows pain without a purpose. Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering? The Curiosity Collective brings together thought leaders, subject matter experts, pastors, and theologians to explore this difficult question. They are a silent testimony of healing and wholeness that enable one to invite God to be present in the pain of another. What it does mean is that in his providential will (when He causes something to happen) or in His permissive will (when He allows something to happen), and when we are unable to handle, if we turn to God He will provide us what we need to go through it. Where is God when young families are killed in car wrecks on their way home from church? Pain and suffering are realities in our everyday life. (Lamentations 3:23), ©2021 All Rights Reserved. 5. Why Does God Allow Suffering? Why does your god allow suffering? There is no such thing as gratuitous suffering. FAQ: Hold on. Nevertheless, our lack of ability to answer the question completely does not mean that we cannot offer solutions. Each of us knows firsthand what it means to suffer as a result of someone else’s sin. 4 minute taster video. We also know that God created man with a free will — giving Adam and Eve the ability to make choices. This is a question that has baffled people for generations and I am going to give you a great theological answer right now: I don’t know. But if He did that, He would never be able to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Satan was wrong. … The wealthiest, most successful man on earth could lose his only daughter in a car wreck this afternoon. Why does God allow pain and suffering? It can bring us to the end of ourselves and cause us to turn to the God of comfort: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;  Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. Instead, He uses your suffering to dispense His power. Interesting, I found statistical quirk: people who are married were much more likely to want to know why there’s so much suffering. We, like Cain must battle our fear, insecurity, shame, resentment and anger. These experiences remind us of who God is and what He can do. In the beginning, all of creation reflected God’s glory. So before we dive into the specific question of why does God allow suffering, let’s look at what the Bible says about suffering.. We have all been the victims of the evil choices of others. We never ask that question about the pain and suffering of a life term sentence for someone who has committed murder — because, we understand it was a consequence of their actions, and we reason that they deserve it as a result of what they did. We all face suffering in some way, shape or form. Nehemiah 9:6  You alone are the LORD; You have made heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything on it…, Exodus 20:11 In six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them…, Genesis 1:31  Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good…. It allows us to see that we have something worth far more than anything this earth can afford. His death brought redemption from sin and diseases. That explains where pain and suffering came from, but it does not answer the question, “why does God allow pain and suffering?”. The purpose of this post is not to attempt a theodicy, that is, a defense of why God allows suffering. (Explore God Week 3) Brian Dennert Jan 30, 2019 . Dr. Charles Stanley offers a biblical answer to this question. This verse doesn’t mean that God won’t give you more than you can handle. Suffering reminds us that this world is not our home. Is Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” a Christian Song? Working in the Oncology field has opened my eyes to this even more so. Why do bad things happen to good people? What we’ve just stumbled upon is known as The Problem of Evil and it’s been around ever since the first human stubbed their toe- maybe even before that! Previous article The Death of Christendom. Why God Allows Suffering. Does God allow suffering? A failing grade on a test is a result of not effectively or sufficiently studying. So they were created with perfect bodies and godly minds capable of directing their desires and will, and reflecting God’s nature and His glory. Some may say that everything that happens to a person, including tragedies, has already been decided by God and that we can never understand why. This pain can be intense. A Hidden Message Found in the Piano’s Pause, Extravagant Love that Captures our Hearts. Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering? The problem of suffering . Many have been puzzled by the suffering we see in our world. It’s also important that we recognize that our suffering doesn’t happen without purpose. As mentioned above, when Adam and Eve sinned, their bodies began the dying process and they became susceptible to disease and death; and their minds and wills were no longer governed by being in perfect communion with their Creator. Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering? We never ask that question about the pain and suffering of a life term sentence for someone who has committed murder — because, we understand it was a consequence of their actions, and we reason that they deserve it as a result of what they did. Let me offer three answers: 1) To let us see the gravity of our choices. There is no corner untouched by grief, no demographic, no alliance. God has a purpose even for evil and suffering. 1. Pain and suffering are realities in our everyday life. Why does God allow suffering? Is it OK For My Child to Watch an R Rated Movie? While going through the shock and denial of it all, I finally began to understand that there was a reason God allowed the stroke to occur. It is God’s will that all be healed, that all be saved from sin and sickness. When a member is down and discouraged, the church is called to lift that person up. One argument that attempts to disprove God is centered on suffering. Some may say that everything that happens to a person, including tragedies, has already been decided by God and that we can never understand why. Whether our sufferings come from the consequence of sin, the curse of sin, or are a chastening for sin, we view them all through the lens of the cross, and rejoice: “ there is now no CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus ” (Romans 8:1). God never allows pain without a purpose. by Shari Abbott, Reasons for Hope* Jesus | Dec 18, 2012. God allows us to be human, to make choices. They talked about so many things and various subjects. They say God must not care, or perhaps he is not powerful. The only way to begin answering this question is to view our fallen world from God's perspective. The question is often asked: “If God is all-powerful and all-good, why does He allow suffering?” For some, this is not just an abstract logical conundrum, but a deeply personal cry of despair, welling up from intense personal pain. Show more. But what we don’t usually look for is God’s purpose for our weaknesses in … There is no corner untouched by grief, no demographic, no alliance. God … God reminds him that the world has order and beauty but is also wild and dangerous. Sinning causes suffering. Then in pain and suffering we have a deep foundation of mature faith and an inner strength of character to help us deal with things. No natural disaster or personal struggle or any evil experience we encounter can cause God to be surprised. In doing so they broke the perfect communion that they had with God and plunged the world into sin and darkness. Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering in the World? If God is good then why is there so much pain and suffering in this world? And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; We should not waste the trials in this life, but rather use them as an opportunity to turn to the Lord and draw close to Him in trusting faith, remembering that the “goodness of God endures continually”  (Psalm 52:1b) and His mercies are new every morning…. I definitely needed to be reminded of that prior to my stroke. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. It's a difficult question—probably one of the hardest to answer. Let the words of First Corinthians 2:9 soak into your soul: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” Even all pain and suffering has a purpose, and that purpose is determined by God. 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