They would feel scared about being left alone. I’m blessed if I have a kid by 30, I’m blessed is I make 6 figures by 35, I’m blessed if I’m married by 25. Trusting God is more than a feeling; it’s a choice to have faith in what He says even when your feelings or circumstances would have you believe something different. Not everyone we meet can be trusted. Help others in their faith journey through discipleship and mentoring. and stone that were made by men. Jesus Himself felt overwhelmed by what was before Him, and He went straight to His Father. He is bigger than any of your circumstances. In your waking up. We want to know why the righteous suffer. Allow God to remind you who He is and what He promises, and then be honest with Him. God knows you need somewhere to go when you feel unsure. You can get to know God through personal time with Him and through His Word. You can also tell Him when it’s difficult for you to believe. Remember who He has always been. He asked Jesus to heal him “if you can.” Jesus asked the man if he did not believe that Jesus could heal, and this was his reply. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”. There are ups and downs along the way. That ability to thrive (and not just survive) a trial is founded on three principles that we've discovered as we've learned about trusting God through difficult times. He cares for your hurts. How can I hold on to my faith in God when things go wrong? It means we need to be trusting God in difficult times as well as the good times. It reminds you that He is trustworthy whatever your circumstances. Learn the basics of what Christians believe. For more resources on trusting God, check out: We live in very polarizing times. Gift Matching Opportunity Ends December 31! Your friends and family are enjoyable. Wait on Him to act on your behalf. He then mentions the enemy who plans to defeat him. God calls us to pray for our leaders — that they would submit to His leadership for the sake of His will being done and for the advancement of His kingdom. Moving to the next level may often entail trusting God in difficult times.Interestingly, God sometimes uses the … When you are going through difficult times, it is not unusual to doubt God… God is bigger than your circumstances. Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. He is a never-changing, loving, and compassionate Father. Learn some different views on the topic of death and the afterlife, including what the Bible has to say about it. Many of us want to trust God. Trusting in Him means believing what He says about Himself, about the world and about you is true. Even in doubt and uncertainty, if you keep going to Him, He will continually show Himself to be trustworthy. Trusting God in Difficult Times. The Holy Spirit lives in anyone who trusts in Jesus. Use your hobbies and interests to find the best place for you to serve. How am I supposed to trust in God when times are tough? Waiting on the Lord reminds you that you are not in control. These simple practices will help you see God outside of difficult things, which will establish trust in your heart that He will move in your circumstances. Reflecting Jesus together for the good of the city. Learn about Cru's global leadership team. Vaughan Smith Several Psalms and many Proverbs divide all of humanity into two groups:the righteous and the wicked. When you trust, you go to God and His word when life is hard. Get practical! You’re able to confess to God when your feelings and beliefs are not lining up with His Truth. Find resources for personal or group Bible study. Instead, let’s search God’s word for 11 Bible verses that answer and give useful steps for trusting Him in difficult times. Sometimes people break our … We asked a few members of our staff at Deep Spirituality for their favorite biblical characters who trusted God in the midst of difficulty and came up with 7 examples in the Bible of trusting God in difficult times to inspire you. And there are a lot of times that we don’t understand why God allows certain things to happen. But trust the Lord? Must you become a better person so that God will accept you? But those things alone are not reliable enough to base your life on. Paul was a follower of Jesus and a leader in the early church. You lose your job. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Life is unpredictable and difficult at times, and that difficulty may persist for longer than you had hoped. Would you like to give your time to work with Cru? Then, all of a sudden, life throws a curveball. It means refusing to let fear overwhelm us but let faith rule us. He wants you to learn to trust Him as you get to know Him. Today we continue a special series of meditations by Tim Keller — “Trusting God in Difficult Times.” This new series is meant to encourage you to trust God more deeply and to meditate on his word and what it promises, to give you strength and hope in difficult times. The Bible is God’s unfailing, unchanging Word. That He always keeps His promises. Trusting God in Troubled Times The Rev. So the question is, how do we really trust God during difficult times? The Lord is walking with you every step of the way. Meet with other believers and set your eyes on things that are bigger than your circumstances. Trusting God in difficult times brings peace and healing. In the face of those difficulties, God shares His will for you and how you should respond to them. Wait on Him to do what you cannot do yourself. Not All Who Wander (Spiritually) Are Lost – Book Review. How comforting it is to know that the God of the universe is also paying attention to you. When times are good, it can feel easier. Here are seven practical ways to trust God in your everyday life: Scripture, or the Bible, is God’s Word. Support Missionaries on the Frontlines and Have Your Gift DOUBLED. God’s unchanging character can give us a firm foundation when things feel unsteady and uncertain. He never leaves. When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen. The Holy Spirit will lead you to what you should do. We know He’s our shepherd and will be with us even when we walk through the deepest valleys, but still, when things go south, we find ourselves struggling to exercise faith and trust. March 29, 2020; Dunn; Last updated on June 26th, 2020 at 03:11 pm. Trusting God in difficult times forces us to seek His guidance, and to trust in Him. That King had bragged that they had already Trusting God in Difficult Times. If you have not established that, it is never too late to start. The times we are living in are difficult. 23 Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times. For now, let’s ignore the well-meaning but seemingly clueless church people. To trust is to believe in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of something. If you don’t run to the Word to remind you of truth in difficult times, it is easier for you to be led into lies about your life and who God is. First, it is good to acknowledge that His character is good and trustworthy. What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Because ethnicity is part of the good of creation, we seek to honor and celebrate the ethnic identity of those with whom we serve as well as those we seek to reach. Most people generally dislike stagnation and are always seeking for how they can improve their lives and move forward. Tonight I watched the sunset. Bible Verses on Trusting God in Difficult Times. Explore resources to help you live out your life and relationships in a way that honors God. So, when it comes to trusting God, that means believing in His reliability, His Word, His ability, and His strength. Trust grows as you look for God’s presence in what feels dark and heavy. He shared this with a fellow believer as encouragement. It is a declaration that we don’t know the why or even how, but we do know that God’s got it. But God’s grace is in all things. Listen to Pastor Amy’s Sisters Message In the case of the apostle Paul, God protected him from pride and taught him to depend on Christ (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). You do not have to share struggles with everyone, but find those people who will encourage you and share the truth with you — not just tell you what you want to hear. 5 Steps For Trusting God In Difficult Times. Share on pinterest. In a sunny day. God can shape your view of your circumstances. The things you felt secure in all of a sudden feel shaky and uncertain. In the book of Isaiah, God responds to the Israelites who thought that God had turned away from them. Wait, trust, and remember that God loves you. You’re human. Life is not predictable. However, Jesus calls for us to be unified in Him with love for each other. Showing God in action in and through His people. Even in tragic circumstances, there will be light and grace. Mark 4:35-4:41. Community reminds you that you are never alone, even in hard times. God is present and is making himself known. We have looked at building relationships, the intimacy and sanctity of marriage and this morning look at trusting God when you are in difficult times. A common struggle in difficult times is feelings of helplessness and worry about an unknown future. Trusting God is living a life of belief in and obedience to God even when it’s difficult. Jesus guaranteed His followers that they would face hard times (John 16:33), but He promised that He would always be with them (Matthew 28:20). They can change at any moment, even in an instant. Have you ever trusted someone and they let you down? Log in. God is never neglecting your life. But when times feel difficult, it is even more important to trust God. But when I looked again, they were gone! Well, we know the … The truth of Scripture frees you from the expectations of earning your salvation (John 8:32). However, the process of moving to the next level is not always a pleasant experience, especially for Christian believers. That He loves you and has good in store for you. God’s unchanging character can give us a firm foundation when things feel unsteady and uncertain. Until then, claim His Word- God always keeps His Promises. Matthew 6:33. Look through some of those results and see that in scripture there are many short prayers for hard times! On November 3, 2017 “Everything’s going wrong! There are ups and downs along the way. A friend or family member betrays you. When you cannot see a resolution? God is completely trustworthy, but He does not ask you to trust Him blindly. He reminds them that this life will have hardship and that our bodies will fail, but God is still working for our good. But it is sometimes hard to believe it when life takes unexpected turns. And then, in verse 19, King Hezekiah asks the Your job is satisfying. Habakkuk was reminded that God will make all things right in due time. Trusting God through these uncharted waters takes faith and courage, but is worth every effort. According to Mark 9, a man brought his son to Jesus for healing from being possessed by a demon. He may be trying to correct us or produce godly character in us. The Spirit comforts and reminds you of the truth. Our faith is what sustains us, what gets us through challenging times when we, ourselves, cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. He is always faithful. One of the things we all have in common is that everyone dies. destroyed many other lands. “10 Verses to Help When Trusting God Is Difficult”, 20 Inspiring Bible Verses About God’s Amazing Love for You, How to Know and Understand the Holy Spirit, Prayer Guide: How to Pray for Our Country, Prayer Guide: How to Pray for Our Country's Leaders. He hears your requests and answers them. They can pray for and support you. Striving to see Christ-followers on every team, in every sport and in every nation. In the moments when everything appears to be falling apart, it can be hard to see how the Good Father is at work, but know His mercy is consistent. Trusting God in difficult times. Many people in Scripture even reference other parts of Scripture to encourage themselves and those around them. God wants you to go to Him with your circumstances. View our top Cru resources in more than 20 languages. He is with you in difficulty. You are not facing these difficult times alone. Lord to save his people from this enemy, not for their own sake, but so that If we doubt this, trusting God in hard times will be difficult. I mean, we say we trust Him, but we stress a lot. God is trustworthy even when you don’t see your prayers answered or problems solved right away. You can trust Him to sustain you, provide for you and be with you even in the midst of your hardship. Your feelings and circumstances matter and are very much worth paying attention to. When things feel difficult, He doesn’t ask you to keep those feelings to yourself. We all have a story. We are often trapped by our unbelief and fear, but God is preparing us for the end-time harvest. After telling God about the enemies who wanted to take his life, David declared, “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. Learn how you can know God personally. Life is not predictable. not gods. Reaching students and faculty in middle and high school. Faithfully continue to seek the Lord, but wait on His timing. He is preparing a future for you and me. Walking closely with the Spirit will not only give you direction but will remind you that you are not alone. Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. Your goals, finances, health and outlook seem bright. We want to know why the wicked prosper. Partner with Cru on a short-term missions trip. You can run to Him and lay your burdens at His feet. By recognizing God’s sovereignty and His It is really hard to see past them to other good things going on. Some people seem to face life's hardships with courage and come out stronger on the other side. How do you trust Him when you do not understand what is happening? The Holy Spirit is your constant helper, pointing you to Jesus. Share on twitter. In trust, you do not look for security in other things; you look to God to hold you securely in difficult circumstances. Now that you know what it means to trust God, how exactly can you do that in your everyday life? People of faith spent a lot of time praying for the impossible to be possible. Your email address will not be published. But King He also wants you to come to Him simply to spend time with Him. Develop your leadership skills and learn how to launch a ministry wherever you are. He pays attention. Introduction-This morning we continue our series “Nuts and Bolts of life”. Answers to questions on donations, financial policies, Cru’s annual report and more. King David wrote many of the Psalms and often cried out to God to help him as he was being chased by people who wanted to kill him. Share on email. God’s purpose for allowing pain is to achieve something good. Faith is what helps us trust God in difficult times. Hezekiah noted that those land’s gods had not protected them because they were We need you. He does not always give you the big picture, but He will show you the next step. But the rebellious will be destroyed; they have no future. Difficult times may feel like they last forever, but they are temporary. Share on facebook. Knowing that God is for you will strengthen your trust in Him during times of hardship and the unknown. Thank goodness! Life can be going along smoothly for a season. You need only to look. You also act on obedience (doing what God says in His Word) and trust that He will ultimately take care of the rest. I am! He always sees them and is always working for their good. Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace. These are valid questions, and God wants to help you navigate them. So He shared this with them to give them comfort. We worry a … He will sustain you and grow your faith in the waiting. He wants to help you grow your faith. Temptations could come in any form and at any time. He is not disappointed or frustrated by your struggles, doubts or pain. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. He cares about you, and you can trust Him with those things. Trusting God in Difficult Times. The Lord is good,A stronghold in the day of trouble,And He knows those who take refuge in Him. (John 14:26, NIV). How can we reach this unity? Trusting God in difficult times; trusting God's not for the faint of heart, it's for those who are willing to go the extra mile, to be their brother's keeper. At times, we wonder if God’s even around at all. Sometimes what you need to do is wait. You should not let your circumstances shape your relationship with God. If you trust someone, you feel comfortable being honest with them about anything. Trusting can be hard at the best of times, but trusting God in difficult times is considerably harder. If He seems to be silent, remember His promise that He is always hearing your prayers and responding. Because He is SO trustworthy! God is present amid the bad times as well as the good. He is making a way for you. >> God’s promises are stronger and more powerful than any earthly solution. You won’t do this perfectly, but God is kind and patient with you while learn to trust Him. all would know that Jehovah was the one and only true God. This helps you accept that God is bigger than you could ever understand. To see difficulty the way God does, we need Bible verses for hard times we can hold on to. He will help you wait with endurance. Explore answers to life's biggest questions. Share on print. complete authority over all that He created. It is one thing to know the truth. God promises we will face troubles in this life, but he also promises to walk by our side through it … Be encouraged; we may not understand why now, but someday we will. When you are struggling, share those concerns with another follower of Jesus whom you trust — someone you know is pursuing a relationship with God regularly and who knows God’s Word. Leading from values so others will walk passionately with God to grow and bear fruit. Someone you know gets sick. I have seen wicked and ruthless people flourishing like a tree in its native soil. Trusting God in difficult times isn’t always easy, but with intentionality, prayer, and perseverance, it is possible. They were simply items of wood In a call from a friend. No, you can have all those things and still not be blessed if all you are doing is seeking what you want and not God. Confession helps you to humble yourself and allows you to grow in trust. Trusting God in the Hard Times. The leading of the Spirit can ease struggles by guiding you to acts of obedience. Fellow believers can remind you of God’s character through encouragement and accountability. 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