He too divided the young men of his tribe into impis (regiments), and the Umtetwa became a formidable military power. Towards the end of June the chief of the Jaalin tribe, Abdalla wad Said, who occupied Metemma, angered by the khalifa, made his submission to Kitchener and asked for support, at the same time foolishly sending a defiant letter to the khalifa. At first Chaka turned his attention northward. 40 ff. Individual leaders in times of stress acquired a recognized supremacy, and, once a tribe outstripped the rest, the opportunities for continued advance gave further scope to their authority. Every foot of land was defended; every tribe fought for its own soil. While still a boy Ahmad fell into the hands of the hostile tribe of Ghilzais, by whom he was kept prisoner at Kandahar. SERVIUS SULPICIUS RUFUS (c. 106-43 B.C. The passage may perhaps indicate that Seth was originally the name of a tribe. Sentence types. 3. affo; Welsh epa; Old Bohemian op; a word of uncertain origin, possibly an imitation of the animal's chatter), the generic English name, till the 16th century, for animals of the monkey tribe, and still used specifically for the tailless, manlike representatives of the order Primates. At the close of the 18th century the Zulu were an unimportant tribe numbering a few thousands only. exiles; Ethiopic falas, a stranger), or "Jews of Abyssinia," a tribe of Hamitic stock, akin to Galla, Somali and Beja, though they profess the Jewish religion. Tridentum or Trent was in the time of Pliny included in the tenth region of Italy or Venetia, but he tells us that the inhabitants were a Raetian tribe. Colla), a tribe of South American Indians, formerly inhabiting the country around Lake Titicaca and the neighbouring valleys of the Andes. These figures include nearly 1400 full and probationary members in the China mission, the first-fruits of two years' labour amongst the Miao tribe. The confusion of names is partly attributable to the fact that each tribe has a different name for the same stream. He spent five months in Goa, and then turned his attention to the "Fishery Coast," where he had heard that the Paravas, a tribe engaged in the pearl fishery, had relapsed into heathenism after having professed Christianity. Sometimes two or three tribes joined forces to wage a war; but, the struggle over, the bond was broken, and each tribe resumed its isolated life. Mafeking was originally the headquarters of the Barolong tribe of Bechuana and is still their largest station, the native location (pop. His descendants, through the rescued Fancha, fell into complete obscurity until about the middle of the 16th century, when one of them, Nurhachu by name, a chieftain of a small tribe, rose to power. The name is derived from that of a Frankish tribe, the Hessi. He was the mythic leader and chief divinity of the Aztecs, dominant tribe of the Nahua nation. When you say … Thus Africa was originally, in the eyes of the Romans and Carthaginians alike, the country inhabited by the great tribe of Berbers or Numidians called Afarik. He was eighty years old and reigned seven years; his successor was his son Phraates III. 44183 That tribe worships its ancestors. The family name of the principal branch of this tribe is Abu Sin, and Gedaref, an important town in the centre of the Shukria country, was formerly called Suk Abu Sin. Remembering the organization of the tribe everywhere prevalent, it is not difficult to understand that the army, or horde, that stands for the idea, was assembled on the clan basis. All belonged to the same totem or totemic class, and might be scattered throughout the tribe, though subject to the same marriage laws. YUE-CHI (or YuEH-Chih), the Chinese name of a central Asiatic tribe who ruled in Bactria and India, are also known as Kushans (from one of their subdivisions) and Indo-Scythians. Eleven years later Ramon, the lieutenant of Sebastian Cabot, was defeated by the same tribe. The Kharijites who had opposed 'Ali on the ground that he had no right to allow the appeal to arbitration, were defeated at Nahrawan or Nahrwan (658), but those who escaped became fierce propagandists against the Koreish, some claiming that the caliph should be chosen by the Faithful from any tribe of the Arabs, some that there should be no caliph at all, that God alone was their ruler and that the government should be carried on by a council. CK 44723 A savage tribe lived there in those days. the Periclean cleruchies, 45 o -445); indeed, this follows from their status as Athenian citizens, which is emphasized by the fact that they retained their membership of deme and tribe. - This tribe is distinguished from the Malacoderma and allied groups by the mesothoracic epimera not bounding the coxal cavities of the intermediate legs. People sentence examples. Prisoners serving a sentence of less than four years may be released from prison up to six months early with an electronic tag. In 1763 the Kentucky country was claimed by the Cherokees as a part of their hunting grounds, by the Six Nations (Iroquois) as a part of their western conquests, and by Virginia as a part of the territory granted to her by her charter of 1609, although it was actually inhabited only by a few Chickasaws near the Mississippi river and by a small tribe of Shawnees in the north, opposite what is now Portsmouth, Ohio. For example: “I like reading” “I like reading more than Diane [does]” The first sentence is short. In the hunter period the savage warrior does not enslave his vanquished enemy, but slays him; the women of a conquered tribe he may, however, carry off and appropriate as wives or as servants, for in this period domestic labour falls almost altogether on their sex. Nero 44755 There are still some savage tribes on that island. 2. Prisoners serving a sentence of less than four years are released automatically and unconditionally after serving half their sentence in custody. Most people think I'm crazy. Marriage was exogamic among clans in a tribe, but practically, though not wholly, endogamic as between tribes, wife and slave capture being common in places. He was crowned at Kandahar in October 1747, and about the same time he changed the name of his tribe to Durani. Don't make fun of people. We make sure the words are changed relatable to the text and pass it as a human paraphrased text. High quality example sentences with “short on people” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. The name is taken from the Lusitzi, a Slav tribe, who inhabited Lower Lusatia in the 9th and 10th centuries. The most ancient of these kings, reigning over the principal tribe, who is known to us is Chlodio.'. The greatest estates belonged to the king, or had been granted to military chiefs whose sons succeeded them, or were the endowments of temples, but the calpulli or village community still survived, and each freeman of the tribe held and tilled his portion of the common lands. The best hypothesis in the writer's opinion is that maintained by Charles Tissot, who sees in the word " Africa " the name of the great Berber tribe, the Aourigha (whose name would have been pronounced Afarika), the modern Aouraghen, now driven back into the Sahara, but in ancient times the principal indigenous element of the African empire of Carthage (Tissot, Geogr. According to the Hebrew consonants it might simply be read "the king" (melek), an appellation for the supreme deity of a Semitic state or tribe. "People" Few people think so. In 1644 the Ming succumbed to the attacks of the Manchus, a northern tribe who captured Peking and founded the present imperial house. However, before the conquest, in no other part of the globe did language tally so nearly with kinship. Among savage and nomadic nations the whole tribe often moves into new territory, either occupying it for the first time or exterminating or driving out the indigenous inhabitants. To eliminate this problem our paraphraser works as a reworder and satisfies all needs. The ancient Mexican tribe was composed of twenty autonomous kins. The mildew is in its turn attacked by a fungus of the same tribe, Cicinnobolus Cesatii, which lives parasitically within the hyphae of its host, and at times even succeeds in destroying it. Almost all of the really long sentences are under 1,000 words. The Celtiberi, in this narrower sense, were not so much one tribe as a group of cantonsArevaci, Pelendones, Berones and four or five others. We know, however, that the Bruttians, though at this date speaking the same language (Oscan) as the Samnite tribe of the Lucani, were not actually akin to them. After a brief visit to France, where he was treated with high honour, he returned to the Mohawk country in May 1646 and ratified a treaty between that tribe and the Canadian government. Longer sentences may be used for explanation. The nucleus of the invading horde was a small pastoral tribe in Mongolia, the chief of which, known subsequently to Europe as Jenghiz Khan, became a mighty conqueror and created a vast empire stretching from China, across northern and central Asia, to the shores of the Baltic and the valley of the Danube - a heterogeneous state containing many nationalities held together by purely administrative ties and by an enormous military force. The Parthians appear to have been a Turanian tribe who had adopted many Persian customs. In 1727 the territory, with vaguely defined limits, was formed into a province and named Tejas, or Texas, after the tribe or the confederacy of Tejas Indians. The Shangaan are members of a Bantu tribe from the Delagoa Bay region who took refuge in the Transvaal between 1860 and 1862 to escape Zulu raids. Towards the close of the 13th century the Egyptian king Merneptah (Mineptah) records a successful campaign in Palestine, and alludes to the defeat of Canaan, Ascalon, Gezer, Yenuam (in Lebanon) and (the people or tribe) Israel.3 Bodies of aliens from the Levantine coast had previously threatened Egypt and Syria, and at the beginning of the 12th century they formed a coalition on land and sea which taxed all the resources of Rameses III. The southern part was occupied by the Dryopes, part of which tribe, after having been expelled from their original seats in the south of Thessaly by the Dorians, migrated to this island, and established themselves in the three cities of Karystos, Dystos and Styra. Here Ertoghrul died in 1288 at the age of ninety, being succeeded in the leadership of the tribe by his son Osman. The largest bird is the condor, and there is another bird of the vulture tribe, with a black and white wing feather formerly used by the Incas in their head-dress, called the coraquenque or alcamari. ), "the Persian city.". Amongst nomads the tribe is the unit of government, the political bond is personal, and there is no definite territorial association of the people, who may be loyal but cannot be patriotic. How to use tribe in a sentence. The former tribe had crossed the boundaries of the other two, and was ordered to withdraw immediately under pain of punishment (Corp. inscr. was recognized as having been divinely set apart as Jehovah's ministers in the days of Moses (Deut. x., 1878; " Skull in the Ostrich Tribe," Phil. Tribe sentence examples. But its place was taken more and more by Yugoslavia, which, it should be remarked, was then still used to denote all the territories inhabited by any southern Slav tribe, and so to include the Bulgars no less than the Serbo-Croats and Slovenes. After 1891, in which year the Wahehe tribe ambushed and almost completely annihilated a German military force of 350 men under Baron von Zelewski, there were for many years no serious risings against German authority, which by the end of 1898 had been established over almost the whole of the hinterland. Before them all was a tribe of immigrants who appear to have crossed from north eastern Asia at an epoch when the sea had not yet dug broad channels between the continent and the adjacent islands. One tribe, living in the Maluti mountains, was reduced to cannibalism. and is inhabited by a tribe whose customs differ essentially from those of the natives on the main island. (4) The Meshcheryaks, a tribe of Finnish origin who formerly inhabited the basin of the Oka, and, driven thence during the 15th century by the Russian colonists, immigrated into Ufa and Perm, where they now live among the Baskhirs, having adopted their religion and customs. Pre-contact material is such as continued to exist in any tribe down to the time when they were touched by the presence of the trade of the whites. Old people deserve respect. The legend of Prester John is based on the idea of the conversion of a Mongol tribe, the Karith, whose chieftain Ung Khan at baptism received the title Malek Juchana (King John). A war with the Tuscarora Indians, in 1711-1713, resulted in the defeat of the Indians and the removal of the greater part of the tribe to New York, where they became the sixth nation of the Iroquois confederacy. When about 255 B.C. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Tribe | Tribe Sentence. Amongst the Arabs, lands were either held in common by a whole tribe, under a tenure known as the arch or sabegha, or sometimes, especially in the towns, under a modified form of freehold (melk) by the family. In the next chapter (v.) the seer has a vision of a roll in the hand of Him that sat on the throne which none could open or look upon, till the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the mighty one with seven horns. Against the severity of his measures the powerful Ghilzai tribe revolted, and were crushed by the end of 1887. U2FS 289863 He has been the chief of his tribe for 35 years. Chief of a tribe of Ghilzais, by whom he was made king by the tribe the... Desert tribe inspired to settle in Palestine now the descendants of the century! And Das- cillidae, are used to build up tension we can find smarter ways tackling. They do not marry outside the tribe of the Kouis, is found in the Sudan is represented the. 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