L-*JK6\a0sq%]!V!*%H"jsnfY>[X/&U#ajW8kIW<5Ut#(4mP? with mass m 1 and m 2 connected by a spring with spring constant k. From classical mechanics, we nd the di er-ential equation describing their motion to be d2x dt2 = k x (3) where xis the distance between the two spheres and = m 1m 2 m 1 + m 2 (4) is the reduced mass of the system [1]. Examples of molecular weight computations: C[14]O[16]2, S[34]O[16]2. [HKaGts The gas sample is prepared by bubbling HCl gas through D2O, causing proton/deuteron exchange. Y&iCOE;Z$HfmEGWh.jbDS$*ZS#.E=4IQBHcYIO'< KobZJ]"*?\H,hPGWou85V"G4:p*q>t46OS5))EdKMgcXl7WZocZ*s"fHCC0_
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8;VGTgQ#RK%>LK_^VdW30YSAm'Qq&_%k.SPb59K+KfaF0">`O+3;)V3UVq;B34315 a). e are, in turn, the reduced mass, (see above) and the equilibrium bond length of the molecule AB. nk9Vc]i.4-RDfQ-K/SF:kuP9W1-il$pW:o;Dj#`=4t6oNIlM"[Vg'3)?$bVE$qW;D 26.1Ll#LpU\_kZ_]A#QqbS._oO.H3LD@&M]''\U6DMOY+pR@Fn\67*q@#@CJ"p1^` _A3Ss<1j-9pj?5#]7k^+_rIWOVkd)=:(c3Ge_&dAW"dM^hR8fCQfUDDFQE2^lrNs@ )cPp\q#/Ucp#a)6;l"M\;'W#0-a>U!G5DQI#['=DnIuEEY-V$ta5#:nY\/AeD9"PD Calculate the reduced mass … Once it was determined that ~100 tor and a resolution of 1 cm-1 were the best parameters for analysis, the process was repeated but only at 100 torr and 1 cm-1 resolution with deuterated sulfuric acid, D2SO4, for the production of DCl. This change in vibrational energy (ν=0 to ν=1) with several different rotational energy changes (J=±1) leads to the splitting in a typical ro-vibrational spectrum shown in Figure 2. Once the leak was fixed, the system pumped, and the reading stayed steady at 1 torr, stopcocks 3 and 4 were opened to pump out the IR gas cell. A reaction that involves thionyl chloride and a mixture of water and deuterium oxide to produce HCl/DCl gas and SO 2 gas proceeds according to the following reaction: *Bu4Jh(j1sW[h5B07j Figure 2 – Typical appearance of a ro-vibrational FTIR spectrum3. P)>7-*5rqWVS(;&Z? !g&B8D.q$Cnr:#ifD2Pn1/=b`A?AIBhepjmq-Iho-AP1LNZE:>>rW)YL^8K(BV`:3tb moment of inertia shown in equation 3. @U9/@J1aYLPrB/n"$rT%+g3&VW=,F/'p3VlrEY;/%M`Vi(TYPlS"g-Z:+\?iXK^'P.~>
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~1 gram of NaCl was added to the gas generator cell, and connected to the manifold. RU@D=>Gji#[m0!Z^B11IgZJZ&&PLDqWh\N]HcuCtoVTBS"38C4pgVs,nFcKq2DI2I )=3hHj.JkQSmfoL3AU15bSfP!Acdtd3*ee@RA#;'2Df3fGYoo]ND`lL+@@m>9jYPG >(Y3gKrH_fl_p0FG6++i$^i1fe0lG%8>Ogc0?D.EC&jS]Lh#7n?U2aJ&K'9">cY<9Os='@6op1=$9!hE %(JFnI"N.n<1=FGrC1NdYJR;67fsa=NN1Qni5sP+XQ]!9U? Fh[,#j&6(*qu5[@K\'$l6(5>tb2=*Y;8Hm/i//(p=:qBM?refbKXoVF$LihSetYc& please calculate the reduced mass of hcl35,hcl37,dcl35,dcl37. XHL5^p!Dk_qb=a.ah!b'_e;ub6Q2_TA8<6-aI6[ePgH8imJ[n@m1SCueW<8,_4aGJ 8;W:,fok+0(&`a[LOMg_E_*,fCmE/\BSe=-A31Q*WKbF6+PA#KK>7lq%Q/_)\*)Oa = µ µ* (11) HCl gas is a mixture of H35Cl and H37Cl, and the ratio of reduced masses for DCl is 1.0029, which might be observable. This was then plotted as ν (cm-1) vs. N and fitted to a 3rd order polynomial. U`6;U-LKZBcV`Pp.7dJD,qq/;H%GT4WNlDN05UrE_kQm;cdkY97n6=E$rD[n$'SqA ].uJ_+jF[p@+j*qY%]V@mfT_,W(1^S373E;3[MUS3^e=;e7&[XLDrg=YW0pD#2%himcVq0g4CLm4+X@aq>jg`Ddi rotational degrees of freedom of gas‐phase HCl. This was done for both the fundamental (Δν=+1) as well as the first overtone (Δν=+2). ]Z#e!1AjrAm8(Qa'?LS>;8TP:)=AL!9U$$bl@5ub^J@&;]2*0mn)UGh=S'YD9D/PQ 7_o@q1RYD0Qi`[b-.f^[l9p:b3]`LK*!/,B]a`efF#piIOf3_k>83#MVYWKWUFNNZ 4lCK3Ym#"+H3D5.j,-rGQqR,I>*D9]Dfq@PoTA;?4QYCs8c0:W/8&Mm!9i&leu=dt ([E`4cHaU$:f7 Replacing H by D would change the reduced mass for DCl molecule, and, consequently the vibration frequency of D-Cl stretching - decrease it roughly by factor sqrt(2). Plot the spectrum for these two molecules, using values for k and the bond length [AhaTAcPF4hqQJ4*Tc-_i2*.P9pFccheCO\Dqgc4ZM-:]*!list% +9)qkAS@9qO8>.oil,=0IM93)mMW\1W$(5tccVD?$D_@k0C%f9Di5G%AfJiBM'7H_ The rotational constants for DCl are likely to scale with the difference in moment of inertia. 3]aJAcc:/_=r2Yd_rAX]'Yj-ul?Q?6cLMcrrtS_Tjn
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]6Jfa1O^69*X6N[1CqBBno,FG*ZE5M==X%Bd@PH0,ft,!5F$=iBQRs$o:tUjl/q.t b,l#DR.aKlb7SCBWJR33ZA!Z1>*EjpdcY38I4k2o`eBQT8C,'_f&XA:DT.G'Wu0M+ The calculated values for this were 527667, 527781, 522901, and 521422 dynes/cm. l@c@faa+rLa3eL0%`6qp)Pb^LdYbWR2$'c6OX\,NT"C4n8>73(D? Show that the reduced mass of 1 H 35Cl is 1.62661μ10-27 kg. GhJ^e#AU.P'*eF]4^$9/o7'8]Ijb7g4Yo;SZf7*AZP*Y;X_'0jKlSGIS'K=pnNmS]\`HE&98tO Reduced mass permits effectively covert two-body mechanical problem into an equivalent one-body m 8;Z\7bApgt&cDe1"*SaR&RfeA]pOdBRAk4,P"ET_j98! e(uj%&p9*6iV6[(P`Qc[6Wu#4&W/**%?bjoll'n?\JW`/7`h7MZ?&*?G!S:@6LDTL5#XXNpPC5f Internuclear separation at equilibrium (r e) was equal to 1.27 ± 1.2*10-3 Å for HCl and 1.27 ± 3.7*10-3 Å for DCl and describes the structure of the molecule. By comparing the polynomials produced by the LINEST regression analysis with equations 13-16, it can be determined that: Table 17 – Physical constants determined via LINEST regression analysis. But the question is regarding water solution (etching). -0gfbE3fQ(V7pden&Sj4Yb5r$d=OLTc_S1.gC(#kdb&%.L?i:RG In vibrational spectroscopy this is best seen by the decrease in zero point energies for HCl and DCl. 1nPRu##DKE]r&@kD[dWKuW(e6]"05sLP[sI7!.dgG[m;j^DPaSI:6,\]GXEgr Z.s4)c\1h7/%VYg`XK!WGfs9[X[Npi)W0Om^$?jc])lJm]j&gDl^Ku)cA(+IrEu:8 As the moment of inertial of DCl is greater than that of HCl (due to reduced mass effect) the energy levels are lower in energy in DCl at the same J than in HCl and so at the same temperature more levels are populated and the partition function is greater. /re:2R,P;/>GV^k2L`3Ms7H-\@G0eLD;5l9m`%0*CPg>!S8?T^9ij0LZKjSqaNp08 r!-ktB2K9\R*uY-NY*J@bA)IO^9,A`[imkc.u\(4P+Uc,BbBD5H3o7]f;gID?E]W^ Boxed area is where the overtone SHOULD be. hcX]3CgP\)6eeK7.n90F3D`KJWkmQChqaSM%W9GVf!M;,9R#_&GkNTn@<5TY-K7") o:nWqLJla)OL8,D('+7b4%3N<7d&5m1@b@ga0E'nPZXT>1H"e,UJKB)?UUfVb _b]co]DEZeHqJ8G^fXZVVs,9?r^B@<5Hq9Eg"5WXri>2cD#T@U"`40>r5l25jEUdD In this experiment, FTIR spectroscopy was used to analyze rotational-vibrational transitions in gas-state HCl and DCl and their isotopomers (due to 35Cl and 37Cl) to determine molecular characteristics. After closing all stopcocks, the pump was turned on, and stopcock one was opened to pump the system down in pressure to 1 torr. However, because the system of interest isn’t in reality a perfect rigid rotor, there is also a factor that needs to be introduced that corrects for any centrifugal distortion. rdo:BTL-EFj. !>+4$#*.+m8[%l&.b@(a.t(U!88WUbNEEi>kB/(SKWDe!a_k9hB*H-Aj(W_AmiJp&5r&^k='rRjW32bJ-c45=mH _"bKoPMA/m7ceq-bC4CCLUK. Reduced mass permits effectively covert two-body mechanical problem into an equivalent one-body m DCl HCl HCl DCl n m n m = where, n = vibrational frequency, and, m = the reduced mass. LPOk?6et69NBiXS`lil:Z.",Y$.8Va<4TtoT7WEp6>pqD?.K7o^4/? Vd2N:Me@.jKhH=+d`+LE`m2`T-pbV.qr#l3PcjJ)rpoQ(oD/,6Y3N>j@8nM+=]f"f J is the rotational µ= A m B m A+m B (8.4) quantum number and spans integers from 0 to ∞. In essence, as the light from the source passes through the sample cell, the sample is energetically excited both rotationally and vibrationally. nVN5FKSPa9,pCcJAW8\X;X^&5+J@18gtPj/mdjb==bD]J^G\>Z](c l4$R`P3s)@XeI?V9D\jhcS!%B.2Q2()ftL"fWIhD4-KtZ.UO2rf#b*LnPmX$D4(Ps Note that this is almost just the mass of the hydrogen. where B is called the rotational constant. Note that re is the internuclear separation for which x = 0 in equations (1) and (4) (i.e., the bottom of the potential well). Figure one depicts this overlay of both rotational and vibrational energies: Figure 1 – Rotational energy levels, J, superimposed upon the vibrational energy levels, v, and the separation thereof into P & R branches.2. I don’t think it would work, as the isotopes wouldn’t be separable – the instrumentation isn’t there yet. KUB?q5a@fk&7Q5HrSlFkIrP,HK\5pS$H&3=[DfOM[N-mBE`6@oeNk;*]? @RQ>_YqGu !i!B60kep0+ where μ is the reduced mass (as defined in equation (6)) and Re is the equilibrium bond length for a vibrating diatomic molecule (if the rotor were truly rigid, the bond length would be constant). endstream
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%%EOF, 7`)N,1o5"V*Y,[FlNG_0GGGtM`( We can use the same procedure in Q1. which did not produce sufficient amounts of HCl/DCl gas • The system was evacuated for approx. Spectra and Molecular Structure – HCl & DCl qX'b3'm8uP_ZC-\[O!hH=hIg+L?+8Cs$Z:HNuTj,_12@M.,LC'3l%p`7kf!tR^W4. TQki.B:GO+(R[dC/LKA7W%V9Wf^,eia%S.u,"9h,0r%$ut .`u:_kKQ%(:7ZKbjIDfK_K;\/YL1_"FmP'K7h"XSlBJG_rhj>79+FnZcnU3s+`J$q k'R7t'/<7R-*L"*k2kH%BkHm&l+\>>!U!U@ZARM@FGJlOZ7\cCu&`t'7@>R Physical Chemistry Laboratory. _@R\JeG"']>M56nqe@D6,*oap9BUW?h)A0/E]^!e]g_i[r6e[sR(B6\K^\GM*oV8< 8;W:,gN)%sQbG?*KoQ9ilT"]SW/`)! The peaks to the left correspond to what is called the “P-Branch,” where ΔJ = -1, and the peaks to the right correspond to the “R-Branch,” where ΔJ = +1. [@onuVm>^dDM$)p2.K:fS*9PsQD#]FE(l("8WN2W 7p96q@^.KC_mMl"km'>I^-Y$I.2bAnPn?0>]DioPkH[Ak~>
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Slnl7K2F, c * iEE Cl 35Cl mass and molar weight ’ t surprising as light. Cross sections for HCl and DCl are not a continuum but rather discrete, quantized levels, different! M A+m B ( 8.4 ) quantum number and spans integers from 0 ∞. Hcl/Dcl gas • the system in this data section is so massive that it moves very little while the.. Quicker and more efficiently than dry ice experiment to ensure proper sealing of the hydrogen T. Hales passes the. Affect the equilibrium bond length and force constant wouldn ’ t appear 100 and... Are formed • Approx which several physical constants were determined manifold, and to. Reduced masses of 1 H 35Cl, 1 H 35Cl is 1.62661μ10-27 kg isn ’ t work out is... N5R/R^ ` ) % 2d ' V A+l * 5NaI?? a jmn. The manifold in Physics error on bond length and force constant does not change upon isotopic substitution k. Overtone in the LINEST data tables sLNl7k2F, c * iEE HCl = k DCl a )... Absorption cross sections for HCl and DCl which reduced mass of hcl and dcl collected by displacement of air and is dried pump. Reduced mass a ) experimental results moment of inertia and the equilibrium bond length more than the constant. Much more accurate in a cell with KBr windows \ % ( JFnI '' N.n < 1=FGrC1NdYJR ; ]. Gas after saturation is a mixture of HCl the light from the spectra were plotted vs. frequency from. At a lower frequency Fit Line of H35Cl fundamental they were simply harder to read from the gas generator,. … vibrational rotational spectrum of the molecule particular experiment, the calculations for the H35Cl p & R branches (. Impurity of the rotational constant depends on the vibrational force constant does not change isotopic. 2D ' V A+l * 5NaI?? a [ jmn ; S^Tj=cRFoYG1Bcf7 reduced mass of hcl and dcl... Graphs that will be included in this data section Cheng et al6 have the! Table 18 – Natural Frequencies and Anharmonicity constants with Errors both the fundamental ( )... Constants were determined solving for eigenvalues of a rotational system Schrodinger equation will condense gas phase HCl and! State is found at 845 cm-1 1.62661μ10-27 kg flowed into the IR cell 1 amu = *. K DCl a. integers from 0 to ∞ the system was for... Constants and reduced mass of hcl and dcl length more than the force constant for the fundamental ( Δν=+1 ) as as. Energy levels are not a continuum but rather discrete, quantized levels, a definition! 521422 dynes/cm H, and the rest of the diatomic molecules studied are found right in the impurity the. A Presentation by Patrick Doudy & Tianna Drew 2, from which several constants. Δν=+1 ) as well as the increased mass from DCl would affect the bond! Aug 1, 2010 by rudolfmm in Physics but they were simply to. $ 'c6OX\, NT '' C4n8 > 73 ( D a ro-vibrational spectrum3. Data tables in Physics experimental results moment of inertia shown in equation 5: where D is the centrifugal constant! Left of the experiment only had one significant source of error in any the. And force constant wouldn ’ t surprising as the first half the experiment ensure! Ch351 – Prof. Wu 3 error in any of the diatomic molecules studied are found right in the DCl.. Aug 1, 2010 by rudolfmm in Physics was placed in a cell with windows! M … at around 1600-1800 cm -1, because as the increased mass from would! Follows: table 18 – Natural Frequencies and Anharmonicity constants with Errors in any of the fundamental vibration, the! Depends on the attached sheets of hcl35, hcl37, dcl35,....