Nicolas Auguin 1 David Morales 1 Matthew Mckay 1 Romain Couillet 2 Détails. An estimated 36.7 million people worldwide were living with HIV in 2016, while around one million people died from Aids-related illnesses in that year alone, according to UNAids. Here are the most popular tips to help you stay awake! 2 L2S - Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes Abstract: Robust high dimensional covariance estimators are considered, comprising regularized (linear shrinkage) modifications of Maronna's classical M-estimators. [+] Speaker: Prof. Matthew McKay (HKUST) (June 12, 2020, 10:00am) Title : Computational approaches for guiding rational vaccine design: Case studies in HCV, HIV, and COVID-19 ( DataSci ) Abstract : This talk will describe how computational modelling and high-dimensional statistics can aid the rational design of vaccines. The HKPFS provides a generous stipend and travel support to its awardees, in order to attract the best and brightest students from all around the world to pursue their PhD in Hong Kong. Prof. Matthew MCKAY Elected 2021 IEEE Fellow 23/12/2020 Prof. Pascale Fung is recognized for her significant contributions toward statistical NLP, comparable corpora, and building intelligent systems that can understand and empathize with humans. PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates and have completed PDEV 6770 or other professional development courses offered by the University before may be exempted from taking PDEV 6770, subject to prior approval of the School. 2011-07-08. Center for Education Innovation. The awardees were selected by the Research Award Committee which was chaired by Prof Joseph Lee, HKUST Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. HKUST Professors' Breakthrough Research Work in Electronic Communications Win Prestige IEEE Awards . The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's engineering professors Matthew McKay and Bing Zeng from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering were recently awarded the 2011 Stephen O Rice Prize in the Field of Communications Theory and the 2011 … HKUST professor Matthew MCKAY said: “While an effective SARS vaccine was never formally released, a lot of experiments had been done to identify SARS epitopes that can induce an immune response in humans. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "The Emotional Characteristics of Western Orchestral Instruments with Different Pitch and Dynamics" By Miss Hiu Ting CHAN Abstract: Recent research has shown that different musical instrument sounds have strong emotional characteristics. According to the HKUST, “Scientists have been drawing on previous data and knowledge of the SARS virus in search of a way to crack SARS-CoV-2.” “With many highly-qualified nominees who are top scholars in their fields, the selection process had been competitive and rigorous. This work presents theoretical advances in the field of high-dimensional random matrix theory and, in particular, of relevance to the applied statistics community. Prof. Matthew McKay, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Quadeer, and Mr. Syed Faraz Ahmed, PhD student – recently identified a set of potential vaccine targets.