A rich and well-draining soil encourages best performance of the plants. http://www.gardengatemagazine.com/articles/how-to/start-seeds/how-to-harvest-and-plant-milkweed-seeds/, How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings. The brown dried pod in the upper left is just beginning to split open  —  perfect to harvest the seed. Any ideas on how to plant that many at one time?

  • Is it possible to take the milkweed seeds that I have collected and am not going to plant and instead of cold stratifying them in the refrigerator put them in plastic bags outside but inside a plastic storage bench? Just be sure to poke holes in the containers so excess water can drain off. They were outside all winter and both resulted in many healthy plants. Plant into containers, if desired, and place under a grow light inside about six weeks before soil temperatures outside have warmed. Plus, diversity is best for a healthy garden. Seeds from some species require cold stratification, so if you let the seeds disperse they will sit dormant in the garden until spring. “Native milkweeds simply don’t do well in containers,” said George Cates, seed wrangler at the seed farm and land restoration company in the Hill Country town of Junction. thanks Thanks so much, Nina.

  • Hi Tony!

    The pods on both my milkweed and butterfly weed plants are beginning to open so I’ve gently tied them shut in order so the seeds won’t fly away. Growing plants from seed are one of the most economical ways to add plants to your garden. Transplant outside when the ground warms. I used your technique above (along with several pods which I simply let fly wherever they wanted). Tropical will overwinter indoors easily. good luck!

  • I have many milkweed plants in my garden which seem to naturally increase each year. My question is, since most of our plants are either in large containers or 4 x 2 boxes, can the milkweed be planted in a large container? good luck!

  • going to try to plant some seeds today have lots and lots of seeds, i already put some in the ground the ? I had 100 Monarchs this year and had to pay about $300 to buy more milkweed from our 2 local vendors. There is no special equipment, and there are no little pots and flats to mess with. I will also plant a few outside in Nov like you said.