Female bears are often very aggressive towards other female bears as well as male bears, protecting their food territory for their young. Black Bears are solitary creatures that naturally prefer to live in the forest away from the human population, although don’t let their shyness give you any false sense of security. Asiatic black bear Southeast Asia and East Asia are home to three bear species: 1) the sloth bear of the Indian subcontinent; 2) sun bears (also known as Malayan bears) of southern Asia; and 3) moon bears (also known as Asiatic black bears) bears of Asia. BEARS . nature vs. nurture satirical essay jane eyre white privilege procrastination interview critical domestic violence sociological imagination conclusion friends poet christmas civil disobedience textual analysis. The American black bear is considered a threatened species in some areas. Privacy black bear characteristics. North American Black Bear Physical Characteristics Colour. One of the more notable facts about this species is that they are excellent climbers, even when cubs. of rest, though they may wake if disturbed. By this time they have full coats (usually each coat of the cubs varies in color shade,) the cubs are more physically active and very playful. The average cub litter size is 1 to 3. The Black Bear’s natural diet can consist of berries, nuts, roots, pinecones, pine seeds, fir needles, leaves, huckleberries, beechnuts, acorns, hickory nuts, honey and over 50 varieties of plant, not to mention the insects. During winter they mostly sleep but not a true hibernation. When hiking it is a good idea to "announce" your presence by making noise. An average adult male weighs about 300 pounds while females average about 170 pounds. ract:eristics of black bears (Ursus americanus) were studied in west-central Idaho during 1973-77. Black Bears usually begin breeding between 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 years of age. They will then charge to within 3 to 20 feet away from their suspect, slap one or both feet on the ground making a loud huffing noise. In other areas they are actively hunted and are subject to open "hunting seasons". Black bear: characteristics . A “Bear Safety” feature is included in our Blue Ridge Highlander’s “Black Bears of the Blue Ridge Smoky Mountains.”. Their scent can also show signs of gender, it can send out mating offers and express emotions such as fear. There are 80 different North American Bear species; many of these are considered variants of the brown and grizzly bear. After undertaking an assessment of the hair collected from the crime scene, we observed the following morphological characteristics; the form of the hair was curly and the color was black. Since bears like to hunt fish they are not shy of water. •The lips of the black bear are free from the gums, and the bear uses them and their long, agile tongue to eat such foods as … Policy. It’s only natural for Black Bears to live a long healthy life in the wilderness they inhabit: yet bear-human conflicts due to food sources and encroachment have interfered with the natural design of the bears plan, creating endangerment and decline for these Southern Appalachian Bear residents. Their keen sense of smell gives them much information about their environment and foods they eat. They make use of their body fat and do not eat or pass any wastes. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a medium-sized bear native to North America.It is the continent's smallest and most widely distributed bear species. Black Bears have often been wrongly considered to be sluggish and oblivious to what going on around them. Black bear anatomy includes a straight face and flat shoulders. This gland guides the cubs to the proper things to eat and verifies they are eating the same as their mothers are. The largest black bear ever recorded in North America weighed 880 pounds and lived in North Carolina. Momma bears teach her cubs how to select specific foods to eat, such as berries, nuts, wild plants and the proper way to burrow for small animals. Baby cubs are also voracious eaters. If necessary she will rightfully drive her cubs away before the coming of her every other year mating season. Black bears are large - They have erect, rounded ears; a long, narrow, brown muzzle; and a short tail. Custom «Characteristics of a Black Bear» Essay Paper essay. They prefer to pursue small critters like squirrels, chipmunks, woodchucks, mice, pack rats, and any other mammal that burrow. The American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) also known as the North American black bear is the most common bear species native to North America.It lives throughout much of the continent, from northern Alaska south into Mexico and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.This includes 41 of the 50 U.S. states, all Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island, and portions of northern … Though male bears usually mature a few months after female, some male bears can breed as early as 1 1/2 years old. They will often be seen running away from house cats. It has ears that are often pointed and a short tail. Black bears also like salmon and other kinds of fish and will hunt for small mammals if available where they live. Mother bears communicate their authority to their cubs using verbal grunts and hard cuffs of their paws. The mother will usually mate every 2 years but frequency depends on food resources, age, environment, and habitat density. The black bear is a bulky and thickset mammal. Standing on their hind legs they range from 5 to 6 feet in height and 3 feet at shoulder. Black bear facts. Female Black Bears, known as “sows,” mate once every two years, males mate annually. It is forbidden to place a nutritive substance as bait to trap black bear, depending on the UGAFs, during the periods mentioned in the following table: UGAF. Their front footprints have an oval base with a curved toe line. Information about black bear hibernation suggests they enter a partial state of the process. Anything they can eat! The black bear is very adaptable. That they lack intelligence, have poor hearing and eyesight and can be fiercely aggressive. They collect grass and leaves to pad their dens. Black bear anatomy includes a … Their powerful hind legs add to their speed and climbing strength and they have excellent balance, a trait they learned as cubs. They have behavioral adaptations too, like being very timid. Records of human attacks are rare. The mating ritual of Black Bears consist of male bears rubbing against trees, stripping off tree bark, biting trees or other wood surfaces in order set a scent that will attract female bears. Today, the grizzly bear remains in a few isolated locations in … On average, Black bears in the southern mountains range for females, 250 to 300 pounds and male 300 to 400 pounds. 4. Even if you see a cub left on their own, chances are the mother could be lurking close by and will perform a mock-attack or an actual attack if she senses danger. Over the next three years they will grow to their full adult weight, totally maturity at about 4 years old. I wouldn’t try waking one, and you should never count on them not being aware of your presence while they are sleeping. The females have much smaller ranges. PDF | Two geographically discrete populations of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Idaho were studied during 1973-76. In fact they are protected in the states of Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi. They put on weight quickly. When in danger or hunting for prey they have the ability to burst into running mode with speeds up to 25 to 30mph. CHARACTERISTICS. Pandas are the only bears that lack this Kilham Gland; pandas only eat bamboo limiting their need to explore other food groups. Though Black Bears do have large teeth they are considered too lazy when it comes to big game hunting, such as deer. Black Bears reach full maturity between 2 to 5 years of age and can live well into their 30’s under normal, natural condition. Lost habitats have put serious pressure on some bears that are left with little patience due to shrinking food resources, most typical Black Bears find avoiding people to be a much easier solution, some bears just don’t know any better. Black Bears go into a winter sleep though their body temperature and metabolism stay near normal. A male American black bear, for instance, may roam an area of about 15 to 75 square miles (40 to 200 square kilometers). A thriving black bear population reflects overall health in the forest. * Brown Bear * Kodiak Bear * Sun Bear * Kermode Bear * Sloth Bear * Moon Bear * Spectacled Bear * Bear Cruelty *. They also eat ants, grubs, termites, beetles, and other insects. They have black colored fur, and lighter brown colored muzzles with black noses and a black stripe up the top of the muzzle. In fact wolves are weary of bears who monitor their hunting activities. Often momma bear likes to play with her cubs in their games showing her love and affection to her offspring. 2. At times when the mother needs to forage for her young cubs without their interference, she’ll send her cubs up a nearby tree in a good feeding area, keeping a close eye on her cubs. Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Color: Varies from pure black to brown, cinnamon, or blonde; in the Rocky Mountains, approximately 50% are black with a light brown muzzle; Height: About 3 ft (0.9 m) at the shoulder; Weight: Male: 210-315 lbs (95-143 kg); Female: 135-160 lbs (61-73 kg) Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) Thanks to conservation efforts their population in some areas, such as California, are on the increase. black bear characteristics Essay Examples. If given the opportunity they will attack (or threaten) other predators to scavenge their prey. They may be called black bears, but their coat can be blue-gray or blue-black, brown and even sometimes white! Bears climb trees for safety, to rob beehives, to look around, to take a nap or just for the sake of it. Black; Tan; Dark Brown; Skin Type Fur Top Speed 30 mph Lifespan 15 - 30 years Weight 100kg - 270kg (220lbs - 594lbs) Height 1.3m - 1.8m (4.25ft - 6ft) Age of Sexual Maturity 4 - 6 years Age of Weaning 6 - 8 months On average, Black bears in the southern mountains range for females, 250 to 300 pounds and male 300 to 400 pounds. Males can be up to 70 percent heavier than females. At the top of the food chain they are not picky about their diet. In other areas they are actively hunted and are subject to open "hunting seasons". Approximately 150 cm long and with a height at the shoulder that varies from 100 to 120 cm, an adult black bear has a moderate-sized head with a rather straight facial profile and a tapered nose with long nostrils. A bear might attack if they feel their cubs are in danger, if the bear feels personally threatened or if it’s a habitual bear looking for human food and is willing to take what it wants. Bears * About Us * Contact Us * Bear Cruelty. Top Tag’s. It’s best to remember that Black Bears can run at speeds up to 30-miles an hour, climbing a tree won’t help you, bears are great climbers and water won’t help you either, black bears are good swimmers. Depending on the ground surface their claws may not be visible making specie information more difficult. Adult male Black Bears will devour cubs that wander away from their mothers or cubs separated due to their mother’s unexpected death. Huge bears tend to be male. Male bears leave the females after mating providing no assistance to the mother or cubs welfare. map... Sign A Black bear living under normal conditions can live well into their 30’s while bears living nearer to human population live an average of 25% or less time due to dangers of human/bear conflict and obtainable garbage. They grip their prey with their sharp teeth or claws. The black bear’s coat has lots of layers of shaggy fur, which keeps it warm in cold winter months. Cubs remain with their mothers throughout the first year, and will den with momma bear the following winter. Larger claims in populated areas such as California have been made but never substantiated. Read our other Tales within the Black Bears of the Blue Ridge Smoky Mountains, Sign The American black bear is the smallest North American bear. They begin climbing as cubs and continue all their lives. The attacks were credited to too much rural development along the perimeter areas of the mountains and national forest areas near where the attacks took place. Of the grand total of 37 bears, 12 were harvested on the Wycoff Run study area, six in each year. What do they like to eat? Everything, that’s why it’s dangerous for them to create a habitat near humans. Physical and Behavioral Characteristics. They are extremely shy creatures not necessarily ferocious by nature. Their territory is greatly reduced in Mexico. Historic information suggests black bear habitat included most of North America including Alaska, Canada, almost all of the lower 48 United States, and Mexico. If that doesn’t intimidate, the bear then makes rapid snaps of its jaw and pops it lips together. Female Black Bears tend to stay in more confined familiar areas, knowing what’s commonly available for their cub’s provisions and a familiar den. Black Bear Ursus americanus Context. An actual hibernation consists of lower body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure. Black Bears of the Southern Appalachian’s (Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains) are more active during winter season due to the warmer southern climate. At its normal pace black bears waddle slowly and casually. To put their speed in perspective, bears can run 15 meters per second (50 feet per second). And what do they like to smell the most? Your e-mail addresses will not be sold or given away to anyone. In fact, a bear can outrun a race horse over short distances, but has little endurance. Most reliable way to distinguish a Black Bear skeleton from that of a Grizzly Bear: (Gordon 1977) Grizzly's 1st molar in lower jaw is longer than 20.4 mm (.8 in) and wider than 10.5 mm (.4 in) Other good ways to distinguish Black and Brown Bears: Grizzly has shoulder hump; Black Bear doesn't The medulla structure of the hair was vacuolated: it had a combination of large and small holes. They are quite intelligent and curious. At maturity they can weigh as little a 200 pounds to as much as 600 pounds. They mostly eat grasses, herbs and fruit, but will sometimes eat other things, including fish. They just prefer easy resources, plus they’re good fishing mammals due to their excellent front paw dexterity. After roughly 8 to 10 weeks, the cubs weigh about 5 pounds and can journey out of the den with their mother. Relatively little is known about these bears. The American black bear is considered a threatened species in some areas. Though most commonly considered black in color they are actually color phases of the blue-black, cinnamon or blue-gray glacier bear. Black bear cubs leave small prints with no claw indentations. They will eat field grasses, roots, tubers, nuts, berries of all kinds, fruits, and other foods. Black Bear cubs weigh about 15 pounds at six months and will need to gain at least an additional 25 pounds in order to properly den with their mother for winter hibernation or deep sleep. At that point they venture on to live on their own. Yellowstone is home to two species of bears: grizzly bears and black bears. Brown and American black bears are generally diurnal, meaning that they are active for the most part during the day, though they may forage substantially by night. •They have a keen sense of smell (a bear's sense of smell is seven times greater than a bloodhound's) and good hearing. If there is water where they live they will exploit it for food. 1. Though their curiosity may spark encounters, black bear attacks are … They are very strong with recorded cases of a black bear turning over 300 pound rocks with a single foreleg. Fur color can vary from black to chocolate brown with gray combinations. Black Bears have great paw dexterity with their front feet, allowing them to be firm and gentle. They make their way up the tree in a spiral motion before descending rump first until their bottoms make contact with the forest floor. 5. American black bears are omnivores, with their diets varying greatly depending on season and location.They typically live in largely forested areas but will leave forests in search of food. 1 to 5, 7 to 37, 41 to 49, 51 to 55 and 70 to 86: July 1 to August 31 : The Black Bear’s nose and ears are comparable to a dog’s keen sense, and their sight is as good as a monkey. An attempt was made to correlate selected measured characteristics of black bears with their ages. Black bears are highly dexterous, capable of opening screw-top jars and manipulating door latches. * BearLife.org * Polar Bears * Panda Bear * Koala * Grizzly Bear * Black Bear * Red Panda * Their ears are large and erect. Bears are fast; they can run more than 60 kilometers an hour (37 mph) – that’s twice as fast as an Olympic sprinter. Characteristics. The warmer southern Appalachian’s (southern Blue Ridge Smoky Mountain) regions may cause mother bears to be more alert and aware when giving birth. Female bears will rub against trees or other wood surfaces to make known their intentions for mating, staying close to their bait per-se for the arrival of male bears. A pregnant sow will gain an additional 30 to 50 % of her body weight eating as much as 4 times the normal. Although there is a drop in body temperature, metabolic rate, and heart rate, they can awaken from their sleep to defend their cubs or ward off attacks if necessary. They use their claws like fingers when they eat. These Black Bears have lost most of their fear of humans; they can be very persistent beggars. Black bears are found in most forested areas from Mexico north to the edge of the tree line in Canada and Alaska. Toes are spread out. In the eastern third of North America, the majority of black bears are a deep black color, and about a quarter of them sport a white chest blaze. They more often use the same mock behavior for both defensive and offensive encounters. They live in many different habitats are not picky about what they eat. Black bears are carnivorous though it makes up only a small portion of their diet. The tail is very short and inconspicuous. Of the two species, black bears have a much larger range across the United States. Panhandling bears are technically referred to as “habitual bears” and always a problem all their own. Cubs from 1 to 3 per litter are born in winter dens from mid January to mid February and weigh about 8 ounces or more and are totally dependent on their mothers. This is particularly true in soils that have a fair amount of sand such as grounds near lakes and rivers where they hunt for fish. Habitat distribution information suggests about 55% live in Canada, 40% live in the United States, and 5% are in Mexico (accurate population facts south of Mexico unknown). At eighteen months the cubs begin their journeys, exploring their independence, establishing a future range of their own for breeding and feeding purposes. Trees or man-made structures can retain the scent for 3 or 4 weeks. Always exercise caution if you come across a Black Bear in the wild, when disturbed they can be highly unpredictable. Within the roof of the cub’s mouth is a gland called the Kilham Gland. The black bear is the smallest of the three species of bears inhabiting North America (black, brown/grizzly, and polar), has the widest distribution on the continent, and is the only bear living in the eastern United States.. Brandon could barely hold this healthy yearling. Unlike their big cousin the grizzly bear, black bears are exceptionally good at climbing trees and will sometimes rest on strong limbs. The following spring its time for the litter to leave momma bear and set out on their own. The further west you go, the more likely it is you could see brown, cinnamon, tan or blonde black bears. Black bears in the west may be cinnamon brown, and in parts of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory in Canada the black bear may even be silver-gray or white. Black Bears rarely attack, and have a long history of not harming humans in the Blue Ridge, Smoke Mountains region, yet in 2006 two hikers on two separate occasions were fatally mauled, an unusual and unfortunate occurrence. The difference in male/female weight can be up to 25% to 30%. Your e-mail addresses will not be sold or given away to anyone. Black bear Characteristics. When confronted, a typical mock-heroic charge consists of sniffing the air with a fixed stare straight ahead. While in the trees, the cubs observe their domain, play and often take naps. Mother bears will protect their cubs to their very end and should never be approached under any circumstances. to find out first about our new feature stories, road trips and special offers American black bears are eating machines and are mostly vegetarian. Like humans, Black Bears are omnivorous, enjoying a large diet. The American black bear is the world’s most common bear species. Human attacks are rare. Black bears prefer to live in dense forests where there is a variety of food to eat and they can raise their cubs. Comparable to both dogs and cats, bears have the ability to sense a present danger up to a mile away and like the feline and K9 crowd, black bears can sense friend or foe more by what they can smell, than see. Black Bear Facts. Many facts including growth rate, habitat, time of year, diet, and gender determine how big a bear will grow. They also dine on carpenter ants from wood logs, grasshoppers, termites, yellow jacket and their nests and ant’s from anthills. They can run for short distances only. At this stage of exodus from the mother’s den the cubs have grown into what is called a “yearling,” no longer a cub and not quite an adult yet old enough to live on their own. up for the Blue Ridge Highlander Newsletter, Messages from the Mountains Their nose is their guide; Black Bears have an exceptional sense of smell. Cub training begins at this stage of growth, learning what to eat, how to climb trees and they even learn to swim. Black Bears, also known as the American Bear (Ursus Americanus), are the most common single bear species. The black bear is large and stocky and has a short tail. The oldest animal encountered was a female,number 67-108,killed on the study area during the 1967 season and aged at 20.75 years. In fact their baby cubs take to the water quickly. The only color highlights on their mostly dark fur are brown patches on their face and sometimes white chest markings. Babies are born blind. During her 3 weeks of heat she is likely to breed with several male bears. But this smaller bear is very shy and generally avoids confrontations. One life long pleasure for all Black Bears is climbing trees. Invaders are run off by the more aggressive mother, the less aggressive mother will usually take to a nearby tree with her cubs for safety sake in order to avoid a fight or having her cubs hurt. Their individual scent makes each bear aware of another bear’s personal foraging area, it tells bears which other bears to avoid. All bears, mothers bears included, have excellent dexterity within their paws, both firm and soft. up for the Blue Ridge Highlander Newsletter, Messages from the Mountains The mother spends the following year and a half weaning, feeding, and teaching her cubs what to eat and how to survive. In their search for food in their habitat they can cross ponds, lakes, and rivers to get to better feeding grounds (including campgrounds, lodges, and resorts). up for the Blue Ridge Highlander Newsletter, Messages from the Mountains, Great Mountain Attractions and Destinations, Magazine, Virtual Tours and Scenic Road Trips, Living Green and Eco Friendly in the Mountains, Mysteries, Myths and Legends in the Mountains, Conference, Meeting and Retreat Facilities, Theatre • Concerts • Mountain Entertainment, Blue Ridge Highlander Mountain Emporium and Art Gallery, Artists, Art Galleries and Art Associations in the Mountains, Museums, History and Culture in the Mountains, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams in the Mountains. It is usually black with a tan muzzle and a white patch on its chest. Today their home range territory is mostly in Alaska and Canada. These bears are medium-sized and black or brown in color with a brownish snout. But they have adapted to many different habitats. The bear will then either repeat all the same gesture as before or more often the bear will veer off the charge and run to a safer area, or in the worse case scenario, complete his or her intent if they feel they are being physically threatened. As intelligence goes some scientist believe they’re nearly as bright as primates. With anthills they put their paw out along the anthill and allow the ants to cover their paws then lick the ants up. The sad fact is that many baby cubs will not reach adulthood due to hunting and attacks from predators. Black Bear cubs learn what’s proper to eat, and what’s poison, by sniffing their mother’s breath to determine what they should consume. American Black Bears will hibernate in the winter so that they don’t die from lack of food and the cold. The head is small but is supported by a strong neck. This isn’t to say a bear won’t chase down a deer if it’s hungry enough, using their 30 mph speed. In the wild they eat a mostly 80% vegetarian diet though they are also classified as carnivores due to the basis of their tooth structure and a appetite for small mammals and fish when they can catch them. They go “dormant” during the winter months. Black bears can remain dormant for up to 5 months in winter. Other species may be nocturnal, active at night, though female sloth bears with cubs may feed more at daytime to avoid competition from conspecifics and nocturnal predators. Most of this weight is gained in the fall, preparing for winter hibernation or deep sleep. North American Black bears like to swim. Black bears are shy and normally avoid people. about black bears specifically in New York State www.bear.org The North American Bear Center offers a wealth of online information about black bears. A Black Bear’s scent is like their personal trademark, its how they communicate with each other. up for the Blue Ridge Highlander Newsletter, Messages from the Mountains, Sign American black bears are found in Canada, Mexico and North America. Breeding season begins each July followed by a gestation of 7 months, most cubs are delivered from mid January to mid February; litters consist of 1 to 3 cubs. While other subspecies of the American black bear can have different coat colors from black to blonde to cinnamon, Florida black bears are black … During this early period of cub development, the cubs wrestle, tumble, run, play tag and love to climb trees, developing their sense of coordination and building their strength. Characteristics The Black Bear physically has thick claws that allow them to climb trees and escape predators. A black bear baby weighs between one half to one pound at birth. Adults range from 1.5 to 1.8 metres (5 to 6 feet) in length and weigh 90–270 kg (200–600 pounds). The sound of their voice expresses how they feel such as happy, sad, angry, fretful or alarmed. to find out first about our new feature stories, road trips and special offers. They may become protective if cubs are present and may bluff intruders with fake charges. The smell of available food, whether it’s fresh or disposed garbage, can cause them to turn from beggars to demanders, a serious concern for wild life management and humans. In the continental United States they live in less than 20% of their original range. Some species of bears, including Asiatic black bears and sun bears, are also threatened by the illegal wildlife trade. In fact they are protected in the states of Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi. They will nurse the mother who is often barely aware of their cubs feeding during their hibernation period. Black bears are one of the more common species in North America. The reason for their general slow moving lumbering gait is a result of their hindquarters being longer in portion to their front limbs. There are also brown bears in the Himalayas, northern China, Mongolia, Japan and Russia. Mothers use their paws to inform her cubs of her approval as well as disapproval. If you encounter a standing black bear, it is not threatening you. Interested in your business being on the Highlander, click here... Let our visitors tell you about the Highlander... Click the feathers to go to the Highlander site Black bears are not true hibernators. Description of the Black Bear Black bears are, you guessed it, black! Scent isn’t the only way they express their emotions. Black bears come in more colors than any other North American mammal. Long, curved front claws are adapted for climbing (Davis and Schmidly, 1994). Click the feathers to go to the Highlander site Their scent derives from their fur, which is transferred onto anything they come into contact with. 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