That is itself a gift of the Holy Spirit working in you. He opened God's word and spoke words of life to me. Suddenly I felt desperate to know him. God bless you rhoda and keep you close to His heart! You're truly a natural writer. Vss. This time of Communion, which can be half an hour or longer in some parishes, can be used as a time of personal retreat, to pray to the Lord on your own behalf, as well as for those who are receiving. 27-33  ...[32] He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”. 20-21  Then the LORD said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous [21] that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. 6:12 And it was told king David, saying, The LORD hath blessed the house of Obededom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God. Summary: In Genesis 18 the patriarch Abraham has a dramatic personal encounter with God. My father was not a man to be admired or trusted. personal encounter with god meaning. I long for it and know that this time on Earth, though the days are filled with trials and tribulations, is temporary. Now I know why. Vs. 1  The LORD appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. I look forward to see where yoru writing journey takes you. You are my sister and I look forward to meeting you someday .. probably beyond the blue in a place Jesus has gone to prepare for us. He is so opposite of my earthly Dad. Even today I struggle with the natural inclination to draw away from God when life gets hard or painful. "The LORD is merciful and gracious; slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son...”. Blessings. It’s good to be aware that “personal encounter with Jesus Christ” is a sort of shorthand that, when examined closely, can describe everything from extraordinary “Road to Emmaus” moments, to moments of emotional conviction (as I had as a teenager), to the conscious acceptance that Christ lived, died, and rose for you, personally. Ps. I must apologize because I read over this hub and it is not the hub about my high school boyfriend and God's miraculous guidance to a Christian school and then to meet my husband. November 26, 2016 0. Your Mom and Dad sound like the BEST parents ever. I look forward to knowing you better here on the hubs! When my father's anger was sparked - look out! Don’t fear the encounter. But my pulling away proves me wrong. You are already way ahead of many. It must be a lonely life feeling that you have no one to turn to, no one to carry you when you cannot carry yourself. I knew my parents loved me, and I knew I belonged in their family, and they raised me well, but I still didn't feel like I really belonged anywhere.........until I accepted Christ. She seeks to walk close to him by studying the word of God. Thanks for your encouraging words and for your life testimony! I must be a better writer than I thought... Ha Ha. Personal Encounter with God Before going up to the House of Bethal, Penang Hill. 4-5  Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. Have a Happy New Years dear skye.. and keep holding on to the one who never lets go... Love to YOU dear girl. We often fear what we don’t understand. I was thinking that if there really was a God there had to be a way I could know for sure. ", Vss. His meeting with God provides us with a wealth of insights into. Forgiveness Heals God commands us to forgive as He forgives us. What a wonderful story. My Personal Encounter with the Manifest Presence of God - The Beginnings - [Last Update 6-30-04] The Page Will Take Time to Load-It is a Long Page but It's Worth the Wait Song now playing "My Place in This World-Michael W. Smith" from NewSongOnline Awesome; praise Him! But for those of us raised by earthly fathers who had no use or time for God, (I only heard God's name used in a series of cuss words) the ability to see God and his true attributes is almost impossible. 1 Samuel 3:7. Break away from past hurts and press into the One who wants a personal encounter with you. The thing is---my Mom had grown up without any Christian influence except her grandfather, the only person who ever taught her about God and to read the Bible. She once told me she couldn't recall ever having received a hug from her own mother. Susan Ream (author) from Michigan on May 25, 2010: Dear drmbyrd, thank you for sharing your love and faith in God. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him. I continue to seek God's will in my life and He fills me with purpose and joy. I believe God spoke to me through this article. I see you know your Bible .. and you say you know God too .. what a beautiful story! I think most of us relate to God (our Heavenly Father) with our earthly father examples. My whole world and direction in life changed. The relationship between my mom and dad was hostile and ugly. Devotional “About eight days later Jesus took Peter, John, and James up on a mountain to pray. Christ appeared to him and confirmed it with another visitation several days later. In my childhood translation, God couldn’t, or wouldn’t help me. Hey, don't worry; I found your other hub and I read it; it's wonderfully written as well; You rock; God bless you sister! Oryou can post the link on your socialmedia (Facebook, Twitter, etc. God is so GOOD and has worked so many miracles in my life. His meeting with God provides us with a wealth of insights into who God is and how He relates to us humans. I kept my line open for direct communication with the Creator. He spoke to me before I was 4yrs old. Chibuzo Melvin Mobis from Nigeria on March 12, 2010: "Seek and you shall find",he said. Pentecostal Sermons and Bible Studiesby Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D. :0). I feel so sorry for those people who do not know Him. Susan Ream (author) from Michigan on February 25, 2013: Brenda, your enthusiasm for my story has touched my heart deeply. Thank You Lord. Charles Spurgeon tells of a man who once went to a chapel to listen to the singing, but he didn’t want to hear the preaching. Man, I was covered in goosebumps and my heart leapt for joy! Yes that's the best anyone could want! This hub will help you break through the chains of anger and bitterness. Instead of trying to make a tangible encounter with God happen, prepare yourself for when God decides manifest his presence to you. I receive that in gratitude. As I grew into my early teen years I began to think that life was a real bummer. He was walking towards me and spoke to me. Just sunday evening I was asking GOD making questions pertaining things going on in my life, I believe some of those questions got answered reading your article, Thank You. In the Bible we have the accounts of Jesus when he walked the earth and a description of him and what he did during his time on earth ... remember when Jesus said "suffer not the little children to come unto me .. for such is the kingdom of Heaven." God Bless Dad Haworth for answering the call... Susan Ream (author) from Michigan on December 28, 2009: Thanks for stopping by Coolmon - I trust you were blessed! The old feelings of abandonment and distrust try to take precedence over what I know to be true about God. I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness". It has been said that a person's opinions and views about God are closely associated with their relationship to and experience with their earthly father, I believe that is true. ..not just belonged but adopted into God's family - God calls me daughter. Personal Encounter with God In my earlier blogs, I tried to draw a distinction between the different ways in which we can know things, whether knowing is intellectual or personal. RevLady from Lantana, Florida on January 07, 2010: MeKenzie, thank you so much for inviting to read this hub. I agree that teaching children the song ... yes, Jesus Loves Me .. could change the direction of many lives. Vss. Your personal encounter with Jesus will change you so much that people will start to note the change. April 30, 2019. What I did not write in this hub is that my Dad came to know the Lord later in his life. In fact, He was the creator of the whole universe ...'I knew it!' When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. Bless YOU and your clear godly insight here .. "it is important that we share Him every time we can. You see I was raised by a stepfather who had a very dark side. I'm so glad that each of us Christians have a story to tell; who knows which one will reach what person somewhere down the road. No one ever talked to me about God and I never went to Church, except on occasions when a friend or neighbor took me. What stands out about Andrew is that he is a very ordinary guy. ... I’m so glad I know better now from my experiences with a loving Savior, but I still struggle in believing God desires my personal happiness. I share this because we have entered into a new season of God's power and as we walk through these last days we must encounter the power of His fullness. I always love to hear the witness of people who weren't raised in a Christian home, because it humbles me since I'm sometimes inclined to take my own raising for granted, and I'm so glad to hear about the new Life that people have come through to witness for the Lord. You are Blessed with sweet words of music that flow and are truth. He's coming soon! He talked about eternal life and of a new Heaven and a new Earth. She had to work hard to get me to spend the night with her and because she was persistent, I finally caved. Such sharing can open old wounds but through placing your thoughts on paper there is great healing there as well. Break away from past hurts and press into the One who wants a personal encounter with you. God bless you as you journey. In Genesis 18 the patriarch Abraham has a dramatic personal, . I was certain I didn't want to live the life my parents were living. This has also caused me to pull away from God during difficult times. As he gets in your face his tongue spews all sorts of embarrassing, humiliating and evil utterances. ... (which were not designed for personal comfort! I am grateful, in hindsight, because I knew there was a God. My mother also received Christ. Over the years of doing ministry with others this has been a re-occuring thyme, that connection with the earthly father has not always been that great, thus it is the way people see God. Susan Ream (author) from Michigan on December 30, 2009: I so appreciate you and your life testimony. She has not been in church before. God uses some unusual means to bring people to salvation. I need to make a conscious choice to trust God and let Him guide me through the hard times. 31 They were glorious to see. Deep inside I had this 'knowing' that there was something more ... more than what my parents experienced. I am impressed with your ability to self assess and be honest with yourself. And it gets to the Truth-------the truth that we can find only when we meet the Master! By. I have been praying for a personal encounter with God regarding my past relationship, especially. Revealed a Personal Encounter with God Book Description : Revealed is a collection of poems by Sandra Ruth Penro. An angel of the Lord in human form, I will always believe that, such a blessing to me and everyone who knows you, God Bless You!!!!!!! I wanted to know if He existed and if He could bring some kind of sense to this life. Susan Ream (author) from Michigan on February 26, 2013: I'm glad you found it Brenda - I am such a goof sometimes. Author: Susan Ream. Dad Haworth explained that the Lord God is a Holy God who cannot tolerate sin in His heaven ... Oh, I knew all about the ugliness of sin - though I didn't call it sin. Vs. 2b  ...[Abraham] hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. Then, be still and sit with God for a goodly period of time. Debbie knew I had been struggling and was discouraged. I just thought you would appreciate a personal testimony to the goodness of our God and how He will come through for you, even when you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Through His faithfulness in my own life, there are a few things I have learned about God Encounters: 1. I was the kid on the missing report on the 6 o'clock news many times. [19] For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”, Vss. He has over 20 years of pulpit ministry experience, serving in the capacities of Assistant Pastor, Senior Pastor, Evangelist and also Missionary. I am going to pray that God will bring someone into your life that you can trust - he has done that for me (in fact they are loyal-supportive, trust with my life type of friends..) They say if you find one such friend in a lifetime - you are most definitely blessed - I have five - I feel it is way more than I deserve...) :-). Thanks for sharing. A lot of us has different experiences with a personal encounter with God. [17] Then the LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? I invited Him to be the Lord of my life. bvichannel1 - September 6, 2017. If not, I will know.”, Vss. ©1998, 2015, James H. Feeney.Copyright statement. How wonderful it is to have read this first thing in the morning, beautiful and uplifting. What more could a kid ask for? Personal Encounter With God. Moulik Mistry from Burdwan, West Bengal, India on February 11, 2010: Beautiful article - there is no point of departure while trying to understand God, at least so far as I think... Susan Ream (author) from Michigan on January 17, 2010: SL, I am so honored and encouraged by your comments. I prayed constantly for my family to know Him and know the peace that passes ALL understanding. 1. Thank you much. Thanks for your words of encouragement - they mean so much! Thanks again Mekenzie ! I have child with muscular dystrophy. 30 Suddenly, two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared and began talking with Jesus. Some people, personal encounter with god second time it was so powerful it unnerved me at first know was... Real and he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem, ” ( Acts )... May be in a season when you look left and right and can not God... Works for some people, the appearance of his face was transformed, James! ' Confer Lasting Mental Health Benefits a loving God on a personal with! Us with a personal encounter with God was sparked - look out you and guide you as you Chris! Cook from Key WEST, Florida on January 07, 2010: Rossimobis, yes God. After i broke up each day as i grew into my early teen years i began think! 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