She took 5mg nightly for 4 days and during that time she still had a headache, but no side effects. Memory disorders are prevalent in about 40 to 60% of patients with MS. Memantine was not effective at reducing cognitive deficits, and patients who tried memantine had more adverse effects such as fatigue [40]. This was assessed using the Clinician’s Interview-Based Impression of Change Plus Caregiver Input (CIBIC-Plus), the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study Activities of Daily Living Inventory modified for severe dementia (SDCS-ADLsev), and the Severe Impairment Battery, all of which are used by clinicians to measure diverse aspects of cognitive function and behavior in Alzheimer’s patients [1]. We have written this post for informational purposes only, and our goal is solely to inform people about the science behind memantine’s effects, mechanisms, and current medical uses. According to one study, sixty patients who took memantine daily for their migraines had an average of 3.4 fewer migraines per month, whereas the placebo group only had 1 less per month [28]. ), and increased dream activity 20% ( As such, these data are open to referral and investigator bias. The anti convulsion drug lamotrigine also inhibits glutamate and also works for anxiety. Memantine also helps with severe dementia as well as dementia of WKS (Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome), but the results have not been as impressive as they are with vascular dementia. However, memantine works differently, by blocking NMDA receptors, making it the only drug in its class [2]. Memantine was not more effective at reducing muscle spasms in MS patients than placebo [42]. Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients. It could be flexibly dosed upwards by 5 mg every week based on effectiveness and tolerability to a maximum dose of 20 mg/day. Memantine is a medication used to treat moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease. Doctors will also sometimes prescribe memantine to help reduce or better manage some of the symptoms commonly seen in ADHD. Then when I realized it was sort of delayed reaction I took it that night. This paper evaluates memantine as an augmentation therapy for treatment of anxiety. On the other hand, if you reduce glutamate and, presumably, one of its precursors, glutamine, you run the risk of muscle wasting. Memantine is in a class of medications called NMDA receptor antagonists. I took naltrexone the first time that afternoon, though. Some researchers have therefore hypothesized that combining memantine with antidepressants could enhance their potency and effects, although much more clinical research would be needed in order for this to become a part of standard medical practice [43]. What does the science have to say about how it works and what it does? After being properly diagnosed with DLB his memantine treatment was stopped, his overall treatment plan was adjusted, and there was a dramatic improvement in his symptoms [38]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All 15 patients (100%) had a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) while 4 (26%) patients also had comorbid social anxiety disorder, and they all (100%) were using SSRIs at the time of the enrollment with a mean dose of 40 mg/day (Table 1). We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. One small study concluded that “memantine may be an effective augmentation therapy in patients with treatment-resistant anxiety.” 14 Memantine has a small beneficial effect in people with moderate-to-severe AD. Memantine Treatment for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Typical adverse events included nausea and headache. Nine patients (60%) were mild to moderately ill, while 6 patients (40%) were markedly ill at the baseline visit according to the CGI scale. It is a primarily known for being a drug treatment for nerve pain as well as being an anticonvulsant, or epileptic drug. Randomized studies are indicated to confirm whether memantine is a novel therapy for ADHD across the lifespan. Jonathan Ritter, PharmD, PhD (Pharmacology), Flea Bites on Humans & Pets: Symptoms & Treatment, Extended-release (24 hours) 7 mg, 14 mg, 21 mg, and 28 mg capsules. Memantine is commonly sold under the trade name Namenda. Information is shared for educational purposes only. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. This may be due to the fact that it lowers glutamate levels, which is often implicated in anxiety. However, despite this treatment, all were considered to be partial responders and not felt to be in remission in regards to their anxious symptoms. Memantine was listed as a category B in the old FDA pregnancy risk ratings for drugs. This condition often occurs in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and can be distressing. There is some evidence memantine may be helpful in dealing with anxiety disorders. Memantine for anxiety. However, this same study also reported that there were no apparent benefits of the use in memantine in patients with only mild Alzheimer’s disease [1]. 1) Slows the Progression of Moderate-to-Severe Alzheimer’s Disease, 5) May Decrease Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), 6) May Decrease Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), 7) May Reduce the Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia, 2) May Help Treat Migraines and Headaches, 3) May Help with Short-Term Treatment of Substance Use Disorders, 4) May Protect Against Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, 5) May Delay Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The efficacy and safety of memantine in children has not been studied extensively enough for it to be approved for use in younger patients [3]. My wife was recently prescribed Memantine for headaches. - posted in Brain Health: This is the most horrid anxiety I have ever had. Memantine may be an effective augmentation therapy in patients with anxiety who remain symptomatic despite adequate treatment with conventional antidepressant anxiolytics. Too little or too much glutamate can lead to cell death. The authors feel that memantine, given its ability to manipulate the GABA-glutamate balance by lowering glutamate without major side effects (weight gain, sexual problems, (i.e., SSRI/SNRI), or addiction (i.e., sedatives)), may be a reasonable add-on or augmentation strategy to better alleviate anxiety in SNRI or SSRI partial responders. According to studies, “memantine is well tolerated” and only around 1% of patients suffer from memantine side effects. Consequently, there is a large pool of high-quality evidence that supports memantine’s use in moderate-to-severe cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Clinical trials typically use somewhere between 5-40mg per day, often administered in two equal doses spread over the course of the day. In preclinical reports and other clinical trials, memantine has been shown to be effective in the treatment of obsessive compulsive and posttraumatic disorders but has never been evaluated for generalized or social anxiety disorders [7–9]. Memantine augmentation resulted in clinically relevant reduction in anxiety symptoms when compared to baseline. Furthermore, memantine caused short-term worsening of neurologic symptoms in MS, thereby exacerbating the cognitive deficits [41]. The FDA has officially approved memantine for the treatment of certain cases of Alzheimer’s disease, and this is the most typical medical use of memantine. When memantine was combined with methadone, the two medications reportedly decreased the total amount of methadone needed to curb individuals’ craving for opioids over the course of 12 weeks of treatment [32]. Memantine is not a cure for Alzheimer's disease but it can help people with the disease. Align your health hacks with your genes for optimal health & cognitive function. Anxiety from memantine or naltrexone? The recommendations are. ), headaches 30% ( Memantine was initiated at 5 mg/d. Animal reproduction studies have shown adverse events, and patients are advised to use memantine with caution before- or during pregnancy [3]. It is generally well-tolerated, and does not appear to cause an unusually high rate of negative side-effects [36]. 15 consecutive partially responding anxious patients were treated with adj… male and female outpatients aged 18–65 with a DSM-IV diagnosis of either generalized or social anxiety disorder based on MINI diagnostic interview; rating of at least “moderately ill” (score of 4) on the Clinical Global Impressions of Severity (CGI-S) scale and score of at least 10 on HAM-A and 5 on HADS anxiety subscale; failure to respond adequately to trial of conventional anxiolytic; adequate treatment duration was considered 4 weeks at therapeutic dose; adequate response is defined as an improvement of ≥50% in symptoms of anxiety on current anxiolytic therapy, as measured subjectively by patients or objectively by physician; stable on current psychiatric medication for ≥6 weeks prior to study entry. It is taken by mouth. Our team comprises of trained MDs, PhDs, pharmacists, qualified scientists, and certified health and wellness specialists. Memantine (Namenda) is an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist that is FDA-approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia. A pilot open label prospective study of memantine monotherapy in adults with ADHD. Note: The information in this section describes typical dose information for medical applications of memantine. Twelve weeks of memantine was reported to slightly decrease anxiety in 7 patients with GAD [22, 23]. Glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS), may play a role in the development of anxiety. SelfHacked has the strictest sourcing guidelines in the health industry and we almost exclusively link to medically peer-reviewed studies, usually on PubMed. Methods A systematic review of articles published in the last ten years, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, was performed in Medline, other places of Evidence Medicine and Index of Portuguese Databases, using the following MESH terms: memantine, treatment and anxiety … Glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS), may play a role in the development of anxiety. If you’re interested in natural and targeted ways of improving your cognitive function so that you can perform optimally despite all the negative news around you, we recommend checking out SelfDecode’s Cognitive Enhancement DNA Report. Dissociative or psychotic patients were excluded. Memantine was started at 5 mg/day and titrated to 20 mg/day within 2 weeks. The important (much rarer) side effects, which caregivers should watch for because of how memantine impacts signals in the brain, are shortness of … ). Some evidence supports the use of memantine in the treatment of PTSD. non-Alzheimer’s-related) forms of dementia – a use that actually has quite a bit of solid scientific evidence to back it up, in spite of it not being officially approved by the FDA. This suggests that it may be an option to treat alcoholism, although additional studies in human patients will be needed to know for sure how much clinical potential it might have in such cases [33]. They usually come in the form of confusion, dizziness, insomnia, or headache. Twelve weeks of memantine was reported to slightly decrease anxiety in 7 patients with GAD [22, 23]. Seven patients completed the trial fully. These factors include: individual variation, dosage, time span over which you’ve taken the drug, and whether you’re taking any other drugs or supplements. Another case study of a 56-year-old man who suffered from PTSD, depression, suicidal ideation, insomnia, and cognitive impairment reported an improvement in anger control, concentration, memory, and depression [18]. Also known as: Namenda, Namenda XR Memantine has an average rating of 5.3 out of 10 from a total of 55 ratings on Of the 15 enrolled patients, 10 were included in the efficacy analysis as each had at least two consecutive visits. Although this effect has not been studied directly in humans, at least one animal study has reported that treating mice with memantine after they experienced repetitive mild traumatic brain injury showed less extensive damage to their brains compared to controls [34]. is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. Read on to learn more about this drug, its mechanisms, side-effects, and more! The number of patients considered responders (reduction of ≥50% in HAM-A total score) at endpoint was 6 (60%). In patients with especially severe kidney impairments, it is recommended that dosages not exceed more than 5mg twice daily (10mg/day) [37]. Memantine is a drug approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease. The NMDA receptor antagonist memantine may be an effective augmentation therapy in patients with treatment-resistant anxiety. The number of patients who achieved remission (HAM-A ≤7) at endpoint was 4 (40%). … Some guidelines recommended to start patients off at 5mg once daily, and increase (“titrate”) the dose in increments of 5mg every week until reaching a dose of 20mg per day [13, 1, 44]. Another study reported that 89% of the patients who received memantine along with conventional treatments resolved their OCD symptoms after eight weeks [24]. The other four are all acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, which means that they work primarily by preventing the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of memantine in OCD and GAD, and to probe relative effects on OCD and anxiety symptoms. Memantine has warnings in those with kidney and liver dysfunction or impairment [3]. This also suggests that this mechanism may not be central to the drug’s main therapeutic effects [7]. Given that memantine has met FDA approval for medical use, the majority of scientific evidence supports the overall safety and effectiveness of memantine. This medicine is available only … Forty children with ADHD (double-blind randomized controlled trial) were treated with either methylphenidate, a drug used to treat ADHD, or memantine, for 6 weeks. There were significant decreases in the scores of subscales for anxiety (p =0.04) and irritability/lability (p =0.04). Objective. Acute effects literally eliminate any and all anxiety I have in social settings and I believe it is in large part due to memantine's nicotinic antagonism. It is also used “off-label” to treat dementia, ADHD, PTSD, and other psychiatric conditions. In another study (double-blind randomized controlled trial) of 26 adults with ADHD, 12 weeks of memantine helped to improve executive functioning when administered with methylphenidate, while the placebo group showed no improvement. Anxiety disorders are some of the most occurring forms of psychiatric disorders seen in clinical practice and are associated with a 1-year prevalence rate of 12% in adults [1]. However, there are also several other types of dementia that have evidence to support the use of memantine in treatment, and it’s not uncommon for doctors to prescribe memantine as a part of the treatment for patients with these conditions. However, keep in mind that the evidence supporting these potential applications is still only preliminary, and a lot more additional research will be needed before any of these applications are ever officially approved for medical use. Augmentation therapy is a common approach to managing patients who remain symptomatic despite adequate treatment with conventional antidepressant anxiolytics [3]. Donepezil is another medication commonly used to treat AD. All subjects completed the trial. There was no difference in the frequency of side effects between the two treatments [15]. The mean MMSE and NPI scores were 22.6±3.4 and 13.8±12.9, respectively. All agreed to be enrolled in an open-label case series where memantine was used adjunctively with their preexisting SSRIs in order to further mitigate their anxiety. Mean age was 44 years (range 26–63). The so-called “negative symptoms” of schizophrenia (such as decreased speech and socialization; reduced emotional response) were reduced when memantine was added to antipsychotics [25]. We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted research articles as well as case reports and case series related to COVID-19. All patients in this paper suffered from either social anxiety disorder (SAD) or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Memantine is used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD; a brain disease that slowly destroys the memory and the ability to think, learn, communicate and handle daily activities). Memantine will not cure Alzheimer's disease, and it will not stop the disease from getting worse. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Another case study of a bipolar patient hospitalized with mania and depression reported that 20 mg/day of memantine for 10 weeks partially improved mood, anxiety, and sleep quality [21]. Result. Memantine partially blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors' glutamate channels located in the CNS. Method: Ten OCD and 7 GAD subjects received 12 weeks of open-label memantine 10 mg twice daily, as either monotherapy or augmentation of their existing medication. The mean final dose of memantine was approximately 14 mg/day. Have you tried lamotrigine instead? Memantine is believed to slow the neurotoxicity associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases [3]. In a study (double-blind randomized controlled trial) of 548 patients with vascular dementia, those treated with memantine for 28 weeks were reported to score significantly higher on their mini-mental status exam (a clinical test that is used to assess the progression of cognitive decline, especially in dementia) compared patients on placebo [12]. Learn which genes are key players in cognitive function and what you can do to optimize them. Taking 20mg per day of memantine for 12 weeks reportedly decreased symptoms of inappropriately increased awareness and avoidance in a case series of 4 veterans. All patients were treated previously with adequate doses of approved selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Your email address will not be published. In addition, … Sometimes, GABA activity increasing sedative drugs, such as diazepam, are used to raise GABA and create a better balance between the stimulatory glutamate and inhibitory GABA. Remission was defined as an HAM-A total score ≤7. Common side effects include headache, constipation, sleepiness, and dizziness. Mean HAM-A at baseline was 16.6 which lowered to 10.9. It is important to note that memantine and other Alzheimer’s drugs do not cure Alzheimer’s – they only slow some of the cognitive decline commonly seen in this disease. It has a community prevalence of 2–7%, and a prevalence of around 10% in patients presenting to primary care (Reference Beekman, Bremmer and Deeg Beekman 1998).In people with dementia, however, the rate rises to between 38 … Glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, is often in balance with an inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA. For example, a double-blind randomized controlled trial in 80 young adults with opioid dependence treated with buprenorphine and/or naloxone were also given either memantine or a placebo. Memantine is similar to control in dysphoria, anxiety/phobia, euphoria, apathy, and eating disturbance.Conclusion: The meta-analysis suggest that memantine has benefits for the treatment of most of the behavioral disturbances in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. memantine in a patient with a history of seizures or epilepsy. This was a ten-week, single-center, open-label study for which fifteen patients were enrolled after obtaining Institutional review board approval. The memantine group was reported to be significantly less likely to relapse compared to the placebo group, as observed over the course of eight weeks [31]. According to one animal study, memantine disrupted conditioned alcohol-seeking behaviors in mice. In regards to limitations, this was an open-label consecutive patient case series. A responder was defined as a patient with a reduction of ≥50% in HAM-A total score. This GABA-glutamate balance (when GABA is low and Glutamate is normal to high) is also felt to play a role in the development of generalized or social anxiety disorders. 15 consecutive partially responding anxious patients were treated with adjunctive memantine for 10 weeks. Muscle spasms are another common symptom of MS, causing discomfort and decreasing quality of life. According to one case study, a 74-year-old man improperly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and parkinsonism (tremor, slow movement, impaired speech) was started on memantine, and reportedly developed severe changes in awareness, visual hallucinations, agitation, and worsening parkinsonism. A plus sign next to the number “[1+, 2+, etc...]” means that the information is found within the full scientific study rather than the abstract. Be cautious about risk of falls if memantine causes sedation for the patient. 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