5 Common Problems Faced by Hydroponic Marijuana Growers Most people interested in how to grow marijuana end up studying hydroponic systems. The loose leaf lettuce group consists of numerous varieties with one feature in common – they don’t form heads. The benefit is that your plants remain free from pests and diseases. Do you have adequate air exchange, or is it stagnant and stale in there? Identify and treat them by visiting our pests page. Your plant needs … They could also potentially use the nutrient solution faster than you can supply it. What you can’t afford to do is overlook them. Examples of alternatives to soil include Coconut Coir, Rockwool, and Perlite. Typically, these issues are prevented by adequate air circulation and water circulation. This flushes out stale air and helps to If your plants or medium have a slimy or fuzzy green, white, black, or grey coating, you probably have a fungus or mold problem. Excessively high temperatures also invite the presence of pathogens. The hydroponic growing process is designed to produce quality fruits and vegetables with a reduced potential of disease and infection. By doing so, you ensure there’s no need to change the light when your plant changes growing stages. Also prune your plants when necessary to remove diseased leaves/branches. Keep things simple at first, understand the hydroponics process, and learn. Baking soda is commonly used to increase pH. Should be below 85°; under 80° is optimal. While hydroponic marijuana is less susceptible to disease, illnesses run rampant once they ‘get in.’ Start by taking a quick look at the “big picture” of your hydro system. Your crop requires different N-P-K ratios and other minerals at varying stages. Posted on Last updated: December 22, 2020 Categories Hydroponic Gardening. As a general rule, make sure you consider all variables. However, you are less likely to encounter problems. If you notice some rusty areas and spots starting at the ends and along the leaf edges of the main stem, you probably have a potassium deficiency. It is arguably the easiest to implement. Make sure you rigorously check your pots and growing medium and clean them if you see a salt buildup. You are so used to soil remaining in its pH zone that you forget its importance. Instead, it involves diligence and a willingness to put in the time and effort needed. They also need a specific intensity, and you must get the duration correct also. What temp is the grow juice? LED lighting has come to prominence in recent years. In a hydroponics system, you are solely responsible for adding nutrients directly to the root zone via water. Also, remove plant waste as soon as you spot it. Marijuana grown hydroponically uses a growing medium other than soil. Here’s a hydroponics guide for beginners. Above, you can see the different Kelvin measurements for varying forms of light. Rather than using soil’s natural nutrients, they will add nutrients to a soil substitute. Some of the most common problems come from diseases, pests, grower mistakes and problems with the system environment. Problems with yellow/brown leaves on hydroponic lettuce. Make sure you clean every single tool used in the system before use. If you have a pump or nozzle failure or blockage, these can lead to problems very quickly. Before choosing a hydroponic system, consider your experience, skill level, finances, and space. Your grow tray gets its nutrients from a wick made of yarn or cotton, which brings the nutrients to the roots. This can also come from improper watering, poor drainage, or high temperatures – then again, sometimes root rot seems to appear out of nowhere, for no logical reason. Even better, it is possible to ‘fix’ things before they get out of hand. Hydroponics users prefer the method because it is less likely to attract pests. Growers are tasked with making sure their plants have the exact amounts nutrients, water and light. Meanwhile, enjoy the yield from your first successful operation! ‘Regular’ fertilizer could clog tubes and drains, and may not dilute thoroughly. Check the reservoir. Unlike most other deficiencies that cause chlorosis of the leaves, a deficiency of sulfur will start on the back of the leaf and move their way forward instead of starting at the tips. Keep Plants Clean – make sure to pick up and clean and dead plant matter you find around. Therefore, you need to invest in a high-quality ventilation system. Leaf Curl Over : Leaf Curl Under : Leaf tips burn, Younger leaves : Leaf tips burn, Older leaves : Young leaves wrinkle and curl : Dead areas in the leaves : Leaf growth stunted : Dark green/purplish leaves and stems : Pale green leaf color : Leaf Spotting : Spindly : Soft stems : Hard/brittle stems : Growing tips die : Stunted root growth However, the likes of manganese and phosphorus prefer a slightly lower pH. Your first goal is to ensure the floors are clean, dry, and sterilized at all times. Most indoor hydroponic growers use growing lights 16 to 18 hours per day. It usually only takes 1-2ml of the solution per gallon of water to make a positive difference. Otherwise, you will need to make constant adjustments. The available options include: Of the five options outlined above, NFT is for advanced growers. As you are in control, your crop requires constant attention. ” Sean W, Adelaide SA And the gifts they rock too. Make sure you test the pH after every occasion where you add nutrients as they change your water’s pH level. You can easily purchase a pH measurement kit with drops or a digital pH meter online. In this case, the salt sticks to the pots and growing medium. Seedlings; General Growth Problems Other nutrient problems can be caused by not mixing equals parts of 2 part packs or accidentally adding just part A or part B of a nutrient. Growing Your Own, 8 Tips for Growing Cheese Marijuana: Grower’s Guide, 8 Tips for Growing Master Kush Marijuana [Grower’s Guide], Cannabis Growing During Different Seasons [Guide], 8 Tips for Growing AK-47 Marijuana [Grower’s Guide], How to Trim Your Marijuana Plants to Get Perfect Nugs, Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds [Guide], Top Five Tips for Watering Your Marijuana Plants, When Growing Weed, Never Forget These 10 Things, The transition from Vegetative to Flowering Stage, 5 Hydroponics Problems and How to Solve Them [In-Depth], Involves a lot of transplanting and maintenance, Doesn’t enable you to access crucial components. As you are in control, your crop requires constant attention. If you grow weed outside the right range, your plants will experience ‘nutrient lockout.’ From there, it doesn’t take long for cannabis nutrient deficiencies to manifest. Troubleshooting a hydroponic garden can be a tough task, especially when you come across something strange, or downright destructive in your previously healthy hydroponic system. As a result, the colors are mixed, and you get the purple hue often associated with LEDs. Eager to learn more about this method of cultivating cannabis? The nutrient reservoir could have algae buildup, and the nutrient mix may cause an increase in salt content. Proponents of hydroponics also suggest that the cannabis they grow has a superior taste to what’s grown in soil. Phytotoxity (poisoning) – The plant may be reacting to something that you are feeding it. The constant overall demand for tomatoes allows commercial growers to easily recoup the costs of hydroponic equipment and labor. First, we review the “Big Picture” for possible obvious problems, then we take you to the troubleshooting tool. Too many growers believe it is a case of buying the strongest light as possible, and to hell with the consequences! The pH of a growing medium has a profound effect on its nutrient uptake. Other lighting options include high-pressure sodium lights and Metal Halide (MH) lights. A broken or blocked water pump can lead to plants in most systems being cut off from their water supply. If you are not using a hydroponics system, you certainly don’t escape if you make a mistake! In reality, marijuana plants require lighting at different spectrums according to its growth stage. Purple leaves are caused by expression of anthocyanin due to light exposure. Citric acid and white vinegar can lower the pH. For example, plants in the vegetative stage require a high degree of nitrogen. Instead, their loose leaves are joined at the stem. The problem might arise in extremely dry conditions, so keep watering your plants properly and use a humidifier if need be. Type of hydroponic system to growing tomatoes. The trouble with hydroponic growing is that minor errors can have a significant impact on the health of your harvest. Their taste is mild and delicate, and crispness is somewhere halfway between butterhead and romaine. Some of the most common nematodes affecting hydroponic crops are the ‘Lesion Nematode’ which causes reddish brown root lesions, stunted plants and leaf yellowing. Therefore, water at a pH of 5.5 is ten times more acidic than at 6.5. Are you a beginner? Hydroponic systems are a sterile environment. The most common problems in a hydroponic system are root rot, disease, and pests. The ‘Needle Nematode’ whose symptoms include inhibition of root elongation and swelling of the regions just behind the root tips resulting in a forked, and shortened root system. Cannabis deficiencies and other cannabis leaf symptoms can be a headache for any grower. That means if you click and buy, I may receive a small commission. Is the RH (relative humidity) between 50-70%? However, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are three of the six macronutrients a plant needs to live. If you are underwatering a cannabis plant, you will notice the leaves start to droop and they will seem as if they are hanging. Take a polystyrene plank and drill it with holes. Service & postage 10/10. LEAF MINERS. Rather than buying traditional fertilizer, invest in specific hydroponics nutrient packages. Troubleshooting hydroponics plant problems is easy if you can check things off a list. Possible Triggers For Root Problems. Indoor hydroponic growing under grow lights allows you to control the environment. Unless you have an obvious insect or disease infestation going on… yourproblems most likely have been caused by poor growing conditions. So get as many net pots as you can. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Our guide is easy to use: just look up your problem by the “main symptom”, and you’re on your way to the solution! Ideally, your lights contain: It is also okay to include some green, IR, and UV LEDs. Though there are several essential pigments in the photosynthesis process, chlorophyll and carotenoid are the most critical. As a result, significant fluctuations in pH are more likely than in soil. Adding simple fans and air stones can easily prevent the most common issues. Discovering something strange or downright destructive in a previously healthy crop frustrates many experienced and novice hydroponic gardeners. Although hydroponic lettuce production has its benefits, it is not a care free system. Stir the product into the water and wait for up to 30 minutes to test the pH again. It is a good option for growers with experience because they get the opportunity to control nutrient intake. Keep your plants damp. Nutrients such as calcium and magnesium are absorbed at a pH of above 6.0 in general. Do you have a fan gently stirring the leaves 24/7? It is the same situation with grow beds and piping. Ideally, you will keep the nutrient solution at between 65- and 75-degrees Fahrenheit. Loose leaf Lettuce. Interveinal Chlorosis – Yellowing between leaf veins but the veins themselves are still green. When using the Wick System, use smaller plants because larger ones require a lot of water. All plants, including cannabis, use energy from light during the process of photosynthesis. Tomato leaf problems you should not worry about. In a hydroponics system, it is between 5.5 and 6.5. This means the entire grow room and not just the plants you are growing. While hydroponic marijuana is less susceptible to disease, illnesses run rampant once they ‘get in.’. If you suspect any feeding/watering problems, drain the reservoir and start a new batch of nutrient solution. As good and as cheap as it was to construct my Kratky method hydroponic setup, it has not been without its problems.My first planting run of it was merely experimental for me to learn and test the system limitations and I have discovered several. We love meeting interesting people and making new friends. Blossoms and fruit; 5. Even a slight change in pH can cause immense issues! The drip system is for intermediates, and the others are suitable for beginners. Cheers. Repeat the process if the pH remains outside the 5.5 to 6.5 range. Please read my full disclosure policy for details. Also, the warm and humid air in the room increases the risk of mold growth. The other three, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, are supplied by air and water. You can do all of the above through regular checking of your crop. It doesn’t take long for a ‘simple’ misstep to turn into a catastrophe. Don't be shy, get in touch. A lower level of oxygen damages root health. When they need to ‘flush,’ they find that a bucket is the only way to drain their tank. If you are using tap water in your reservoir, it is likely the pH will be above 6.5 as the water is close to 7.0. Asked February 26, 2015, 10:28 AM EST. Though you have less involvement, there several things to remember when using soil. If you are a beginner, there is no need to shoot for the stars. What are the most common hydroponic plant problems? N, P & K are mobile, so new shoots will be the last parts of the plant affected by a deficiency. Though there are no specific ratios, experienced growers suggest the following: If you skimp on lighting, you will never enjoy the results you crave. If you are new to growing cannabis using a hydroponic system, you will likely make a mistake or two. You can ‘get away with’ making mistakes. In this guide, we outline five common hydroponics problems and how to solve them. Leaf miners are the larvae of a variety of insects that—as their name suggests—burrow into leaves to feed and grow. Hi, I have been trying to grow lettuce indoors hydroponically but I find that the leaves develop yellow edges and brown spots before I can harvest. Okay, you’ve run through all the essentials and found no quick fixes? It isn’t all about N-P-K. You must learn to add sufficient levels of micronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and manganese, for example. However, it isn’t merely a case of allowing the pH to remain at a certain point. You can use these items in a pinch, but they are only short-term fixes at best. Failure to rectify the situation can have devastating consequences. Have you found any insects in your garden (crawling, flying)? (50-60% is best). Learn more about nutrients and how much you need to add at every stage. They provide a spectrum ideal for every growing stage and don’t require a ballast. It is a little complex, but let’s simplify it by outlining ‘ballpark’ ranges for the various stages of growth: Remember, LED lighting is an excellent option for every stage. It could save you a lot of time and frustration. This process also helps bring in fresh carbon dioxide and oxygen and keeps the temperature at a manageable level. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. They place their nutrient reservoir at the side of the grow table. On the front, you should see the N-P-K content. Learn How to Get Rid of Root Rot (common in hydroponic setups) See even more pictures of cannabis root problem symptoms caused by over-watering, too much heat, and small containers. Also, you can cause as many issues overfeeding as you do from underfeeding. However, if the intensity is too high, you end up with short and stout plants. HID lamps also require a ballast. We all have to put on our Sherlock Holmes hat when it comes to diagnosing our plants! If leaves are yellow, this is a sure sign that something is seriously wrong in your garden. However, if any harmful bacteria or parasites get into the system, they can spread rapidly and ruin your harvest. Clean Up Spills, Runoff, Etc. While HID lamps provide plenty of light, they also waste a ton of energy. If your tomatoes are cracked, there’s either not enough or too much water. Rust-like aberrations can appear on leaves due to this. And this net pot will sit in a surface above the water so the only the roots can easily be able to submerge themselves. Whenever you flush your system, check nutrient reservoirs. Even experienced cultivators of cannabis make the occasional blunder, and they tend to learn from it. Check out our guide on 10 things to never forget when growing cannabis. Hydroponics systems rely on constant or very frequent delivery of water and nutrients to your plants. It is far too easy to produce a nutrient burn, a process that hinders yield. It’s easy to underestimate the difference a few pH points make. Read on: Here are some common tomato problems and how to fix them. The process of testing your nutrient solution or water for pH levels isn’t nearly as complicated as it seems. Growth will also slow down. It is possible to create a hydroponic system in a relatively small grow space. You can learn more in our best grow lights for indoor weed guide. This includes growing needs like light and water, and user needs such as convenience and access. It is a process that involves a lot of effort and focus. Having problems with your hydroponics garden? – because so many molds and mildews and other disease problems can be caused by excess water/humidity, you’ll want to make sure you police your water use. A hydroponic system exposes the roots to severe damage if you run out of water or suffer a pump failure. Most hydroponic systems also reuse equipment and water, so problems can remain in the system indefinitely. Fortunately, there are several errors that novices make over and over again. The pH scale is logarithmic to the base 10. In the beginning, most hydroponics growers used High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lights for growing. If on only the large fruits, your plants are too dry (increase irrigation). How to get the best yield for this fruity strain, Everything you need to know to grow this pungent strain, Everything you need to know to grow this popular strain at home, How the time of year affects your marijuana garden, The complete grower's guide to this killer strain, Everything you need to grow this heavy-hitting strain. 10 things to never forget when growing cannabis, 8 Tips for Growing Jack Herer Cannabis [Guide], Dispensary Marijuana vs. If you don’t think about efficiency and workflow, you end up with a farm that: Growers who have a system in their basement often make an elementary mistake. It is necessary to enable fluctuations within the specific range. Ultimately, a successful hydroponics grow is all about preparation, concentration, and monitoring. Bulbs are measured by color temperature in Kelvins. Ideally, you will save yourself a lot of trouble by purchasing LED lights. WayofLeaf use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This is an issue when initially transitioning from soil to a different growing medium. Even if the nutritional and environmental demands of a plant are met, problems will occur without fail. Heat – cannabis is more likely to have root problems at higher temperatures 1. However, there are numerous issues to contend with. The most common problem I get contacted for by hydroponic lettuce growers is the appearance of inner leaf tipburn within their plants. […] plants have sudden leaf discoloration, curling of the leaves, death of the leaves or other strange symptoms, the cause could easily be from too little (or too much) of one nutrient. It is all too easy to suggest growers can avoid these mistakes through the use of common sense. They usually look like small worms or maggots, typically measuring 1mm in size with a pale yellow or green colour. You can grow in all seasons. When you buy the right LED lighting, you’ll find they are configured for all growth stages. A hydroponic system exposes the roots to severe damage if you run out of water or suffer a pump failure. High temperatures can have this effect too. Chlorosis – Yellowing of leaf tissue. A common deficiency symptom because many nutrients affect the photosynthesis process directly or indirectly. To grow a hydroponic plant, you have to have the plant placed in a net pot. Potassium: look for yellowing larger leaves (from the tips and margins, towards the main leaf vein). This is one of the main problems encountered in hydroponic systems amongst novice as well as experienced growers. There is … Don’t make the mistake of thinking the only thing you need is a good water to solution ratio. Is there a 10° drop when the lights go out for the night? Tomato leaf curl is often an environmental change due to stress. Troubleshoot your hydroponic plant problems with our nifty, user-friendly hydroponics resource: a troubleshooting guide to help quickly diagnose and treat whatever ails it. Solution: Critters; 2. Wait a few minutes and test a sample from the water reservoir. You can use your knowledge to generate a harvest with a higher yield. Is there enough solution, or is the pump sucking air during cycles? If the pH level is out of the optimal range, there are special ‘pH +’ and ‘pH – ‘products on the market. Luckily, many weird weed leaf spots, marijuana leaves turning yellow, the whole marijuana plant turning yellow, and other strange cannabis leaf deficiencies can be fixed by getting a good nutrient system that is formulated for plants like the tomato. It can be noted that most, if not all, of these issues are preventable with the proper care and management. Tomatoes are ideal selections for hydroponic growing. There is no cure for blossom end rot, only prevention. In hydroponic systems, boron is best absorbed by the roots in the 5.5 - 6.2 pH range (in hydro, it's usually advised to keep the pH between 5.5 - 6.5 at all times). Most growers know what happens when their plants don’t get enough light. Hydroponic vegetable crops actually do best at a RH of 50-60%; 80% as a maximum. Particularly with young plants, the heat from the lights can lead to leaf curl. Phosphorus: look for a dark purple tinge on large, green leaves and a purpling stem. Is the lamp too close or not close enough? This post may contain affiliate links. Outline the best ‘type’ of system and closely monitor your plants’ pH levels. The focus shifts to potassium and phosphorus in the blooming stage. You can reduce the humidity in your grow area by using an air conditioner, and also an inexpensive fan to keep the air circulating. Run through these obvious solutions first: Keep in mind that plant problems are seldom straightforward, and it’s too often the case that opposites (like under and over-watering or feeding) can produce similar symptoms. If the product says 7-5-5, for instance, it means 7 parts nitrogen to 5 parts potassium to 5 parts phosphorus. I hope our guide was helpful to you. Is the stale air being vented out somehow? If it’s on both small and large fruits, there’s a calcium deficiency (mix new batch of nutrients). A lack of potassium can trigger several problems in your plant because this nutrient helps transport water. Underwatering and overwatering are the two most common problems among beginner growers and are also very easy to fix. “Hi just to let u all know that u guys and girls rock. Bear in mind that the Wick System is also the least efficient, and may produce the smallest yield. This is perhaps the most straightforward fix because it doesn’t require much technical skill. Did you know that the amount of dissolved oxygen in your nutrient solution diminishes as the temperature increases? If your plants have root rot (whether in a hydroponic or soil-based growing system), the roots will be brown, mushy, and stinky. Check out our detailed guide on growing hydroponic marijuana. In soil, the ‘ideal’ pH for cultivating cannabis is between 6.0 and 7.0. Hydroponic technology allows the cannabis grower to achieve consistent harvests of quality marijuana. We recommend investing in a high-quality fan to circulate air in the hydroponics room. HID Grow Light Systems For Hydroponic Gardens, Troubleshooting Guide For Hydroponic Plant Problems, common tomato problems and how to fix them, 18 Beautiful Flowers that Start with B {Pictures}, Cheap Landscaping Ideas for The Front Yard on a Budget, Ergonomic Radius Garden Tools For Comfort In The Garden, 11 Amazing Flowers that Start with A {Pictures}. During the past 10 years I have consulted for dozens of growers and helped many of them solve this issue. Unfortunately most growers encounter problems in a hydroponic garden. Finally, keep your grow room sterile or face the consequences. Make sure you purchase full-spectrum LED grow lights. Any diseases caught by one plant will rapidly spread to the others. Nitrogen: look for yellowing of larger leaf tips, that spreads evenly back towards the leaf stem. The pigments in plants absorb specific wavelengths of light and reflect the rest. Some growers buy a sack of fertilizer from their local store and use it in their hydroponic system. 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