Availability takes into account Availability Loss, which includes all events that stop planned production for an appreciable length of time (typically several minutes or longer). When equipment availability is 100 per cent, it is always available during planned production times. Below the OEE calculator, we discuss the formulas and details of the OEE calculations. The availability, rate of quality product, performance efficiency and the overall equipment effectiveness should each be displayed on their own control chart. To calculate a machine’s availability score, divide the operating time by planned production time. 1.3 Availability has various meanings and ways of being computed depending upon its use. See below 2 methods to calculate your OEE % (Top Line OEE calculation and APQ OEE calculation). At the end there were 9,000 bottles that were saleable, so the Overall Equipment Effectiveness was 31.25%. Availability (62.5%) x Performance (66.7%) x Quality (75%) = 31.25%. It is most often expressed as a percentage, using the following calculation: Availability = 100 x (Available Time (hours) / Total Time (hours)) The second FOM is Total Ownership Cost (TOC) of the system or equipment under consideration. Calculating System Availability. Theoretically we could make 480 x 60 = 28,800 bottles. Availability Loss includes Unplanned Stops (such as equipment failures and material shortages), and Planned Stops (such as changeover time). TOC for purposes of this handbook is equivalent to cost of ownership. 5 0 6 4. 2 7 6 9. These calculations have been based on serial and parallel availability calculation formulas. Your OEE score is presented as a %. What is TEEP? Using Control Charts to Display the Results. Availability. Time equals money Calculating system availability. Equipment Availability Report Generated for: March 2012 Running Time 471:17:29 Down Time 272:42:31 System Availability 63.35 % Equipment Type: Line 2 Monthly Operating Availability For 0.000 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.0 Weekly Availability Weekly Availability 6 2. Equipment availability is negatively affected by unplanned equipment downtime, material shortages and the time taken for machine changeover. System availability (also known as equipment availability or asset availability) is a metric that measures the probability that a system is not failed or undergoing a repair action when it needs to be used. So, for our example, the overall equipment efficiency is given by: Overall Equipment Efficiency = 0.90 x 0.989 x 0.945 = 0.841 or 84.1%. 9,000 ÷28,800 = 31.25% OEE. Here's a step-by-step guide to these availability calculations. 2. It takes account both Equipment Losses (as measured by OEE) and Schedule Losses (as measured by Utilization).. TEEP is calculated by multiplying four factors: Availability, Performance, Quality, and Utilization. 6 0 6 5. The last step involves computing the availability of the entire system. 6 6 5 0. Use our simple OEE Calculator below to quickly calculate OEE, Availability, Performance, and Quality. 6 5 7 4. hardware availability. TEEP (Total Effective Equipment Performance) is a performance metric that provides insights as to the true capacity of your manufacturing operation. Availability is, in essence, the amount of time that an item of equipment or system is able to be operated when desired. OEE is a closed-loop metric measuring the 3 critical manufacturing components of Availability, Performance and Quality. To accurately measure system availability, you must monitor all components for outages, then calculate end-to-end availability. The input and output transducers have fairly high availability, thus fairly high availability can be achieved even without redundant components.