The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. As an obstacle in a reading that is more to do with an individuals personality, The Lovers card points towards a lack of self-awareness or confidence to achieve ones goals. Social Worker. The Divine Spirit blesses this union. If you single and looking for love and family, this card indicates that this period of loneliness might soon end. Eve is standing before the tree of knowledge with the serpent representing temptation and Adam stands before the tree of fire, representing nature of man. There is mutual understanding which allows a deep level of trust and the ability to take your communication to the next level. Vekke Sind, Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! The Lovers as feelings is a harmonious connection between two souls at the highest level. Feeling passionate about something or someone. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. The Lovers as Feelings WebThe Ten of Cups and The Lovers compared. Being enlightened about what decisions to make. This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. It shows disharmony, stress, and in some cases, double standards and the refusal to own up to them. WebThe Lovers Reversed can also reflect that the feelings within a relationship are not mutual. When The Lovers shows up, you need to seek help or advice before making any decision. In terms of self-development and self-reliance, the Lovers in an upright position could mean that as an individual, you need to figure out what you stand for in the situation. Lovers Tarot Story Even if both of you have the best intentions at heart, there are many differences in what you are looking for right now. The Lovers as Feelings Still, with the appearance of Lovers Tarot in love reading in the reversed position, you should not get disheartened and know that there are ways that can improve your situation. Lets see what the reversed Lovers could mean in this setting. a. This conflict might be with your inner self or with another individual (s). True love is real, and it is extraordinary. This is a card all about predestination. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. WebLovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Card Symbols. There is a duality to this card represented by Gemini. Now that you have a better understanding of the tarot card meaning of the Lovers, as well as some of the most significant tarot card combinations involving the Lovers, you will likely be able to interpret this card in a reading with much more clarity and confidence. You and your partner might be drifting apart and communication might be missing. Choice in love between your current partner and a new partner. The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. Paired with Temperance, they might encourage the querent to welcome a beneficial outside influence, or to be aware of how they choose to express their feelings. The lovers with any two court cards can indicate a choice between two partners, Designed and Published Under Copyright Laws by Laurelle Adjani 2013-2020. You could even make a choice between staying in an unhappy relationship or being single and happier. Lovers Very calm and collected, a person symbolized by the Lovers card may be a Gemini, since this is the zodiac sign ruled by the Lovers. If you draw the Lovers card reversed as an Advice card, it is the complete opposite of the upright position. But now you have to make a spiritual decision. To draw the Lovers as a person card is a good sign since it symbolizes someone in control and capable of making the right decisions. Clouds connect the man and woman, suggesting a spiritual bond and not just a physical one. One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. The Lovers as Feelings There is definitely a strong sense of love present right here. The women and the man arent truly connected. In reverse, the Lovers as an action card is about tough decisions and looking beyond the surface. The Lovers in reverse might also show a relationship that has broken down. Ruled by Gemini (the Twins), the Lovers speaks to the duality of unity: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. It might also denote a lack of commitment. While it may not mean a union, it says that this person wants you around. You may be in the same position where certain information has been withheld from you. As Feelings In a reading, they can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by choices and dont know which way to turn. Lovers The Lovers Lovers Tarot Card Meaning Irrespective of its upright or reversed position, the Lovers are about loving who you are and what you are doing, but also about deciding for yourself. Lovers They need their Adam or Eve to complete their essence of being. The Lovers as feelings for somebody as Feelings Depending on the surrounding cards and the situation, the Lovers can indicate two different things as an external influence. The card asks you to restore this balance so that harmony and peace can be re-established. Their feelings for you go beyond lust or needtheir passion for you feels almost spiritual. You are not feeling the same level of closeness as you once did with your soul, and the feeling is likely to be mutual. If you are asking about an old flame or an exs feelings about you, the Lovers means that they feel passionately about you. WebThe Lovers card represents choices and decisions, while Judgement represents the need to make a decision or take action. They feel that there is an everlasting flame between the two of you. Healer. The Lovers He is ready to be together with you no matter what is going to happen. The reversed position can mean that you have been putting off making a decision and it is time to take action. No spell removal upsells, we promise. And he probably has some equally strong feelings about the choice you made to end the relationship. Allow your higher self to guide you through this decision to be assured that you are taking the right path. Perfumer. The position of the Higher figure over the couple on the Lover card shows a higher entity operating behind the scenes. Yes, he will. When reversed, the Lovers card describes a lack of connection, trust, and openness. Intimacy. They place a lot of emphasis on thinking through the situation, sometimes even more than actually feeling out the situation. If the past is a source of heartache for either of you, it needs to be addressed but also gain closure. This decision mustnt be taken lightly, because it will be binding and a life-altering choice in one way or another. It indicates a stable and long-lasting relationship if you have a partner. The Lovers in a reversed position usually indicates that there is a certain mistrust in the way they think of you. The Lovers have the number 6, representing harmony. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The card might be directing you to a place where you can find the statue or painting of an angelic figure. WebThe Lovers As Feelings. When someone is unwilling to meet with you half-way, that is their choice and you shouldnt feel bad about it. If the Lovers card appears as an obstacle or a challenge, it signifies a downward turn in a relationship. In terms of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the reversed Lovers as feelings indicates that they feel out of sync with you and that needs to be addressed first. When this card shows up, we are usually giving our power away to something outside of ourselves. Lovers This decision to be made might turn out to be a significant life event, whether the situation is to do with love and romance or work and your career. For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. The Lovers Tarot Card They generally represent love, infatuation, mutual attraction, sexuality, partnerships and relationships. The Lovers as a future is slightly similar to the Seven of Cups. Are harsh words being exchanged between you? They could be torn between two different paths and struggling to decide which one to take. One of you may be more emotionally involved than the other. a. b. Initiation (hierophant) into a sacred and spiritual ritual or group. If the reading is for an individual and not a relationship situation, the Lovers in reverse may denote a call for you to raise the standards you hold for yourself. Heady and romantic bliss is how this card feels. WebThe Lovers card pulled for someone's feelings is a sign of intense connection - it indicates an eternity-spanning bond between two souls. This nudity shows that there will be no secrets between you and your partner. On the other hand though, if the reading has a negative twist in general, then the reversed Lovers tarot card may be indicating some bigger issues that need to be addressed. c. Good things will come to those who wait and surrender to fate. If its a romantic partner, then they may have met someone else and are torn between two people. Their entire life is better with you, and you make them feel complete. Tired of being confused and NOT understanding your tarot cards? This person, romantic or not, views you as someone trustworthy and deserving of respect, and perhaps beautiful. Upright, The Lovers tarot card represents love, commitment, and noncommittal communication issues. The symbolism on the card is often understood to denote choices and irrevocable decisions. The flames are symbolising passion. The Lovers If youre wondering how someone feels about you in the romantic sense, this combination suggests they may be feeling conflicted. This card, in reverse, may point to decisions being made without having all the facts clear. Soulmates, sex, and even marriage can be predicted with The Lovers. The Lovers Illustrations from the Radiant Rider-Waite 2015 reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems Inc., Stanford, CT 06902. c. 2015 by U.S. Games Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Each leaf is a small flame, perhaps a flame of passion or desire. When this card shows up, we are usually giving our power away to something outside of ourselves. They are aware of their own nakedness. The Lovers Heady and romantic bliss is how this card feels. The Lovers As Feelings What disharmony there was during your relationship still remains, along with the barriers to communication. If the situation isnt a romantic one and you are considering your feelings instead of another individuals, the Lovers in reversed reflects a sense of low self-esteem that may end up in you considering yourself unworthy of love or trust. The Lovers speaks of a soulmate relationship with a perfect union under heaven and earth. The Lovers upright tells you to consider all your options carefully because this is an important decision that will likely change the course of your life. By disobeying the order of God, the first humans to be created attained knowledge of both good and evil, becoming aware of shame, guilt, and lust. This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. The Lovers as feelings is a harmonious connection between two souls at the highest level. As an outcome, the appearance of an upright Lovers card, especially in a love reading, denotes an impending decision to be made, perhaps between two partners. The Lovers card is assigned the Hebrew word for Sword (zain), which is another way of saying discernment. Yes, he will. The appearance of the Lovers card as the future, especially in a reading associated with love and intimacy, is excellent news. b. In the Major Arcana, the Emperor and Hierophant that symbolize the realms of rules and doctrines. The Lovers symbolizes that there might be approaching judgments to be made in a relationship; the relationship may or may not be romantic. When this card appears reversed, it can indicate a lack of commitment or a need for It's about that feeling you get, out of the blue, that is yours and yours alone. Similarly, they feel that they can share their raw emotions with you. You may be the possible other half of a long-lasting relationship based on mutual respect and love. Whether youre already in a relationship with your person or not, its important to find out what is causing these conflicting feelings and try to find a way to break through them. WebThe Lovers As Feelings When it comes to feelings, the Lovers tarot card generally implies positive ones such as love, harmony and overall happiness. It represents a deep connection that is built on trust and understanding. Be very careful in your decisions if you draw a Lovers card in reverse. It denotes love and trust between partners, with each partner giving strength to the other. A trinity connects all of them together. If you have any doubts or misgivings, like Eve in the cards illustration, turn to your Guardian Angels and Higher Self for guidance. This will bring harmony and balance to your life. Trust your gut, and if something feels off, be sure to get more information before you make a choice. For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. The card might otherwise indicate a place that your mind has connected to a specific person for whom you had or still have feelings. The angel Raphael blesses both the man and the woman as if in a spiritual marriage that is written in the heavens. This symbolizes the profound, self-honoring reciprocity between a man and a woman. It calls for an honest assessment of the relationship in question and whether it serves your best interests. Whether you are single or have a partner, the Lovers suggest that you are falling in love. The Lovers Tarot Card Meanings & Symbolism Vekke Sind, High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! Love will happen for you, but youll have to have patience. They are passionate about life in general, and you might consider them physically attractive. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. There might be a complete breakdown in the situation you are facing. This card also teaches us that this love is only possible through excellent communication and a shared understanding. Another interpretation would suggest gardens or parks where you can relax in the shade of trees. Whats done is done. There might be disagreements and problems in your communication. Vekke Sind, Emperor Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! There is an unequal distribution of power between the conscious, subconscious, and the Divine, due to which there is constant stress and anxiety in the persons life. It depends on my mood. Relationships can be like trees and plants; if you dont care about them, prune the sick branches, and frequently water them, eventually they will wither. The Lovers card expresses a clear indication that the person has strong feelings of attraction towards you, especially if this comes up in a love reading. They desire you sexually, and they want you emotionally. WebThe Lovers as feelings will tell you, Of course, he loves you. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. As Feelings A snake is coiled around the tree, which represents temptation but can also be regarded as Kundalini, the life force, a dormant spiritual and sexual energy. as Feelings The Lovers upright is also a good indication that a certain relationship will be long-lasting and bear you fruits of happiness, peace, and love. Still, with the appearance of Lovers Tarot in love reading in the reversed position, you should not get disheartened and know that there are ways that can improve your situation. When this card appears in a reading, it might also symbolize a major life decision, that will bring long lasting consequences. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women. Try not to blame others for your own choices, but dont be too hard on yourself either. Lovers This card might otherwise mean that you are called to choose between different suitors or to decide if youd rather stay single and wait for the right one than start a relationship in the near future. This can mean that your significant other has rejected you or has chosen to ignore you if youre in a relationship. When this card shows up, we are usually giving our power away to something outside of ourselves. They can be witty, charming, and humorous, as well as thoughtful, reflective, and on edge. The Lovers In Work And Business (Reversed) It could also mean that one of you is in a situation that is currently making it difficult to be together, even though the feelings are strong. In addition, this person wants to engage in a higher form of commitment. Even though I am devoted to share as much knowledge and insights as I can on this blog, nothing compares to experiencing your own personal tarot reading. Emsie #4 Thirteen said: If this card is about his feelings toward you, why would you think it means he's seeing another person? Furthermore, the card might refer to friendships, making choices, as well as socializing and the joy of being alive. b. If you are single, the Lovers in reverse can represent holding yourself back from (new) love. WebLovers as Feelings If you are asking about how he or she feelings about you, then the Lovers is one of the best cards to get. Mostly falling in love with people but also the contended feeling of being comfortable in our own skin and our self-esteem rising along with our confidence. Some people feel uneasy and insecure in a crowd. When The Lovers shows up, you need to seek help or advice before making any decision. There is a spiritual sensation that develops, a holy force that transcends the limitations of passion or transient sexual materialism. WebAre you frustrated with Googling tarot interpretations that DON'T resonate? When the Lovers appear in a reading concerning your friends, it denotes a strong bond, one of trust and sympathy. There is the serpents temptation on one side, and burning desire on the other. For existing relationships, the Lovers can represent an undying love. The Lovers are also a calling to step out of the imaginary world of what-ifs where you might be waiting for ideal conditions that will probably not arise and make a conscious, realistic decision about your career. For singles, the Lovers is a sign that someone has fallen head over heels for you and that youll be in a meaningful relationship soon. The Angel on the card is often considered to be the Angel Raphael, further associated with the planet of Mercury. Lets not forget that this card is all about choices and feeling alright with what you are doing. Align on your values. As an outcome, it also points to more open and honest communication. Reversed: Separation Disconnection It is very likely that they want to be in a relationship with you, if that is not already the case. In a reading about love, the Lovers card is a great sign. The Lovers as Feelings If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. The Lovers As Feelings Vekke Sind. The Lovers as feelings toward someone The mans desire is more carnal and passionate as he looks towards the woman. You can also try a tarot reading with someone who is experienced and can offer more guidance. The Lovers is card number 6 (VI) in modern cartomantic tarot decks and the 7th major arcana trump card (The Fool, number 0, is the first card).Divination practices such as cartomancy can help us make decisions, offer guidance, and help us tune into our intuition when we are at a crossroads in our lives. The overwhelmingly beautiful feeling of falling head over heels in love. What lays in the blessing is the right choice. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. It is also possible that the feelings between you are not mutual, in which case they do not want to move forward with a deeper commitment. The participants of the situation no longer feel much of a connection towards each other, which may increase distance and cool off towards each other. The Lovers as Feelings As the Lovers card can also signify a soulmate or even twin flame connection, this tarot card radiates a strong sense of true love. The man looks to the physical and the woman looks to the spiritual. The one where a spirit whispers in your ear, "That's the one." In a yes or no reading and in an upright position, The Lovers card is an affirmative Yes.. The Lovers as feelings toward someone I remember the first time I ever saw the Lovers card in a reading. She knows the truth about the mans carnal desire. Ask unlimited questions. The Lovers is one of those tarot cards that everyone tends to be excited about when encountering it during a tarot reading. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. However, it is worth noting that the 7 of Pentacles can sometimes indicate feeling stuck in a situation. The Lovers Tarot Card
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