Sometimes I get desperate and start lookin' for the cookin' sherry... know what I mean? Vault 95 Cait won't sit in the chair *may contain spoilers* [RESOLVED] So Cait walks in to the room and stands in front of the chair but she won't sit down. I got Cait to talk to me about vault 95 to cure her addiction, but the quest didn't start. ref id If you think I'm pushin' any of those buttons, you must be crazy. She'll request for you to come with her in Vault 95 in order to find a way to permanently cure her of her extensive psycho addiction. What was this place for... storytime or something? [5][6], After everything was said and done, Cait took to alcohol and chems to help forget her past. I remember findin' an ancient document sayin' that you can have fun under the boardwalk. The entrance is heavily guarded by Gunners along with two assaultrons outside, and one assaultron and a Mister Gutsyinside. Vault 95 was designed to house a maximum of 72 people as shown in a blueprint behin… The residents of the vault would continue with the program for five years, after which a planted Vault-Tec agent would then unearth a pre-placed, hidden supply of chems to test the social and psychological reactions of the community. Talking to Cait only brings up the normal commands and dialogue options, and the quest still isn't in my pipboy. I'll be damned. Could this get any worse? It was shite, but heck, beggars can't be choosers. I can smell the crazy bastards from a mile away. "Would be nice to fly away and leave the Commonwealth behind... but is there anythin' worth seein' out there?". Vault 95 Spent me childhood livin' in trailers like this. If you're sick, I want to help you. PC Cait will talk about wanting to 'lower the dosage' if she thinks she is being followed in combat after Vault 95. I'm bettin' we pry some good salvage out of this wreck... if the Raiders haven't gotten to it first. City actually looks... well, kind of peaceful from up here. They are surrounded by what appears to be a civilized tea party, complete with mannequin attendees, Psycho, and Jet. I was yelled at and beaten. I guess this was their main power source. Well, I'll be damned. In one of the closed stalls in the bathroom to the left of the stash is a skeleton and Psycho. It's fortunate, then, that metal and wood is … Lesson learned. Private logs reveal that the introduction of chems effectively tore apart the family that the residents had created for each other, with some residents caving almost immediately to their urges. You sure it's safe for us to be walkin' up here? Either I'm havin' a bad chem flashback or those mutants are wearin' sailor's hats. This area is integral to Cait's companion quest. But instead of headin' off to try and repair the shambles of me life, I gave in to me rage and I headed home. The Gunnershave claimed the vault, so the Sole Survivor will need to fight their way in. My days of fightin' in that lousy cage are over. terminal entries You wouldn't catch me dead at one of these support meetings. How can you call them parents? This is not to be considered a position of power, but rather a position of support and servitude. There has to be somethin' valuable hidden in all this scrap. Cait just told me about how she's sick of being an addict and wants me to take her to Vault 95 to detox, but the quest didn't pop up in my log. Well that was a fun little workout. Technical My life's been nothin' but one huge failure after another. [10] Yet despite her life being a seemingly unceasing march of adversity, disappoitnment, and horror (coupled with Psycho reliance and the accompanying progressive health damage[11]) Cait refuses to put a shotgun slug through the roof of her mouth. Now I'm realizin' I was just a caged animal put on display for their amusement. Nothin' I love more than gettin' me boots wet. Doesn't look safe to me. Why the hell would you bother helpin' a bunch of lowlife farmers and settlers for free?". ", "Why anyone would want to live on one of these things for months at a time is beyond me.". And then... what you did for me back there at Vault 95... it was like the answer to those prayers. User Info: gelyag. If you're lookin' to build somethin', this is the place to do it. 0000E6E20000E6E30005FF07 (interior) These must be the Vault's primary power systems. She tried to run away twice, the first time she did it, they locked her in a shed outside of the house they lived in. Later, upon returning to Nuka World, they find themselves faced with a tantalizing decision which could change the … This time Im trying to get into Caits knickers. One night we had a fight cause I wouldn't hop in the sack with him. This isn't so bad. Ugh. I wonder how many folks died on that table? ", "Please don't tell me we're gonna spend the day pickin' through this pile of rubble. So I get pissed off, and I leave. Of course, me parents made me sleep outside. Vault 3 (Fallout: New Vegas) Looks like the vault was never completed. Looks like the ferals are doin' the exterminatin' for us. I'm startin' to hate this place. And, the more she trusts you, the more secrets she will unveil. I need to get this shite out of me system before I wind up dead. Ranger cabin, eh? Feels good knowin' someone out there is more miserable than me. A coffin. Too bad the mirelurks have ruined the view. Cait can be found in combat zone which is very near to the good neighbour. Everythin' I did was wrong. I'm here if you need to talk. First we go up, now we have to go all the way down. I never understood why I put myself through all of that. I guess it's time for some target practice. We're friends now, which means I can trust ya with anythin'. The Master locked door leading to the facilities wing can be opened by the terminal upstairs in the overseer's office. This will continue following completion of the quest. I knew a bloke who owned a movie projector. Wait a damn second. Until now. Might find somethin' worth a few caps. These were added after the bombs fell, right? You'll let me know if your Geiger starts clicking, right? So there you are. Livin' in a crater isn't my idea of "home sweet home.". The vault is abandoned and protected by high-level gunners. Tasted awful, but would knock you out after a few sips. Roughest five of me goddamn life. *Coughing* Can't breathe... this stuff... it smells strange. Cell Data I found meself starin' down the barrel of me own shotgun. Ugh. If you start tamperin' with that engine, I'm gettin' out of here. She was born into an abusive family, her parents routinely beating and yelling at her. But I bidded me time and learned to use their own methods against them. I'll be damned. If I had come out of that bitch of a mother deformed, they would have drowned me in the river and started again. Location of Vault 95 Of course, the relationship will develop in such a way, before coming to Companion Quest point, that you will have a few intimate talks with Cait. It sits on the southern map barrier line, next to the eastern edge of the Glowing Sea. The vault proper has three separate sections: the south side with the cafeteria and detox chamber, the west side with the reactor down below and the overseer's office above, and the north side containing a heavily trapped tunnel that leads to the residential area. Who knows? In the dialogue, a resident by the name of Randall makes several comments about fellow vault dwellers and about the detox program. This is all about fallout 4 cait romance, Here we are sharing everything about cait fallout 4 romance quests, perks, likes, concept with companion guide.If you are searching about this then this post will help you sure. I'm thinkin' that comin' down here isn't the best idea you've ever had. Additionally, there are traps thro… You can imagine the look on me parents faces when I kicked open their door. We should be safe. I've the most incredible urge to rearrange those chairs in a more perfect circle. How in the hell did a ship get all the way up there? Looks like someone interrupted their meeting. Vault 95 Fallout 4 Guide. We go skinny dippin' in there, things might start fallin' off. What the hell is the "Defense Intelligence Agency?". I don't know, I kind of like these paintin's. Took about five minutes before we startin' usin' them for weapons. Always wanted me own robot drinkin' buddy. I've never seen anythin' like that before. There must be somethin' worth takin' from this place. Got close to a guy named Stratton while I was there... thought we really had somethin' goin'. Chapter 14: Vault 95 Summary: Cait and Bianca break into the vault swarming with Gunners with only one target in mind: find the machine and cure Cait's addiction. Did you know I spent three years fightin' at the Combat Zone? 2287 - 26 = 2261. Libertalia, eh? It is located at the northeast edge of the Glowing Sea. Experiments were goin' on in a mental hospital? When it comes to Vault 95's former residents, the exorbitant stash of chems is explanation enough. The Commonwealth Jackpot! Randall and many of the details regarding the nature of the support meeting can be seen as a reference to the book and movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, where "Randall" in the meeting notes can be seen as the character Randle McMurphy. It took every ounce of patience I had, but after five years I had finally pocketed enough to buy me own way outta there. If all of the Railroad bases look this posh, I might actually enjoy hangin' around with them for a while. I was with those slavers for five years. To help follow these four steps: - Make your way with Cait to Vault 95 in the southeast. Somethin's not right here. Doin' your laundry, takin' a bullet for you, haulin' your gear... what's the difference? 18 years with parents, 5 with the slavers, 3 at the Combat Zone totals 26. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You've heard all me stories and you know the prices I've paid. Boston and Cait along with Dogmeat travel to Vault 95. Vault 95 Vault 95 is one of the Vaults constructed by the Vault-Tec Corporation in the Commonwealth. It's a shame we're turnin' these over to the Brotherhood. Vault 95 appears in Fallout 4 and was first seen as an unused inventory icon in Fallout 3, with Vault 95 jumpsuits existing in its art files. Vault-Tec tucked these little beauties everywhere. This area is occupied by Gunners, with assaultrons and a possible Legendary Gunner. *Sigh* I hope you know what you're doin'. Judging from the otherwise homely and untouched nature of the rooms in that area, it seems probable the residents instantly capitulated to their addictions, shut themselves into their rooms, and resumed their chem abuse. Good, because this isn't easy for me to say, and I want to get it right. It all starts with two wastes of humanity I suppose you could call me parents. I don't know what they're workin' on in here, but it can't be good. The story gets much worse. I've been through my share of markets. You really know how to show a girl a good time. Tommy tried to introduce scenery into the matches at the Combat Zone. He only had this one movie about a talkin' dog. The whole time I was tellin' meself that they had to love me, even if it was just the tiniest bit, because they never kicked me out. After you fight your way in, take the elevator to get into the vault. Poor little thing. Vault 95 (Fallout 4) ... Apart from clearing out Gunners, you can also use Vault 95 to cure your companion Cait of her Psycho addiction. I guess I was prayin' that I could find a single decent scrap of humanity in this fucked up world. Look on the bright side... if we need to get out of here fast we could always jump. There might be some valuable stuff inside. Just sayin'. Vault95ExtVault95Ext02Vault95 (interior) They... they were keepin' babies down here? I've been spittin' blood and I don't feel right inside. The entire flawed package known as Cait, stripped bare for your perusal. I like long walks on the beach as much as any other girl, but not with these lurks walkin' around. I don't like this. It is certain that all of the vault's original inhabitants overdosed, were killed during in-fighting or fled well before the Gunners moved in; multiple bodies may be found in and around the stash. Vault-Tec... makin' the perverts look like saints. Cait (born 2261)[1] is cage fighter at the Combat Zone and a potential companion of the Sole Survivor in 2287. The room on the right after leaving the elevator (locked with an Advanced lock) has a terminal that can be used to deactivate some turrets ahead. Didn't take me long to learn that I had to put my hard-earned caps to good use. Vault 95 And then me mind starts wanderin' and I start judgin' myself. Why the hell are we back here? The entire flawed package known as Cait, stripped bare for your perusal. There's got to be somethin' left in here to drink. I do it so I can forget and move on with me miserable life. Looks like the holidays have arrived early this year. ", "Wow, this place is a shitehole. But they didn't make me this way, I did. The Raiders have themselves a little arts and crafts project. Nice! When I was nine, I stole a comic book from a caravan dealer. It is located southwest of Boston, Massachusetts, and north of the Glowing Sea. So I guess I'm waitin' for you to hand me a bill, you know what I mean? Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. These things would be worth a fortune. And here I thought it couldn't get any worse than the Combat Zone.". If you want to wade out and check that boat, you go right ahead. I heard you can get anythin' from these fellas. I wonder what happened to her. The teacher was a raider named Stratton, who dumped her to be beaten up by raiders the moment she stopped having sex with him. Never seen this kind of metro station before. An elevator takes the one down to the vault itself. Those who didn't keep their head on a swivel were liable to be sucker punched and at minimum robbed. Vault 95 is a Vault-Tec vault located in the Commonwealth in 2287. Notice. A large shelter that is currently controlled by marksmen. As reflected in the Vault 95 terminal entries, the rehabilitation program was effective in managing the addiction of its residents, with decisions to maintain the program remaining unanimous throughout the vault's early years. This user's image description contains 27 images. factions Perhaps she is praying to find a single decent scrap of humanity in her life. The second time, they broke one of her legs. You can help. I've spent a lot of time in the backseats of these things. Part of the companion quest “ Benign Intervention ”. Cait will tell you by Vault 95 and the fact that there is a way to relieve her from the addiction. She hated everyone, herself the most, and the violence - and pain, and wounds, and the Psycho - were ways to punish herself and find death. Still smells like cigarettes and stale beer in here. Next Sectors Maps The Glowing Sea - Sector 8 Federal Surveillance Center K-21B Prev Sectors Maps The Glowing Sea - Sector 8 WRVR Broadcast Station. Even got rid of the mirelurk smell. I'm also hopin' it means you've got me back... 'cause I need it now more than ever. Looks like someone was proud of themselves for buildin' those robots. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Here's a newsflash... everyone died when the bombs fell. With 23 years worth of pent-up fury, she tracked down her parents and slaughtered them in bloody vengence. Wow. If I start glowin', you be sure to shoot me, alright? Vault 95 blueprint. The vault is currently a base of operations for the Gunners. Kind of weird that they want to stay out here all by themselves. Benign InterventionTreasure HuntQuartermasteryRandolph SafehouseCleansing the Commonwealth Oh yeah, trudgin' through here is much better than walkin' the streets above us. That ship ends up everywhere except the water. The vault proper has three separate sections: the south side with the cafeteria and detox chamber, the west side with the reactor down below and the overseer's office above, and the north side containing a heavily trapped tunnel that leads to the residential area. ", Might as well put up a sign sayin' "valuable loot here.". The entrance to Vault 95 is literally hell on piper. The easy way out. In the bedroom slightly to the right of the stash are two bodies splayed out across the furniture. Fallout 4 location Well, there's somethin' you don't get to see every day. Buyin' friends was essential to makin' life easier. You know how much I hate these Raiders, so I'll just thank you for bringin' me here in advance. What the hell died in here? I wonder if any of me ancestors are buried here. Well, this is certainly a friendly way to welcome people to a library. The first time I did it, they locked me in a shed outside of the house we lived in. As with every partner, there is the potential to bond with Cait, depending on your actions in the field and during plot developments. Stratton walks out, looks at me and says "Next time you'll think twice before walkin' out on me." Other After all we went through, this capsule is the "treasure?! I'm guess this is where the mayor used to play with his balls. - … She continuously turns and turns, as though about to sit, but she won't. Vault 95 entrance The objective is to take Cait to Vault 95. Brotherhood of Steel, eh? I went to vault 95 and the quest still didn't start. This better lead somewhere. I'm not certain, but this could have been a military briefing area. Never play chicken with a drawbridge. Hence the reason for the visit. Stealing caps from sleeping slavers, she eventually managed to buy herself out. Let's get out of here. By the time of the game, Vault 95 is inhabited by Gunners, and the Sole Survivor travels there to cure their companion Cait of her chem addictions. [verified] Quaint little cabins. I wonder if you can even catch fish anymore... and even if you could, would you want to eat them? Our fight got pretty bad... nothin' physical, just a whole lot of yellin'. Nothin' I'd rather do than spend my life underwater in a giant metal coffin. This place kind of reminds me of home... it's just missin' the abusive parents and the years of psychological torment. ", "This is the only Vault I know that people still call home. The vault's door (can only be seen with noclip). 08.02.2020 (Fallout 4) Easily max affinity with Cait. We should search the place for parts. Earning Cait's loyalty is a fickle thing, due to the fact that she has a major personality shift after her personal quest. I fuckin' hated it. Looks safe. Other I'm not goin' to be touchin' anythin'. Site Must have been nice here before the world went to shite. Fat Man shells! I never got the quest in my pipboy however, and after clearing out Vault 95, nothing happened. [7] Unfortunately, Cait proved too tough to beat, even when raiders took the joint over and it got decidedly more brutal. Vault 95 terminal entries There's nothin' left. I'm convinced I was a mistake, because I can't remember a single moment that they treated me like their daughter. Kadagana - 5 years ago. The quest involves going to Vault 95 to find a cure for her chem addiction. Vault 88 is a DLC settlement. Vault 95 was designed to house a maximum of 72 people as shown in a blueprint behind the overseer's desk, The blueprint also depicts the layout of the entire vault. Jane Myers (formerly) Can we do it again? And, perhaps the Sole Survivor will be that scrap. Cait herself learned that short of buying friends, she's a victim waiting to be preyed upon. I don't think I'm getting' through to you. These blokes pack some serious firepower. Id called in there earlier with Piper on my way down to the Glowing Sea. The second time, they broke one of me legs. I took her to Vault 95 regardless, hoping that would force the quest to pop up, but nothing happened. map marker Occupied by Gunners, with assaultrons and a possible Legendary Gunner. To Cait's credit, she had set her jaw and marched past scattered syringes of psycho, even if her fingers had tightened on her shotgun in a chokehold. Someone got one of these stupid trains to work. Cait will give you this quest once your affinity level with her reaches a specific level. I doubt the only thing fillin' this quarry is a bunch of rocks. When we're done fightin' them I can smell them on me clothes for days. I might know a few places we can unload the stuff. I've tried re-launching the game. That's the first time in me life I fully depended on someone else and they didn't let me down. That's a lovely view of the river. "If they used to store bombs here, why in the hell are we goin' inside? Then maybe you know what I'm tryin' to say to you. This romance is really difficult! Are you serious? This place smells disgustin'. [3][4], For the next five years, Cait was used as an entertainment slave, for a variety of purposes she refuses to detail. Vault 81 was initially built for the purpose of creating a single cure for all diseases. GunnersVault-Tec (pre-War) 0. Vault 95 Spend some time with your boisterous, drug-addicted companion Cait (she's quite lovely, really), and you'll eventually get wind of Vault 95. Trying to do Cait's quest so I can romance her but don't know if I'm walking into a death trap at this point. The point of the fighting wasn't just to provide her with funds, though. Time to start lookin' for some goodies.". This stash may be found as one descends the stairs into the residential area, heading straight to the bathrooms and then looking right. It also appears the Vault-Tec agent did not survive the ensuing violence, and his body and upgraded 10mm pistol may be found close to his terminal. So I didn't give a shite about them. When I close me eyes, all I can see is their faces twisted with fear. The area known as Vault 95 is a Vault Location in Southwestern area of The Commonwealth. Looks like someone wanted their seafood to go. People Wait... why do I know that? From there, you have to take an elevator leading deeper into the vault. This robot wasn't easy to find. Just wondering the ideal level I should be for vault 95. If there were so many pre-war libraries, why did those people end up making such foolish decisions? No one left to tell that story. End of story. They used to make an amazin' drink with tarberries at the Combat Zone. So last night I paid a return visit to Vault 95. quests I tried. You know that lot... they aren't exactly what you'd call "the gentle type." Ever since I left home, I been usin' Psycho. In the overseer's terminal, a logged document regarding one of the support meetings where the question of the frequency of the group meetings is brought up, in addition to other spontaneous off-topic questions asked by several dwellers that can also be found. robots Borrowing Gentlezed's Soul Survivor once again. Let me know when we're done with the factory tour. [verified] PC Playstation 4 Xbox One During Cait's companion quest, Cait may begin to randomly collapse as if incapacitated during the dialogue. It was kind of my fault. Opposite the room where the Big guns bobblehead is contained, behind a Novice locked door, a skeleton may be found slumped against the foot of a bed, Psycho at his feet and two Jet on an upturned wastebasket next to him. I know this sounds crazy, but... well... this place is givin' me the creeps. Despite the fate of the vault, the stash still contains moderate quantities of chems and alcohol. I'm currently level 19. What is it with Raiders and tunnels? Good place to look for rifle ammunition. After her personal quest, alcohol has no affect on her affinity, donating items now raises it, taking and becoming addicted to chems lowers it and, as such, taking, ...taking the sarcastic option when describing the pre-War world to, ...joking about the blood of his enemies keeping the, ...the Sole Survivor flirting with any character after romancing her. Just wait. Watch yourself... somethin's about to go down. They slapped a shock collar around me neck and sold me to slavers. While the enemies within the vault periodically respawn, the items do not. Vault-Tec created Vault 95 as a rehabilitation institute for people who suffered from chem addiction. Ugh. Keep your gun handy. Better be a good reward for lettin' him go. Now we get a Vault 75 settlement. I can't even go a day without it anymore and I'm fuckin' sick and tired of it. An elevator takes the one down to the vault itself. Post Comment. Eighteen years of sufferin' through that shite and all I was worth to them was a pocketful of caps. You think I inject myself with all that shite and drink myself drunk because I'm a "tough Irish gal?" Proceed through Vault 95 elminating all hostiles until arriving at the Clean Room. I've heard of pre-war drunk drivers, but this is ridiculous. The entrance is heavily guarded by Gunners along with two Assaultrons outside, and one Assaultron and a Mister Gutsy inside. The Children of Atom make Gunners look sane by comparison. Despite looking at the shotgun barrels more than once, she has yet to pull the trigger. I think we all can agree that we've spent an awful long time in the world of Fallout 4.The radio keeps you entertained for a little while, but even with the ever so awkward Diamond City host in your ears, you want a companion. A real shame. "Oh, Bunker Hill. Where'd all the ferals go? While we're in here, maybe we could get a little inside information for placin' our bets. gelyag 3 … What exactly were these blokes runnin' from? It is occupied by mercenaries and assaultrons, which is why it is not going to be easy. Three years of gettin' beaten to hell by a bunch of losers and lunatics. I wanted one of me opponents to crush the life out of me. Let's keep away from this thing... looks like it's goin' to fall over any second now. It sickens me to my stomach even thinkin' about it. I hated the crowds, I hated the other fighters and I hated meself. Why would anyone be stupid enough to try and build a nuke? Whatever you do... please don't turn on your radio. You can find a cooking station on top of the vault entrance. How come these things never have statues of naked blokes? You think that's low? I don't see what the big deal is... anyone can write stuff down and claim it's a "work of art.". AssaultronsMister Gutsy *Sigh*. Why would you ever put meat into a can? You sure it's safe to be traipsin' around the basement of a six or seven-hundred year old buildin'? Don't they realize they're takin' care of corpses? Maybe we should hang out up here for a while to catch our breath. Let's go check it out. Stealin' a few caps out of a sleepin' man's pocket is a piece of cake... as long as you don't get greedy. After they moved in, if you didn't keep lookin' over your shoulder, you were liable to get sucker punched and robbed... or worse. That must have been one hell of a blast. I used to love enterin' the ring and hearin' everyone cheer. Boston can't help but worry that maybe they waited too long. Okay, calm down and take a deep breath. Then the Raiders took over the place. Well, that's the end of our little sniper friend. This is a Cait 's companion side quest which is obtained after getting enough affinity with her. I don't know what to do now since she doesn't say anything to me when I talk to her. This conversation will then lead you to Vault 95. It's because I was alone. She tells you about Vault 95 where she can obtain an item to help her kick her nasty habit.