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Sodium nitrite can increase methemoglobin levels, which will decrease blood oxygenation. The presence of radiological contamination can be readily confirmed by which of the following methods? Certain contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are common in many refined oils and solvent wastes, fluoresce and can be visually detected when exposed to ultraviolet light. Wash solutions selected to remove and reduce the hazards associated with the contamination. In addition, use of ultraviolet light can increase the risk of skin cancer and eye damage; therefore, a qualified health professional should assess the benefits and risks associated with ultraviolet light prior to its use at a waste site. Each category is discussed below. Rinse off decon solution using copious amounts of water. Remove tape around boots and gloves and deposit in container with plastic liner. Sheet 2 is 4 m to the right of sheet 1 along the +x axis. 4. A dashed line cutting vertically through this rectangle indicates the HOTLINE. (a) Determine the magnitude and direction of the electric field in all regions of space. After contact with a substance and M9 Chemical Detector Tape, what should be assumed to have occurred if spots or streaks of pink, red-brown, red-purple, or any shade of red are present on the exposed tape? Which of the following is considered a pulmonary agent? Boots,chemical-resistant suit, inner gloves removed and deposited in separate containers lined with plastic. Decontaminating yourself will lower your exposure to harmful radioactive material. Remove face piece. Contaminants can be located either on the surface of personal protective equipment or permeated into the PPE material. 1.4 Decontamination lines are site specific since they are dependent upon the types of contamination and the type of work activities on site. Two arrows continue from the second divided Decon rectangle to a circle marked with an X that has an upward pointing arrow, that turns back toward the dashed HOTLINE to an area labelled Redress: Boot Covers and Outer Gloves, and crosses the dashed HOTLINE. Open mask carrier flap and remove the mask Recognizing which compartment(s) are damaged and minimizing that damage. No scabs are present. The PRISM documentation comprises three volumes: Volume 1 Strategic Guidance, Second Edition Adhesive qualities vary greatly with the specific contaminants and the temperature. Worker returns to duty. 8. A decontamination plan should be developed (as part of the Site Safety Plan) and set up before any personnel or equipment may enter areas where the potential for exposure to hazardous substances exists. Pulmonary (choking) agents primarily enter the victim by what means? Removing clothing and washing with warm soapy water How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified? aSource: Excerpted from Field Standard Operating Procedures for the Decontamination of Response Personnel {FSOP 7}. 10. General principle [ edit ] Decontamination of humans is usually done by a three-step procedure, separated by sex: removal of clothing, washing, and reclothing. For example, proper procedures for dressing prior to entering the Exclusion Zone will minimize the potential for contaminants to bypass the protective clothing and escape decontamination. 11. Which uses radioactive isotopes? If No, (Arrow to box on left side below) Take additional measures to prevent contamination or find another decontamination method. Why is it important to preserve biodiversity? horizontal parallel plates as shown in Fig. In some cases, effectiveness can be estimated by visual observation. Some contaminants adhere by forces other than electrostatic attraction. Avoid cold water which tends to close skin pores, trapping radioactive contamination. Wash patient with their clothing still on. 1. 5. Which of the following is considered a pulmonary (choking) agent? Emergency Preparedness and Response Course, Emergency Preparedness and Response Course -, Emergency Preparedness Response Course (EPRC), Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, Edward Howley, John Quindry, Scott Powers, Williams' Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy. If worker leaves exclusion zone to change air tank, this is the last step in the decontamination procedure. SCBA backpack and facepiece is removed Avoid touching face with finger. The level of protection required will vary with the type of decontamination equipment used. Which form of plague is responsible? The solvent must be chemically compatible with the equipment being cleaned. Methods of Disinfection Many disinfectants are used alone or in combinations (e.g., hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid) in the health-care setting. 1. 17. victorian christmas tours . Containers for storage and disposal of contaminated wash and rinse solutions, damaged or heavily contaminated parts, and equipment to be discarded. Shower as soon as possible. Emergency decontamination has become a major response objective of first responders to terrorist incidents. Which of the following decontamination method is NOT recommended for removing vesicants from casualties? During hot weather operations, a cool down station may be set up within this area. The purpose of the decontamination process is to reduce the number of these contaminants in order to . With assistance of helper, remove splash suit. Chemical removal of surface contaminants can be accomplished by dissolving them in a solvent. However, not all contaminants leave visible traces; many contaminants can permeate clothing and are not easily observed. A patient is suffering from painful, highly corrosive burns similar to acid, and wheals have begun to appear on the skin. What is the first step in self decontamination? In pursuit of the President's goal of national preparedness, it is essential that the nation has reliable chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) countermeasures equipment that can be used with confidence for the protection of life, health, property and commerce. Which of these are fast-acting compounds that attach oxygen-dependent tissues known to be particularly sensitive to these compounds? 7. The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on _____? It is prepared easily by diluting household bleach to one-tenth strength (ie, 9 parts water or saline to 1 part bleach). Fully Encapsulating Suit and Hard Hat Removal. If No, (Arrow to box on left side below) Take additional measures to prevent contamination or find another decontamination method. When establishing a decontamination line, each aspect should be incorporated separately or combined with other aspects into a procedure with fewer steps (such as the Minimum Decontamination Procedures). Steam sterilisation (ie vacuum steam autoclaving), is the preferred method of sterilising equipment as it is quick, automated, easy to use, reliable, non-toxic and always effective when used. Decontamination methods either (1) physically remove contaminants, (2) inactivate contaminants by chemical detoxification or disinfection/sterilization, or (3) remove contaminants by a combination of both physical and chemical means. Consult specialists if necessary. 3. 2. This version of the guides is in a format that is more appropriate for use in the field. Curtains, enclosures, or spray booths to contain splashes from pressurized sprays. Establish methods and procedures to minimize worker contact with contaminants during removal of personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE). What are the three methods of decontamination? Washing with warm, soapy water. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear NBC hazards are classified into two types, what are they? In the stowing sequence, which of the following correctly describes how the M50 mask is correctly placed in the mask carrier? Continuous rinsing with large volumes will remove even more contaminants than multiple rinsings with a lesser total volume. They should only be used for decontamination in extreme cases where other cleaning agents will not remove the contaminant. In some c-ases, decontamination personnel should wear the same levels of PPE as workers in the Exclusion Zone. 7. 1.2 Protective equipment must be worn by personnel when response activities involve known or suspected hazardous substances. Wash patient with their clothing still on. With any evaporation or vaporization process, care must be taken to prevent worker inhalation of the vaporized chemicals. on plastic drop cloths or in different containers with plastic liners. Worker returns to duty. Practice protective measures of time, distance, and shielding. All junctures should be taped to prevent contaminants from funning inside the gloves, boots, and jackets (or suits, if one-piece construction). 4. If Yes, (Arrow to second box below) Are the decontamination materials compatible with the hazardous substances present? Stations should be separated physically to prevent cross contamination and should be arranged in order of decreasing contamination, preferably in a straight line. Repeat process for both eyes. Being in the correct MOPP Level appropriate to the CBRN risk hazard will protect you from becoming a casualty and allow you to complete the mission. MULTISERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES, AND PROCEDURES FOR NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL (NBC) PROTECTION. Organic solvents include alcohols, ethers, ketones, aromatics, straight-chain alkanes, and common petroleum products. Wash hands and face if shower is not available. Close slide fastener and secure hook-and-pile tape Chlorine Removing clothing and washing with warm soapy water. Which of the following statements is a correct statement regarding the Mask Only command? (Continue to decision arrow below) Additional Emergency Care Required? The following advanced imaging techniques are discussed in the text: CT, angiography, PET, sonography, and MRI 4. Deposit in container with plastic liner. For example, outer, more heavily contaminated items (e.g., outer boots and gloves) should be decontaminated and removed first, followed by decontamination and removal of inner, less contaminated items (e.g., jackets and pants). Buckets, brushes, clothing, tools, and other contaminated equipment should be collected, placed in containers, and labeled. 9. 1,2 Because of the adverse health consequences of chemical incidents, the US government considers both deliberate and accidental release to be a serious threat to public health. What blood test is available that will give an accurate estimate of radiation dose? If an air tank change is desired, this is the last step 1n the decontamination procedure. If the total blood volume of the individual is 5.2 L, how many grams of total blood cholesterol does the individual's body contain? 3. What toxin do you suspect and how do you treat it? This course is specifically designed to provide selected personnel with training in CBRN Decontamination Operations techniques and . How is the victim of nerve agent exposure presenting with convulsions classified? A metallic taste in the mouth, epigastric distress, and possible nausea and vomiting are ingestion symptoms for which chemical agent? There are 4 main categories of physical and chemical means of decontamination: (1) heat; (2) liquid disinfection; (3) vapors and gases; and (4) radiation. Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the lowest level possible. 9.9102E)6.91096.9 \times 10^{-9}6.9109. They inhibit the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) allowing Acetylcholine (ACh) to accumulate. 1. Used in life-threatening situations, the goal is to remove contaminant as quickly as possibl. For this reason, disposable PPE is recommended for use with infectious agents. 5. Solidifying liquid or gel contaminants can enhance their physical removal. The best universal liquid decontamination agent for chemical warfare agents (CWAs) is 0.5% hypochlorite solution. These procedures were derived from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response's (OERR), "Interim Standard Operating Safety Guides (revised Sep. 82)". FM 3-11.4. A series of numbered hexagons point downward toward the CONTAMINATION CONTROL LINE.) Removal of adhesive contaminants can be enhanced through certain methods such as solidifying, freezing (e.g., using dry ice or ice water), adsorption or absorption (e.g., with powdered lime or kitty litter), or melting. If Yes, (Arrow to sixth box on right side) Method OK to use. These should be at least large enough for a worker to place a booted foot in, and should have either no drain or a drain connected to a collection tank or appropriate treatment system. 12. If No, (Arrow to box to the right) Report to Superiors for Instructions. Use remote sampling, handling, and container-opening techniques (e.g., drum grapplers, pneumatic impact wrenches). (correct) Remove patients clothing, ensure agent does not contact skin during removal. Ultraviolet light can be used to observe contamination of skin, clothing, and equipment; however, certain areas of the skin may fluoresce naturally, thereby introducing an uncertainty into the test. Station 7: Suit/Safety Boot Wash (within the CONTAMINATION REDUCTION ZONE), to Station 8: Suit/SCBA/Boot/Glove Rinse. 2. Decontamination methods either (1) physically remove contaminants, (2) inactivate contaminants by chemical detoxification or disinfection/sterilization, or (3) remove contaminants by a combination of both physical and chemical means. It is reported that the smell of bitter almonds is in the air. Don your mask before going into the room Select the three components, in correct order of administration, utilized in the treatment for cyanide exposure. This is particularly important when decontaminating personal protective clothing constructed of organic materials that could be damaged or dissolved by organic solvents. Another pair of tough outer gloves is often worn over the sleeves. The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on ____? How does cyanide cause cell death in the body? How is the victim of nerve agent exposure presenting with convulsions classified? Which of the following cell types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage? These types of weapons have the ability to create both mass casualties as well as mass disruption of society. Raise the mask to your face and place your chin firm in the chin cup Molecules flow from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Close your eyes, stop breathing and hold your breath The potential for wastes to permeate, degrade, or penetrate materials used for personal protective clothing and equipment, vehicles, tools, buildings, and structures. important steps that you should take. In many cases, gross contamination can be removed by physical means involving dislodging/displacement, rinsing, wiping off, and evaporation. Which of the following statements are correct regarding biological weapon characteristics? More protection is provided at higher MOPP levels but at the cost of performance degradation. An enemy attack aircraft dropped four bombs which upon bursting dispensed a non-persistent nerve agent vapor that drifted over your unit's defensive sector. Storage tanks of appropriate treatment systems for temporary storage and/or treatment of contaminated wash and rinse solutions. Similarly, any injuries to the skin surface, such as cuts and scratches, may enhance the potential for chemicals or infectious agents that directly contact the worker's skin to penetrate into the body. Remove inner gloves and deposit in container with liner. HZ is a weak acid. Decontamination workers who initially come in contact with personnel and equipment leaving the Exclusion Zone will require more protection from contaminants than decontamination workers who are assigned to the last station in the decontamination line. Which of the following is the correct first step taken when giving the visual CBRN alarm hand and arm signal? Which vesicant (blister agent) is suspected? Stow audio equipment in main stowage area. What type of biological toxin is predominantly derived from the bean of the castor plant? Open sorbent pack 4. 11. Chest x-rays reveal a widened mediastinum and the patient?s white blood cell count is elevated. Pose a direct health hazard to workers (e.g., vapors from chemical decontamination solutions may be hazardous if inhaled, or they may be flammable). 5. Which of the bacterial diseases produces a non-specific illness that may produce a prolonged disability but is rarely fatal? Mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) provides commanders a flexible system of individual protective equipment (IPE). 5. Expand All Heat sterilization (wet or dry) Liquid disinfection Vapors and gases Radiation (ionizing or non-ionizing) Expand All Contact EH&S Biosafety . Deposit in container with plastic liner. The decontamination plan should: The plan should be revised whenever the type of personal protective clothing or equipment changes, the site conditions change, or the site hazards are reassessed based on new information. Patients with concurrent surgical injuries and radiation exposure should either be operated on expeditiously or _____________________________. Check for leaks at mask edge by feeling for incoming air on your face. Use tepid decontamination water. In industry, cyanide compounds are widely used during: A group of victims has been admitted to your triage unit. Another series of arrows pointing downward go to another rectangle, the Remove SCBA final decon area. Wait 10 to 15 minutes after injection. Use the M291 decontamination kit to absorb the agent. methods for responders and contain the release of any substances. In addition to routine decontamination procedures, emergency decontamination procedures must be established. You approach the scene of a terrorist incident that occurred 2 minutes prior in an enclosed room. What is the correct procedure to decontaminate personal equipment using M100 SDS? Which of the below courses of action is most appropriate for the situation? Wash inner gloves with decon solution. The most commonly recommended SPI consists of three HI-6/atropine auto-injectors, one diazepam auto-injector, two Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion pouches, as well as a seven-day supply of pyridostigmine bromide or a supply of antibiotics, for each CAF member. 'CBRN' is the abbreviation commonly used to describe the malicious use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear materials or weapons with the intention to cause significant harm or. radiological material. 6. Metal or plastic cans or drums for contaminated wash and rinse solutions. Deposit equipment used on site (tools, sampling devices and containers, monitoring instruments, radios, clipboards, etc.) Shower facilities for full body wash or, at a minimum, personal wash sinks (with drains connected to a collection tank or appropriate treatment system). 9. Hazardous Response Support Division, Washington. Take a deep breath and hold it. Cold water may also cause hypothermia. he states he was splashed with a loarge quantity of liquid and is now exhibiting symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, body twitching and is generally very weak. Remove inner gloves and deposit in container with liner. 11. Administer the ATNAA. Long-handled brushes for general exterior cleaning. Contact higher headquarters (HQ) if no contamination is found or if you determine the attack was non-CB. Entry and exit points should be conspicuously marked, and the entry to the Contamination Reduction Zone (CRZ) from the Exclusion Zone should be separate from the entry to the Exclusion Zone from the CRZ. If No, (Arrow to box below) Decontaminate as much as possible. Clothing that is not completely decontaminated should be placed in plastic bags, pending further decontamination and/or disposal. 1. A health physicist should be consulted if this situation arises. Properly stowing the AAL, accessories and mask. 5. All victims have recently been in an area where canisters exploded spraying them with an amber colored liquid that smells like flowers and burns intensely. Containers to hold contaminants and contaminated soil removed from tires and the undersides of vehicles and equipment. Your commander directs that crew-served weapons and ammunition would be decontaminated before the support vehicles and barrier material. Stow clear outsert and clear outsert pouch. Radiation burns, which causes delayed, irreversible changes of the skin, can be caused by high doses of what form of ionizing radiation? 4. The first step in decontamination is to establish Standard Operating Procedures that minimize contact with waste and thus the potential for contamination. Which of the following is correct when it comes to MOPP? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of these fast-acting compounds that attack oxygen-dependent tissues known to be particularly sensitive to these compounds?, You approach the scene of a terrorist incident that occurred 2 minutes prior in an enclosed room. This chapter describes the types of contamination that workers may encounter at a waste site, the factors that influence the extent of contamination, and methods for preventing or reducing contamination. What is the preferred treatment to block the effects of excessive ACh? Assume laminar flow. Chest x-rays reveal a widened mediastinum and the patient's white blood cell count is elevated. 5. Following a nuclear detonation, some of the casualties with survivable injuries are possibly contaminated with radiological material. For example: In addition, Standard Operating Procedures should be established that maximize worker protection. They are: Respiratory Protection & Chemical Protective Garments. These cleaning solutions normally utilize one or more of the following methods: Dissolving contaminants. 3. The brucellae are highly infectious via the aerosol route and brucellosis is associated with a high mortality rate. If No, (Arrow to box on left) Decontaminate as Much as Possible. 5. Household detergents are among the most common surfactants. Protect monitoring and sampling instruments by bagging. If contaminated materials are not being removed or are penetrating protective clothing, the decontamination program must be revised. Which type of anthrax is responsible for the patient?s symptoms? M100 SDS - To perform immediate decontamination of equipment, vehicles, and crew-served weapons. Wash solutions selected to wash off and reduce the hazards associated with the contaminants. Which of the following cell types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage? Removal of electrostatically attached materials can be enhanced by coating the clothing or equipment with anti-static solutions. Pour sorbent onto mitt, gently shake 5. For this reason, minimizing contact time is one of the most important objectives of a decontamination program. Boots, fully-encapsulating suit, inner gloves removed and deposited in separate containers lined with plastic. Select the three components, in correct order of administration, utilized in the treatment for cyanide exposure. Victims caught in a fire have inhaled toxic smoke from furnishings and plastics that have released cyanide in the burning process. 18. Check for NTAA injectors - position casualty on their side. He exhibits symptoms of fever, mild hypotension, flushing, conjunctival injection, and now a bad rash has appeared that is bleeding in spots. 4. The MOPP chemical protective ensemble components are donned in a set order depending on the MOPP level. The Primary Response Incident Scene Management (PRISM) series is comprised of three volumes that can help ensure that patients exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals receive the most effective treatment possible during the initial stages of an incident (after prompt decontamination). (End), (Initial box on left side) Accident/Injury Event. The decontamination site should NOT be located Near waterways and drainage systems What is the best method of decontamination?