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Heres how those numbers compare for each lift.7. Oh they won't have to erase the meet results, no. When we discovered the mistake we did the best we could and used the bar that was available. We assumed that the manufacturer sent us the approved/correct bars. It is the one meet I would EXPECT to see someone do a good record break! Ed was born in 1963 to a large loving family in the Chicago,Illinois suburb of Evergreen Park. Tony Carpino agreed to fly in and ref and help out. [/quote] mike bridges training style - Today, there are about eight larger federations and tens of smaller ones. that'd just be the cherry on the top of this disaster! Possibly the closest man to Dave Waddington in the squat. Putt Houston. now with more Bom Chicka Wahwahhhhhh, By the time they could react, I had fallen off the bench and went to feel my eye where the bar hit. I tried to roll over but couldn't. C'mon. Deadlift: 320kg/705.48lb. What gives? I slept on the flight down and drifted in and out for the next eight hours, but I was able to watch most of the operation not only mine but both of the other two as well. Squat: 365kg/804.69lb Use was rampant, but that didnt mean every lifter wanted to pump himself full of chemicals. Everything else is the liquid inside the glass. And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. The problem was discovered on Thursday. You can train as hard as ever; but there will be a time that you have to allow more recovery time. Ken Lain DVD's. Tape 1 - Add 50 to 75 lbs To Your Bench Press. That might not seem like much, but because these guys lift so much, it translates to between 30 and 344 pounds. Perfect I went around and took off my coat made a pillow out of it then took off my watch, laid it down, and fell sound to sleep. Back then I was a big man with a big chest. That's total that maybe one other lifter has approached. And in some years at Raw Unity, a weight class might only have two lifters (an athlete has to be very strong to qualify for the event). Fantastic story. Michael Easter is an associate editor at Mens Health magazine. Everyone knows that politics are stupid when it comes between a person and a hard earned accomplishment but if they let it stand then everyone will say "hey, what could have so-n-so done on a Texas Power bar instead of those whippy Ivankos?" Within the circuits of power lifting, Mike is known as The Legend. They had time to get another bar!!! Mike is going to get robbed because it's an IPF rule, tpb isn't approved equipment and so he's getting american records. Terry Todd isn't merely the United States' first national powerlifting champion (in 1964 and '65), he was also the first man to total 1,600, 1,700, 1,800, and 1,900 pounds. He went on to win seven national and three world titles. He was inducted into the York Barbell Hall of Fame on June 28, 1998. if i were running the damned thing, i'd be double checking EVERYTHING. Then came the tragedy on the bench. One of the nicest menin the power lifting game. Every so often an athlete shows an exceptional talent in his sport that baffles the mind. Lou: You had a lot of lifters come stay with you such as Mike Bridges who you said was the strongest man under 200 pounds. This accident took maybe a second and a half. Results 1 to 5 of 5 Thread: Mike Bridges Training ? I wonder how it would feel to have a 700+ pound bar slide down your back. I lowered it, but too slow. your body doesn't suddenly break down cause you broke the 40 yo barrier. Bench: 227.5kg/501.55lb Or will the USAPL overlook something again? Raw Nationals is drug-tested, and the Classic Worlds tests but perhaps not as strictly as the USAPL event. What did this meet director think? I was married three times.Lou: How many world records did you break in your illustrious career?Larry: 54Lou: I know you had rivals along the way. Here's my finger today. all of the sheiko guys seem to do well in these feds. A week later Mac and I flew to California. My team was also lifting, including Eric Stuber, Mac Richards, John Topsoglou, and several others. ive read about mike bridges and his records. Most guys at the USAPL meet, on the other hand, tend to not do steroids, he said. Mike Bridges - 512 lb Raw Bench @ 181 lbs (232.5 @ 82.5 kgs) 2,478 views Aug 19, 2016 35 Dislike Share Save Lexington Plummer 1.52K subscribers From the 1982 USPF Sr Nat'ls, Mike Bridges. Author: Staff. I would hear it from him every meet when he told me if I did not get a better bench I would never win at nationals. BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. Privacy Policy. I also was a shotput and discus thrower and won Athlete of the Year in New York in 1964. Bodybuilding and physique-training provide exposure to the powerlifting exercises but not the technique. Putt Houston. now with more Bom Chicka Wahwahhhhhh. RECENT:Joe "The Lad" Ladnier Mississippi Monster. Bench: 227.5kg/501.55lb Thats total that maybe one other lifter has approached. That has got to be more dangerous that squatting without wraps. I was completely drained. I must have said 5 pounds which was a 2.5kg jump[MCJ2]. Theyre close enough in the lighter classes, but the heavier guys are differentiated in such a way, for example, that an IPF lifter could be up to 23 pounds heavier than a Raw Unity competitor in an equal weight class. The competitor in the 123-pound squat data was a dwarf and indeed hoisted 639 pounds. HOWEVER, if you're the meet director and you're running an IPF qualifier with potential world records, YOU are responsible for making sure the bar is good. I went to get up but the pin was hooked into the carpet and I couldn't move. Squat: 395kg/870lb Mike Bridges (1982) WORLD RECORD (181 lbs / 82.5 kg) POWERLIFTING TOTAL 954.5 KG . When you talk about bench pressing, I have to enter Teds name for he is the only other person to do what I have done , bench press in excess of 700lb. IPF Hall of Fame Inductees | International Powerlifting Federation Wiki lol. Maliek Derstine : Barrier Breaker | Powerlifting Watch mike is right. So, as a powerlifter, if you stay in the same weight class but you lose 10 pounds of fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle, you can be tremendously stronger, because fat doesnt help you lift weight. LOL! They keep raising the standard. But it will inevitabably follow the same process. WAS THE PAPER IT WAS WRITTEN ON WAS THE RIGHT SIZE! The Best Powerlifting 3-Day Workout Routine - Gym Geek Mike Bridges ( Birth date: february 1, 1957) Who is that? All of Mel's lifts are done in extremely strict style. not screwing up in front of the WORLD. Well most know he won nine straight before makinga tactical error when he jumped five pounds on his second attempt on the deadlift, which nullified a third attempt, letting Mark Dimiduk win the1980s nationals and worlds.Larry told me if I would open lighter I would do better, and he was right again.I remember Larry making a 530-pound bench press and a 1,900 total in 1972 in Cincinnati, Ohio, at a body weight of 198. Then a week after that, Frank Zane and I had a seminar in New Jersey. [/quote] This means they have to use IPF-approved equipment on the platform. You should tell the cycling community about your insoles. Mike Bridges Training ? Dr. Fred Hatfield (october 21, 1942 Died may 14, 2017). It was a great trip home. Mike Bridges - OpenPowerlifting He did break the record. Hes laid down a base of muscle that doesnt just dry up when the drugs do. I came up with a wrestling singlet with legs, but somehow George Langas took the idea and sold them under the name Spanjam, which I distributed.Lou: You had a lot of lifters come stay with you such as Mike Bridges who you said was the strongest man under 200 pounds. No excuses! on USA SOIL! The meet director did the best he could given the circumstances and the pass given with the equipment presented for inspection. I opened with 540 very easy, then the 242 world record of 578. Now that is damning testimony if I have ever heard it. One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. fed ex, several people with bars in ATTENDANCE who could have had fed ex deliver them, there's NO EXCUSE in this day and age. I ran to a restaurant and grabbed some napkins and ran to the gate just in time to board. i just dont like the fact that theres not much assistance. Reports have surfaced that the IPF will take those records from Bridges due to the fact that Texas Power Bars were used at the event instead of IPF approved equipment. Carl said "I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight." Since the bar and collars must weight 25kg(55.115lbs) and the TPB and collars would weigh 56.023(25.4kg). some even fresh from factory seem unduly "slick"! No one ever say a word to him no matter what.The Conversation. [/quote] Then, around the mid-70s, people realized that taking huge doses increased their lifts, said Bob Gaynor, a powerlifting historian and competitive lifter from the era. He sewed the two pieces together temporarily while they made arrangements for me to meet a helicopter at the University of Dayton arena to fly me and my wife Carol to Louisville, Kentucky. This is the biggest USAPL meet of the year. Something like this should never have been overlookedEVER ! Did the meet director think for one moment all the WORLD RECORDS unassailable at the MEN'S NATIONALS? World's Strongest Man: The Top 10 | Men's Journal If this is how the IPF treats their lifters it's no wonder that the WPC Eurasian Cup has 635 lifters pre- registered to lift! Bridges weighed just 173 pounds, but at the 1983 U.S. Powerlifting Federations (USPF) national championships, he bench pressed, squatted and dead lifted1 a combined 2,011 pounds. Was this in Tampa? JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. HOWEVER for a meet director at an IPF qualifier - and the supposed FLAGSHIP event, the men's nationals, to NOT have proper IPF bars and weights for world record breaks is UNTHINKABLE. I'm doing good, Buddy, how have you been? Collectively, the disparities in competition averages and world records between tested and non-tested powerlifters are about what most studies say they should be. Ron Collins who would mostly lift at 181 and you were mostly a 198 and there was a lot of talk of a match between you.Larry: Yes, it would be at 198, but never happened.Lou: You won nine worlds starting in 1971, it ended at Wisconsin in 1980. I didn't know exactly what they were but I knew there would be some kind of difference between the bars. Hewon nine consecutive IPF World Powerlifting Championships from 1971-1979 (198-pound to 242-pound weight classes) and set 54 world records during his powerlifting career. The fees are a way to generate revenue to help pay expenses. We did not know this in advance. I have seen a lot in 50 years as powerlifting has introduced me to all of my friends as well as most good and bad memories. Actually, I've worked at keeping everything the same since it worked before and seems to be working OK now as well. Steve Powell has uploaded video of the first two squat attempts of powerlifting legend and pre-meet favorite, Mike Bridges (198), at the USAPL CON-CRET Raw Challenge at the Arnold Classic. He has broken over 100 combined Nationals and World Records in his storied career. I said, "Are you all right Mac?" One should not blame the IPF as they did not have any influence or a stake in this meet. Deadlift: 272.5kg/600lb. More on that in a bit.5. I find that while the weight I lift is less, the intensity is still high and with decent results but I stay sore longer. Squat: 227.5kg/501lb How about dougs billing squat 985lb. A winner of five world championships and several world record. $29.95 each. I heard from a reliable source that a lot of effort was made to remedy the situation but it was what it was. Mac's first meet was two months before this when he qualified to lift in Victorville. We had a five-hour layover. To: Chip Hultquist..would like to know more about your hip replacement; facing the same thing..30+ yrs of powerlifting. Cookie Notice In response to a question about how his training has changed as he has gotten older, powerlifting legend Mike Bridges answers that at 50 he still trains the same. [/quote] so yes, some records were set with tpb. [quote=Travis Werner]I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. LEGENDARY BENCH PRESSER MIKE MACDONALD (USA) PASSED - Powerlifting barbell | 21K views, 632 likes, 8 loves, 38 comments, 118 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Old School Strength: Powerlifting legend Mike Bridges deadlifts ~617 lb in the 198 lb weight class. He was lifting at National Masters and I was his coach. I wonder how it would feel to have a 700+ pound bar slide down your back. Thread Tools. Squat: 455kg/1003b The fact that Teds total may have been low does not depreciate the astronomical effort he has left us with. Ivanko bars are awfulthey are outrageously whippy and the non-standard knarling makes setting up for the deadlift quite confusing. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. Deadlift: 365kg/804.69lb. After the last time you would think they would be extra careful to see it didnt happen again. Of course, it would be nave to assume that some lifters at tested events werent using PEDs. (course they also did drug tests on mike but odds are those won't be a problem). if i were running the damned thing, i'd be double checking EVERYTHING. You won't believe my luck. they say he found out thursday. I was a gymnast in New York where I grew up. I would think you would have everything ready to go at least a week out. My training poundage started climbing again and I felt more and more like busting it in the gym again. I'm sure if anything does happen like records being reversed, the people who are invloved will only use this as motivation to exceed their previous lifts. When powerlifting, you train with three exercises in mind: Bench press, squats, and deadlifts. Some powerlifting meets drug test, and some dont. And then one day it was over.Larry: Yes I have had 16 surgeries from powerlifting including one freak accident when I almost cut my fingers off when I dropped a bar on myself.Lou: I know you were one of the first to sell power knee wraps and suits.Larry: Yes. Well, the bar didn't cooperate. Rank. Prior to any National meet, there is a meeting held by the Technical Secretary to ensure compliance to rules. Mike, congrats on your lifting. George is to be feared, and why not , it isnt everyone who can squat 985 and total 2369lb. [quote=Harold Gaines]I was the Meet Director for this event and I would like to put to rest this issue (if possible). squatting 804 lb. Mike Bridges, age 50, captured multiple IPF Master's 2 (50+) World Records last weekend at the USAPL Men's Nationals. The author and famed Mike Bridges are shown in a light moment at the 1982 World Powerlifting Championships in Munich. This time I lowered it a bit faster. Thats what makes powerlifting such a great sport. But when you can squat 1000 anytime you fell like it, who cares about a poor deadlift. LARRY PACIFICO | Westside Barbell What has Dan done for the game? I was never as happy as I was to see Mac walk in my room to take me home to Dayton, Ohio. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Reps and sets ranged from 510 to 10-15 sets of lower reps, to the aforementioned 50-rep sets on some exercises,. George has spread his body weight from 242 pounds all the way to the high 300s. Mike's lifts are pending on the IPF website. Go ahead, it's okay. I won on bodyweight after John missed a third deadlift. If dan can get his bench together, lookout! Was I right! The movement standards of powerlifting competitions are going to be a significant challenge. Carl said "I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight." TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS.[/quote]. That all said, heres how the average lifters totals (squat, bench press, dead lift) at the competitions compare. You had Mike Bridges who astonished the world with his absolute dominance and ground breaking lifts. After getting out of the Army I started to compete in and around Ohio. Show Printable Version; 04-21-2012, 04:33 PM #1. 1981Mens Senior Nationals Actually, I've worked at keeping everything the same since it worked before and seems to be working OK now as well. Mine was over first. Mike Bridges - Bridges was one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, competing in the 165 and 181 pound classes. The place was cheering wildly for me to take again. They don't specifically train to get huge muscles, but they still end up being massive. Needless to say, the routine listed below, is designed to work on each of these lifts. 2023 Westside Barbell. 1984Mens USPF Senior Nationals: Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. See, they cannot make an exception for a USA lifter because USA would beef huge IF a russian had an improper bar and broke records too price of having approved bars, weights, and rules. You know what I mean. I hope this does not come true. When he first saw Vince hecould tell he had dropped down to 198,then he saw me all bulked up and ready for battle. ivanko bars suck. How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands, I met him in my first power meet in the summer of 1966. It's unfortunate that an error like this had to happen, but the bar we were using was just fine!! ERNIE FRANTZ A pioneer in the sport, Frantz squatted 821 at age 64. When you see him lifting over 500lb in the benchpress in such a smooth Continue Why is it so hard? Jesse Rodgers, I agree. My middle finger and both the fingers on each side were caught. Larry: We had a great team back then and I will always look back to the early days without so much politics. We had a rivalry in the early 70s.Lou: Before we get into your powerlifting life, did you ever play other sports? He lifted like what he was, a world champiom. this meet director, the ipf (USAPL) refs who inspected the platform and weights, and the USAPL EC members present, tech sec, all of these should be held directly responsible for what was discovered thursday and they did not work to correct. I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. They took me to Grandview Hospital where a doctor friend of the family met us. 2023 ABC News Internet Ventures. XTREME SQUATTING-book, XTREME DEADLIFTING-book, & ADVANCED POWERLIFTING TECHIQUES-DVD. Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. George has put his time in and i know we all appreciate Georges effort in supporting the game through his participation. Once inside and rolling, they put the piece of finger that came off in some of the ice and stuck it in my sweatshirt pocket. Why is it so hard? Gerlof Holkema 4.4K subscribers Subscribe 4.1K views 2 years ago Mike Bridges (1982) WORLD RECORD (181 lbs /. The International Powerlifting Federation Hall of Fame began in 1978 to recognize powerlifters who had competed in the IPF and officials who had shaped the IPF. Oh yeah, no squat suit until about 1976, and no disrespect, but the squat suits were not much. On the morning before the meet we opened 2 brand new shipping tubes from an IPF approved manufacturer and they contained bars that did not have center knurling. Bridges came back to bench press and hit 440 pounds, good for ninth . Bridges was one of many record holders or top level men that included Marvin . Best Lifts: They had time to get another bar!!! BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. And at 51 I expect to take it even higher next week at the APF Georgia. I went 760, 810, 832. Squat: 260kg/573.2lb(WR) Do guys in anything-goes competitions regularly hoist heavier weights than guys in drug-tested meets?3 Why allow PED use at all? We took off and I told him what happened. He finally pulled out the pin and said it may never be straight again. When you squat 800 pounds, every joint in your body needs to be optimally aligned. [/quote] The squat racks used at that meet were illegal as they could possibly get accoding to mandates of the IPF. I just went to a baseball game and payed $18 for a lousy $10 hat. Mike Bridges (Birth date: february 1, 1957). All times are GMT-5. Michael. :)[/quote] JOHN INZER An elite lifter, Inzer invented the bench shirtsupportive equipment that allowed for bigger lifts. The point is the TPB is not approved and does not even meet all the requirements to be approved. I started training at Bob Matzs gym in Toledo, Ohio, with George Crawford and Milt McKenzie, butwon world titles along with Larry.Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. Sams donation to powerlifting is stupendous! the fault is with USAPL and its referees (IPF ones) and its meet director, who should have KNOWN better than to hold a MEN's NATIONALS and that women's record breaker event WITHOUT THE PROPER BARS. Doug Hepburn: Might, Muscle & Miracles Anatomy of Strength. Bench: 160kg/352.74lb(WR) Powerlifting had one federation, one national champion, Gaynor said. And there were no bench shirts until 1984, so his bench was raw as they say nowadays. why someone running a meet like this waits to the last second anyway is a damned good question. Just lift it! He bench pressed well over 400, squatter more than 700 and deadlifted close to that. Being stubborn about that and thinking I'm too tough to change what I do will derail your progress sooner or laterso listen to what the body is telling you and work with it; not against it. Mike Bridges - ProKinetics : ProKinetics Mike entered his first power lifting competition in 1976 and broke a world record in his very first competition. not screwing up in front of the WORLD. Bob Matz would judge meets and was down right scary to look at. When planning ahead for the meet today, I had to ask myself if I was capable of creating conditions in which records could be set and make it known to the lifters who entered the meet today whether the conditions in which they would find would or was not condusive to setting any records. I trained Mac for a year. Best Lifts: Exhibition lifts include an 885-pound squat, 610-pound bench press, and 815-pound deadlift, for a total of 2061 pounds.