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It's never a mixture of an Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Middle eastern men or women in any of these interracial relationships. Based on U.S. Census data, a commercial with 10 actors should have: 6 whites, 2 Hispanics, 1 black, 1 . When you see it in TV, you would assume black/white interracial marriages are 95% of all marriages. Yes it is the Democrats doing this because all white people are racist. Not true. But they only come out when it fits their narrative, like when a White cop shoots a Black person. It explains the Who, How, and Why of all these social issues. Its galling to me that even in advertising locally here in the Mountain West, where the population is close to 90% white, I dont see a lot of people who look like me or my friends, family, or neighbors. and many references to the over-representation of Black actors in advertising (which I have noticed), but neither you nor anyone who has commented has given the percentage of commercials employing black actors. Apparently, these days there is "a lot of fuss over gaming "forcing diversity" and people getting upset that a character is gay, trans, etc." In a viral Twitter thread, self-described "straight white dude" gamer FightinCowboy decided to explain why this fuss is unjustified and give his opinion on why diversity in gaming is important. I am a middle aged white woman. Thanks for reading. It reminds me of an episode on the series Community in which the college mascot wore a tan jumpsuit that covered it head to toe because of the hype about college mascots offending people we will soon have a neutral society, everyone will be light brown. Many of the other female athletes have been too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their scholarships or getting kicked off the teams. generally, its ridiculous. https://www.milleradagency.com/about/miller-crew/erik-radle/. Im curious if people feel I am I wrong for stating this comment the way I did? But the people behind the ads are all for this. (Facebook Advertising) 9. As a White woman, Ive never had any interest in interracial. Not cancel culture. That is rare in RL. Then form your messaging and campaign strategy from there. Well before this subject matter was put forward, I had wanted to send Rob a private email about this (and regarding the pussifaction [excuse my terminology]) about this subject. If Id replied with anything but an acknowledgement that yes indeed, todays advertising industry is totally overrepresenting black people and making white people look like idiots, then that would have told you that I was a lunatic, or at least intellectually dishonest, and that this blog was not worth your time. I became republican for this reason. The problem as I see it is that black people are the most racist people there is. I just got a lifetime ban from Twitter for talking about how blacks are having everything handed to them and taking over and I think Im at about 7 30-day bans on Facebook. I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. Very clear & accurate message!! Im a 64-year-old liberal white female who usually votes Democratic but Ive been noticing this more and more. Its true. . The only thing I can guess is advertisers are trying to social engineer society. Advertising cookies (of third parties) collect information to help better tailor advertising to your interests, both within ANAs website(s) and on other websites and online services. Together, the masculine and feminine complement one another in ways that only nature could have devised. I was thinking about doing the same thing its definitely a lot easier than setting an email to each individual company that portrays blacks and commercials being Superior over white guys are made to look like total buffoons and inferior to blacks. In my youth you could even have called me a SJW. This is not about money, or placating the woke mania. Multiracial scenes now common in TV ads So this makes for a huge boulder rolling down the hill with great momentum. I am really tired of seeing mainly blacks featured in TV ads! . You are born with them and cannot change them no matter if one surgically destroys what they were born with, or hormones one takes. Spot on! BARF! What turned me to GOP? Always appreciate your thoughtful comments. There is positively an endgame to complete the destruction of the west underlying all of this. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), claiming that white people are undercounted, ethnic minority consumers actually prefer to see white people in ads, an article condemning Western brands and advertisers for overlooking the vast and diverse Muslim population, this survey from YouGovAmerica, Muslims account for just 1 percent of the U.S. population, their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. Lets not reduce the dignity of humans with dark skin to that mindset. We were told that race could and should be used as a tie breaker when choosing between two otherwise equal job candidates. . Further, there has been an increase in the ethnic diversity of the marketing teams of ANA member companies the most significant growth of ethnic diversity in the five-year history of this report! Its pretty funny because my husband and I were just talking about this the other day. He names names, gives dates, gives quotes, and gives events, laying out an ironclad argument on why we are going through what were going through. Is it some sort of long-overdue come-uppance for having built the modern world we live in today? White people are the worst and everyone else is better. It basically said ALL WHITES ARE RACIST. What Is Forced Diversity, And Why Is It Controversial? These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. Zach Van Arsdale By Fernanda Galan | November 8, 2021 | 9:30pm MST 90% of the time its one black shooting another. And I think a lot of people instinctively realize this even if they have difficulty expressing it. T his report from ANA and ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that finally, there has been progress in increasing ethnic diversity in the advertising/marketing industry. Everything is going crazy, and much like in astrophysics, whenever you think you have everything figured out, 50 new questions come up. . Kris, thanks for writing and do take care. If this was a book on physics, Mark Levin would win a Nobel Prize for his Theory of Everything. These advertisers are scumbags and people should boycott the products that theyre promoting!! I totally agree with you. Ive noticed the absence of white people too. how wonderful, right? Watching commercials on ABC and NDC, I was shocked to learn that ~70% of black families drive Lexus SUVs and live in McMansions, because every commercial I see portrays this to be just normal everyday life in America. Same could be said about Trump supporters or super Libs or gays or > insert whatever group. Im a white senior male and a retired electrical engineer. As others have pointed out, its actually exacerbating racism. This is the Kalergi Plan and the Frankfurt School opperating at full speed ahead. 25% Jewish? Always try to be sensitive and try to feel how others may feel. Your comment reminds me of what I used to hear some 15-20 years ago, about how damaging negative stereotypes in media can be. Like you, I would love to see the social media platforms reclassified as utilities, but Im not sure whos going to do it. Ive never seen anyone other than a white male actor cast as a burglar in a home security commercial. I dont post racist or incentive posts or replies, dont promote violent or Illegal activity, no abusive language or hate speech. You might be interested in this article at Real Clear Politics titled Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. Check the part where the author notes that the very definition of racism has undergone a radical change (this according to a new eighth-grade education textbook foisted upon students in the Albemarle County (Virginia) School District. What are some examples of forced diversity? - Quora Im also bothered by the fact that these advertisers are shoving gay & transgendered families down our throats! While anyone is free to buy these products, and they arent restricted, just going by reality and consumer numbers, why are brands suddenly trying to appeal to what might be less than 5% of there target market? We have all forgotten that the fall of the Roman Empire, and every great civilization that has risen and fallen, was the result of sexual deviation and perversion. Tell me how many national product ads meet that mix? By simply taking the time to survey a couple of POCs in your target audience, you can create a more authentic campaign. People have plenty of reasons to keep quiet. It seems the same to me as a pregnant male having a baby. Or, is it rather that commercials are catching up to the real world? Ultimately, however, they will all fall in a spectacular, but awful manner, as all would-be tyrants do. But plenty of great players who were also well loved have had a final match prior to retirement. Thing is, in the Chevrolet commercial, Mr. and Mrs. Lopez look and sound no more Hispanic than Joe Biden. Obviously there is nothing wrong with that in real life and I wish I had them as neighbors. All White men are portrayed as stupid, and now all smart funny characters are all POC. . The body-positivity trend has especially gripped womens magazines, and more than one social commentator has taken these publications to task for celebrating and glamorizing unhealthy lifestyles. Blacks are way, way over represented and it has turned me off to a point where I will not purchase from these heavy handed advertisers. (This, as the woke Left shames and cancels people such as fitness instructor Jillian Michaels for not praising the morbid obesity of the musician Lizzo.) In fact, you rarely see an ad without a person of colour. But almost every day, we see videos of people brazenly walking in a store or walking up to someone on a sidewalk and just taking whatever the hell they want and walking off with it. Staying silent is part of how we got here in the first place. Dont allow our media to control who should or should not be placed on a pedestal. It truly boggles the mind. Gamers Are Getting Upset Over 'Forced Diversity', But This "Straight This leads me to believe that a majority of blacks have finally achieved the American dream and escaped poverty. Not to mention the camera shots of the audience during the match most of which were carefully chosen to show black members of the audience celebrating Serenas well played points and celebrating her opponents poorly played points. Integration will only come gradually over generations. Please explain what you mean by the statement the other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all? You do know that Black people are not a monolithic group. Now are the monoliths totally responsible for all of this? Its not just every commercial break; its nearly every commercial now where white people are put in secondary or subordinate roles, white men are made out to be idiots and buffoons, and black people are universally portrayed as the smart, sensible, successful role models everyone else looks up to. Theres nothing like a hay-bale-throwin, truck driven guy who know how to fix things! I call it Clown World and were all living in it. The list goes on and on, Maria this, Carlos that. They refuse to think critically for themselves; they just believe what theyre told. Thats why many modern companies are selecting more diverse models and stories for their ad campaigns. If you look at the Hollywood films he made in the 1960sThe War Lord, Planet of the Apes, The Omega Man etc..he dies at the end or loses. So while these Ad people pat their own backs about breaking racial boundaries.. they are not being as innovative as they think because they are ALL doing it. Sorry to hear it. It should be noted that a new diversity index in the Census has some claiming that white people are undercounted.). The Kellogg brothers were Seventh Day Aventists who preached that meat is evil, advocating a grain and veg based diet. B. some bigot dropping hurtful or played-out tropes on Reddit? Most of us reluctantly accept this fact and just suffer through every commercial break thankful for the mute button on our remote controls. However, the. To your point, I ran across a study while doing research for this post that showed that despite enjoying far more representation in television ads than other minority races, blacks were also the group that thought they should be seeing much MORE of themselves in commercials by a wide margin. Certainly the George Floyd killing was a catalyst. Think there would be a problem? This gap is both unsettling and unacceptable to most of today's consumers. Everyone knows that representation is important. Michael Harvin, Senior Manager, Global Agency Relations at American Express. The current state of race relations goes back to the 60s with LBJs civil rights Bill. Theyre the ones producing the work. Ive noticed that even traditional male subjects like weightlifting, pickup trucks, etc. A person identified as white is a racist, by definition. Firms can address these issues as the economy . [Same goes for Indian Americans the departments led by Indians were the same: 80% Indians, a few whites, a token far East Asian, a token Hispanic, no blacks]. Create A Focus Group To Help You Develop Content, Want to represent a variety of groups? Either way, marketing was just generic white dude stuff. . Black people are generally not known to be into camping in freezing weather, or things such as bungee jumping & cliff climbing. Whats the difference between self-identifying as a feline instead of a different gender. https://marketing.extremereach.com/e/579431/sity-in-Ad-Creative-Report-pdf/k966yf/1408224246?h=4DDINhmtHixx1ZSmuRqbhiShJJxWVK69ptTc4Htvk. It's time for action. Advertising clearly misrepresents the US demographic. I grew up in a Texas County with a 62% black population. Tv shows would have you believe all groups of friends are made up of one person each of a different race and a LGBT, its eye rolling ridiculous. Black people are seeing themselves everywhere which may strike a few of them as odd, as if white corporate America is shamelessly pandering to them but any warm fuzzies this may bring are likely negated by the fact that blacks in commercials behave just like white people. They are owners and CEOs of major corporations and professors at prestigious universities. If inclusion is part of your culture and mission, it will show in your campaigns and wont feel like a marketing tactic or gimmick. The reason more white people dont speak up about issues like these is because they fear they will be labeled a racist!! In some cases these cookies improve the speed with which we can process your request, allow us to remember site preferences youve selected. As a matter of fact, what that is is actually racist. And the further on the holiday season it goes, it seems only black people celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, oh unless they have white family or neighbors who they graciously invite over. Quite a few brands have been making a point in recent years to show more natural-looking women in body-inclusive advertising. Interesting, on his website there are no blacks working at his firm. Americans vote with their wallet. If they can disenfranchise white people and make us feel demoralized and that America isnt our country any more, then it strengthens their hand. Personally, I dont like being forced to accept anything by people that have an agenda to change society to their follies. All of this is was clearly agenda driven coverage. But even before that, we had the social justice movement which fostered entitlement in some groups and programmed so many young white people to feel guilty about being white. I am a gay man and i am SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE LGBTQ BULLCRAP BEING SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS!!! The culture is rife with this stuff now . This is planned cultural change to foment divisionand it seems to be working well for them. They just walk in during broad daylight and take the hell whatever shit they want!! Gawd, I am glad I am not the only one who is bothered by this (catalogs). But at the same time, the advertising companies were developing a new marketing strategy that got away from mass markets Positioning (Rob, you know what Im talking about). So yes, we have been, and continue to be manipulated by corporations that have political, social and religious agendas. CTV Advertising Means Diversity. Its really amazing how poorly these companies treat their customers and potential customers, especially compared to a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. That black Americans wouldnt be able to vote if they cant mail in their votes because they would have no way to get to a voting booth on election day, or that there are no bus routes to some voting booths, as if black Americans can only use public transport and dont own vehicles. I am happy with my life. I worked at DFW Airport for 30 years and I did everything in my power to keep my sexual preference hidden form all my coworkers. As someone who, like you, has been down his share of rabbit holes, I agree.