Roundtrip ticket . Travel For travelers Countries/Cities During your trips around Spain or other Spanish speaking countries, do not hesitate to be brave and bold: something which you must not leave sitting in your suitcase for the whole journey is your Spanish vocabulary, especially once you have taken the time to … Today, we’re talking about la vida bonita, la familia, el trabajo, la cocina… that’s right, Spanish vocabulary! Where does the bus/train to (Madrid) leave from? ¡Buenas tardes! Depending on where you're going, you might need to use one of the following means of transport: Car (also called carro or auto in some countries). It really is just some simple memorization and you can find numbers in any book on Spanish or use our guide to counting in Spanish. While it is never correct to assume that someone speaks English, you can ask if they do and they will appreciate that you asked in Spanish. This is specially important when you travel and you need those language skills to “survive”. Keep in mind that transportation can vary a lot from one country to another and, with it, some vocabulary might also change. List of useful Spanish phrases for travel First of all, we need to say that the first two phrases you must remember are “por favor” (“please”) and “gracias” (“thank you”); while they may look simple, they are very important and will open many doors for you so don’t forget to say them. There are tons of incredible phrasebooks (some that are partially travel guides) offered by Lonely Planet which are perfect for traveling and pulling out at a moment’s notice. Of course, just knowing the names for these forms of transportation will not be enough to find your way around a new place. This way, if you ever forget one of your most important travel phrases, you’ll be able to remind yourself. Here are some simple directions that someone may give you in response. ¿Dónde está…? Buenos días (BWAY-nos DEE-ahs) — Good morning, Buenas tardes (BWAY-nahs TAR-days) — Good afternoon, Buenas noches (BWAY-nahs NOH-chayss) — Good evening. Trip: The trip to New York was lovely and interesting. The rest is Vocabulary lists, grouped by category. You’ll learn Spanish as it’s actually spoken by real people. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. (DOHN-day eye oon rays-toe-RAHN-tay?) Browse by Subject Spanish Travel Vocabulary. (say-NYOR, say-nyor-EET-ah) — Calling a waiter or waitress. Whether I’m rolling along the Costa Brava on a small cercanías (local suburban train) and gazing at the waves, or hurtling between the cosmopolitan heartthrobs Barcelona and … Hopefully you will be able to travel to a Spanish-speaking country in your lifetime. +-Related Flashcards. Click here to get a copy. — Where is…? Probably the most useful Spanish travel phrases you will need are the ones you would use in a restaurant. You can ask if you can use a credit card — una tarjeta de credito (oonah tar-HEY-tah day CRAY-dee-toh). ¿Cuánto cuesta? Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store for iOS and Android devices. El boleto de ida y vuelta . Find topics in left sidebar in top menu.. Sure, you can travel to a Spanish speaking country without knowing the language. The airport? I want a hotel, I want a taxi, I need pesos. Do you feel more prepared for your trip, now? Bonus: Discover the fastest way to learn Spanish … So, if you're planning to visit a Spanish-speaking country, pay close attention to the following words and phrases. Use this phrase when you are introduced to someone, and they will likely say it back to you. This works FluentU brings Spanish to life with real-world videos. Review a complete interactive transcript under the Dialogue tab, and find words and phrases listed under Vocab. Spanish and English travel vocabulary. Pack these Spanish travel phrases and words with the rest of your essentials and you will be sure to get the most from your vacation. Vacation: I'd love to take a nice long vacation on the beach. Our collection of exercises can help you do both! Better yet, take a phrasebook. After this free audio lesson you’ll discover lots of Spanish transportation vocabulary. Looking to learn new Spanish words or just to brush up on the vocabulary you already know? Spanish Vocabulary Lists, Games and Quizzes. Unless you live near the right international border, there's no quicker way to visit a Spanish-speaking country than to fly. Find lesson plans, worksheets, videos, and more. For instance: Yo quiero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi (yoh kee-AYR-oh oon boh-LAY-toh, oon oh-TAYL, oon tahk-SEE) — I want a ticket, a hotel, a taxi. Credit cards. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Quiz *Theme/Title: Travel/Vacation Vocabulary * Description/Instructions ; Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or phrase. Most lists include pictures and sound for each word. GRAMMAR EXERCISES VOCABULARY EXERCISES PHRASAL VERBS TRAVEL SPANISH . The vocabulary words pair well with Avancemos 2 Unit 1.1 and 1.2. We will start with some Spanish Phrases. You can go far with some very easy-to-remember travel phrases and words. This is the response to “how are you?” Use it if someone directs the question to you to show that you, too, are a polite person. At what time does flight 222 leave/arrive? Choose from 500 different sets of spanish travel vocab flashcards on Quizlet. Many places in smaller towns still do not take credit cards so make sure you have enough cash with you. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. This is a hand drawn matching worksheet of Spanish travel vocabulary. To make the most out of this vocabulary, you might want to review how to tell the time in Spanish, as well as brushing up on Spanish numbers. To plan . And even though English is widely spoken in international travel, it is likely that your first encounter with Spanish on a vacation … Where is the train station? Everything in this matching exercise is in Spanish. (Download). All Rights Reserved, Transportation and Travel Vocabulary in Spanish. (CWAHN-toh CWAYS-tah?) or ¡Señorita! Spanish 2, I completed my unit on travel vocabulary, direct object pronouns, and the culture of Costa Rica. Spanish travel vocabulary powerpoint in Description. (DOHN-day eye OON-ah CAH-sah day CAHM-bee-oh?) Download: SpanishSaver Setup. Where is... (the south terminal/customs)? - Spanish vocabulary practice - Vocabulary building exercises, quizzes for students of Spanish. Planes, trains, and automobile vocabulary Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. You can say a lot of things with very simple verbs. — Where is the exchange? Let's take a closer look at these means of transportion. Las reservaciones . A good example is the word "bus". This list of useful Spanish travel phrases will help you navigate your way through some common scenarios--whether you'll be traveling in Spain, Mexico, or another Spanish-speaking country. Overland Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences. Introducing Vocabulary: Air Travel. Important topics include restaurant, hotel, and tourist attraction vocabulary and much more! Start Your 10-Day Free Trial Search 350,000+ online teacher resources. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list! ¿Dónde hay un restaurante? Practice your Spanish vocabulary for Spanish Vocabulary: Travel with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Ecc Idiom Travel And Trans. International airport travel will be a breeze after you master these words. ¿Dónde está... (la terminal sur/la aduana)? — Where is the bank? FluentU has a wide variety of videos—topics like soccer, TV shows, business, movies and even magical realism, as you can see here: FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. ** This is an intermediate Spanish story to teach travel vocabulary. Grades: 8 th, 9 th, 10 th, 11 th. When you have mastered these new words, return to the Spanish words menu to learn more words. To go on a trip . Spanish Words And Phrases For Travel. Basic Spanish Travel Vocabulary Spanish Numbers Spanish for Emergencies Many More Spanish Travel Phrases! Yo quiero, yo no quiero (yoh kee-AYR-oh, yoh noh kee-AYR-oh) — I want, I don’t want Getting around somewhere new can be hard if you don't speak the local language. Once you have asked a question, someone will answer you in Spanish. Just hearing them spoken aloud will also help in your comprehension when people are speaking to you. On his way to Hong Kong, the plane run. ¿Habla inglés? So, whether you’re on vacation, in a business meeting, or even having an emergency in a Spanish-speaking city, you’ll be covered as long as you memorize the words and phrases below. My students at Rochester High have a wide variety of interests, skills, and knowledge. Practice saying everything aloud so that you will remember some of the phrases withoutlooking, and learn how to say these phrases relatively quickly and smoothly. You can always use “I want,” “I like” and “Do you have…?” and if you do not know the noun, you can simply point at the object. Are you travelingto a Spanish speaking country? All Rights Reserved. Navigating an airport in Spanish is a lot easier when you know some of the common Spanish words and phrases you may encounter. — Do you understand? Reservations . Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Before you move beyond greetings, here is a tip for learning the words and phrases in this post: The best way to study them is to hear them in use. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn Spanish with real-world videos. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list. But your trip will in no way compare with the incredible adventure that awaits the traveler who speaks Spanish. — Do you speak English? Basic Spanish Travel Vocabulary for Many Uses You can go far with some very easy-to-remember travel phrases and words. In this lesson you'll learn Spanish terms and phrases to use in an Airport when traveling to a Spanish Speaking Country. The list is adaptable to classroom vocabulary and recitation practice as well as a matching quiz. And the best place to find authentic videos hand-picked for learning Spanish is FluentU! ¿De dónde sale el autobús/tren para (Madrid)? Una mesa para dos tres, cuatro (oona MAY-sah PAH-rah dohss, trays, CWAH-troh) — A table for two, three, four, Hamburguesa (ahm-boor-GAY-sah) — Hamburger, Con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga (cohn SAHL-sah day toh-MAH-tay, mohs-TAH-sah, toh-MAH-tay, lay-CHOO-gah) — With ketchup, mustard, tomato, lettuce, Una entrada (oona ayn-TRAH-dah) — An appetizer, Vino tinto, vino blanco ((VEE-noh TEEN-toh, VEE-noh BLAHN-coh) — Red wine, white wine, ¡Señor! Mucho gusto (MOO-choh HOOS-toh) — Nice to meet you. Important Vocabulary for Spanish Train Travel I’ve always found train travel to be a delight. ¿Dónde hay una casa de cambio? This is the polite version, to be used with people you do not know. To do that, you will need some more basic vocabulary. Once you arrive at your destination, you will probably rely on public transportation to get to where you want to go. SpanishSaver is an interactive Spanish Language Learning Software. For example, sports, band, music, technology, and travel are all interests that many of my students hold. They will understand. And if you find a regional Spanish phrasebook that focuses on your travel destination, you’ll find even more useful phrases that locals love to use. Click through to the Spanish word lists to learn vocabulary for each topic, then test your knowledge using the quizzes and games. Spanish for Travelers / Español para viajeros Nowadays, whether it is for pleasure or for business, people are taking the time to travel more and more often, as well as going further afield. An all-purpose word: No funciona (noh foonk-see-OH-nah) — It doesn’t work! Bien, gracias (bee-AYN, GRAH-cee-ahs) — Good, thank you. (kay OR-ah ess?) Just try your best and they will be happy to reciprocate. For example, you can pull out your credit card and say: ¿Tarjeta de credito? He goes to the airport and gets on the plane. – Good afternoon/good evening! © 2021 Enux Education Limited. You can’t wait to begin your journey to a Spanish-speaking country. Subjects: Foreign Language, Spanish. For example: ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril? Travel is one of the main reasons to learn Spanish.Many of the Spanish phrases on the site may be useful to you. Welcome to Travel Spanish, our online Spanish phrasebook for travelers.Whether you're traveling to Buenos Aires, Bogota, or Baja California, you can use this phrasebook either to brush up on the Spanish you already know, or to learn all the useful words and expressions you'll need for your trip. Do not ever forget: These are two very important words in Spanish! As you begin your journey, here are some words you may need to know: el … Make your travel hassle-free with this e-book that covers all possible scenarios while traveling in a Spanish-speaking country. Being able to talk about transportation in Spanish is important if you want to find your way around in a Spanish-speaking country. Travel and tourism – Complete Spanish vocabulary list – Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about travel and tourism. Yo tengo, yo no tengo (yoh TAYN-goh, yoh noh TAYN-goh) — I have, I don’t have, Yo entiendo, yo no entiendo (yoh ayn-tee-AYN-doh, yoh noh ayn-tee-AYN-doh) — I understand, I don’t understand. But, if all else fails, pull out a pen and paper and write down the number you want and encourage the other person to do the same. your journey to a Spanish-speaking country, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store, The Ultimate Spanish Vocabulary Guide For Football / Soccer, 8 Useful Tips for Learning Spanish with Movies, 11 Awesome Channels to Learn Spanish on YouTube, 9 Great Resources to Learn Spanish Through the News, How to Immerse Yourself in Spanish When You Don’t Live Abroad, 15 Common Spanish Idioms for Sounding Like a Native. ¿Dónde está el banco? Since donde ends in e and está starts with one, these two words flow into each other, almost like they were a single word. Although autobus will be understood by most Spanish speakers, locals might have other names for this form of transportation, like camión in Mexico, colectivo in Argentina, and guagua in some Central American countries. The bathroom? — What time is it? ¿Qué hora es? Take a small pocket dictionary with you. (BWAY-nas TAR-des) Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning the same video. If you're travelling to a foreign country, there is a good chance you will be going through an airport at some point, so let's go over some useful vocabulary for this situation. Ask for anything by using quiero (kee-AYR-oh) or quisiera (kee-see-AYR-oh) — “I want” or “I would like.” And remember to say por favor and gracias! Send Close. ¿Entiende? (ayn-tee-AYN-day?) It may not be the sophisticated way you speak in English, but you will be understood. Thanks for subscribing! Do not worry about making mistakes: Most people will try their utmost to understand you and to make sure you understand them. Travel agent: The travel agent found us a great deal. Spanish Travel Phrases Cheat Sheet. Students will read a brief Spanish description and then match it with the proper vocabulary term. This set of flashcards is designed to help you learn important Spanish vocabulary related to traveling. Just point at the shower or whatever and say “¡No funciona!”. Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s robust learning engine. Learn spanish travel vocab with free interactive flashcards. Counting is good if you can spend a half hour or hour learning some basic numbers. — How much does it cost? In this post we are going to learn Spanish Vocabulary and Phrases for Traveling. Being surrounded by a foreign language can be challenging, but having these common Spanish questions and expressions on hand will make it easier!. “¿Dónde está?” is the simplest way of asking for directions. Spanish Travel Vocabulary and Phrases / Vocabulary and Conversation. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. (AH-blah een-GLAYS?) Travel: Travel is one of his favorite free time activities. Front: Back: Hacer un viaje . The specialized Spanish phrase list below is in four parts: (1) making reservations, (2) at the reception desk, (3) in the hotel room, and (4) more vocabulary for common items found in the hotel. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you’re on. (COH-moh es-TAHS), instead. Listen for these key words: A la derecha (a lah day-RAY-chah) — To the right, A la izquierda (ah lah eez-kee-AYR-dah) — To the left, En la esquina (a lah ays-KEE-nah) — At the corner, A una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras (a oona CWAH-drah, a dohss, a trayss, CWAH-troh CWAH-drahs) — In one, two, three, four blocks. Yo quiero, yo no quiero (yoh kee-AYR-oh, yoh noh kee-AYR-oh) — I want, I don’t want, Me gustaría (may goo-stah-REE-ah) — I would like (more polite). This means that we need to spend a good amount of our time making arrangements or asking for information with regards to … FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the Spanish language and culture over time. For even more useful Spanish greetings, check out the FluentU post on the topic. (COH-moh es-TAH) — How are you? Now there is a simple thing you can do that can have a BIG impact on your trip: Your trip will be so much more fun and meaningful if you can communicate with locals. The fact of the matter is that you can say a lot using the verbs we introduced above. While you don’t want to try to look up verb declensions in the middle of talking with someone, you can look up nouns quickly. Learn new words with our vocabulary lists & games! You’ll learn how to navigate a train station, ask about arrivals and departures, and buy tickets for your journey--in Spanish! SpanishSaver develops a user's Spanish vocabulary and grammar by displaying, in a flash-card-like manner, Spanish vocabulary, phrases, and verb conjugations (along with the English equivalents). Please check your email for further instructions. FluentU takes real-world videos, like music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks, and turns them into Spanish learning experiences. Spanish Travel Helper. (DOHN-des-TAH…?) At what time does the next bus/train to (Barcelona) leave? Learning Spanish tutorial for beginners: 40 Traveling Phrases in Spanish Tutorial. Spanish Travel Vocabulary Having a good understanding of vocabulary is essential in order to understand and speak better in a second language. ¿Cómo está? You can always use “I want,” “I like” and “Do you have…?” and if you do not know the noun, you can simply point at the object. Spanish Travel Vocabulary If incorrect, please navigate to the appropriate directory location. It’s got all the phrases you need to survive---and even thrive---in a Spanish-speaking environment. Below are the bare essentials, the most common survival Spanish travel phrases and words you will need on your trip. If you have questions, you can always use a noun with a question. ¿A qué hora sale el próximo autobús/tren para (Barcelona)? To ask someone you know how they are doing, use ¿Cómo estás? The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, and it recommends you examples and videos based on the words you’ve already learned. Study the vocabulary in this article, but make sure you also chat with locals so you can get to know the characteristic language quirks and customs of the city you are visiting. In the story, a millionaire with a private plane wants to travel to Hong Kong. If you're travelling to a foreign country, there is a good chance you will be going through an airportat some point, so let's go over some useful vocabulary for this situation. When traveling to Spanish speaking countries, knowing or attempting to learn the local Spanish shows a respect towards the local culture. Learning Spanish Travel Words. If you get a bit lost or unsure of how to get somewhere, you need some simple ways of finding how to find your way. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, FluentU New Year Sale: 40% off new annual plan subscriptions, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). Category title. (DOHN-des-TAH ayl BAHN-coh?) Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Planear . A few more locations you might need to ask directions to include: Here are a few other ways to ask for directions in Spanish: Busco un hotel (BOO-scoh oon oh-TEL) — I’m looking for a hotel, Yo necesito… (yoh nay-say-SEE-toh…) — I need…, Yo necesito un hotel / un cuarto / un cuarto con baño (yoh nay-say-SEE-toh oon oh-TAYL, oon CWAR-toh, oon CWAR-toh cohn BAN-yoh) — I need a hotel / a room / a room with a bathroom. can take anywhere. Spanish-speaking countries are generally very polite and you must always be courteous and say “hello” and “how are you?”. DOWNLOAD THE FULL PACKAGE IN ONE CLICK: 100 SPANISH VOCABULARY LISTS _ ENGLISH SPANISH an adaptor un adaptador on foot a pie queue here […] Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. Cards In This Set. (DOHN-des-TAH la ays-ta-see-OHN day fay-roh-cahr–REEL) — Where is the bus train station? — Where is a restaurant? You can use this for a million circumstances! Travel is one of the big reasons why people learn new languages. For a more complete list of Spanish phrases, grab your copy of the Spanish Phrasebook by My Daily Spanish! Create your own personalized vocabulary practice list and quiz yourself on SpanishDict. Other sites use scripted content. List of Spanish travel phrases you need those language skills to “ survive ” Rights,... Pair well with Avancemos 2 unit 1.1 and 1.2 Spanish words and.. 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