MD. I hope and pray that your medical problem will be healed/cured quickly. Here is a link to an interesting article that lists a number of foods, supplements and OTC drugs that may have caused your medical troubles. Other possible cause is a kidney condition called glomerulonephritis. Certain foods, drinks and supplements can cause a reddish discoloration of the urine. I want to know what is going on, it drives me insane to see blood everytime I pee. In fact many cases of hematuria (the medical term for blood in the urine) can be attributed to blood that gets there by way of the vaginal bleeding of menses. I am female and have had Cat scans of both kidney and bladder, 9 urine tests, MRI, ultra sound of kidney and bladder and an invasive bladder test. While in many instances the cause is harmless, blood in urine (hematuria) can indicate a serious disorder.Blood that you can see is called gross hematuria. All negative. The most important reason to be evaluated for blood in the urine is to look for kidney or bladder cancer. While the window for these false positives to occur is fairly small, the reality is that energy drinks have led to the arrest for suspicion of DWI for people that are entirely sober. Are you male or female? Blood in urine is just one of the signs of Haematuria. Does Diabetes Cause Blood In Urine (🔥 Unlimited Access ) Tuesday 2020-12-29 17:29:59 pm : In uncontrolled diabetes where blood glucose levels remain abnormally high ( hyperglycemia ), glucose from the blood cannot enter the cells – due to either a lack of insulin or insulin resistance – so the body can't convert the food you eat into energy. Either way, it's important to determine the reason for the bleeding.Treatment depends on the cause. Sincerely I am 30 years old, I don't smoke and drink, I don't have UTI infections but I was diagnosed with blood in my urine? Good luck! For me, it was a sign of a kidney stone. Wouldn’t the colonoscopy have shown that? What causes blood in urine? Blood in urine no pain often means only one thing. Had all tests of bladder and kidneys with no cancer cells anywhere. The medical term for blood in the urine is hematuria. Enlarged prostate 3. @kking11879 3-8 times per week I have hematuria, blood in the urine. Claim: Red Bull and Bang energy drinks test positive for various illicit or prescription drugs in substance or urine tests can calcium oxalate become cause of blood in urine and semen?? The two large Monster Energy drinks were the only food/drink that contained herbs, supplements to thin your blood. Track your time, I experienced blood in my urine to the point it looked like I was peeing black cherry koolaid about 6 years ago. I only want to add that sometimes what appears to be blood in your urine, is blood that has actually seeped out of your intestines and mixed with your urine. I only want to...", "Many things can cause blood in urine. Blood in urine caused by energy drinks . I did find where Lipitor could cause bleeding after prolonged use and I am testing that out. Sincerely MaryinKansas. When you pass urine, it leaves the bladder It must be unsettling to have to wait a year. It is a common symptom of Haematuria in children. When it becomes full, you get the urge to pass urine (urinate). Other symptoms, including insomnia, heart palpitations, tremors, excessive sweating and chest pains, are other possible side effects of consuming too many energy drinks. A UTI can occur in any part of the urinary tract. Good luck!! Cancer. 1. Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is.Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications can change your urine color. Types of Hematuria. There are different terms that are used to describe hematuria depending on the visibility of the blood in the urine. The surgury is suposed to be repeated every 2 to 3 yrs. Urine is the waste fluid produced by your kidneys when they clean your blood. Thrombocytopenia causes bruising, frequent nosebleeds, and tiny red dots that look like a rash. Bacterial infections can cause inflammation/irritation of the lining of your urinary tract leading to traces of blood making its way in your urine. I hope and pray that your medical problem will be healed/cured quickly. You may also be interested in this discussion: Most frequently, damaged kidneys can cause the presence of blood in urine. Blood In Urine No Pain. ", "I experienced blood in my urine to the point it looked like...",, Thanks for replying. Any radiating or phantom pain; possible mid back or flank? The catheter can tear that macular skin, and you bleed. Thanks for the reply. I’m bleeding when I urinate, does anyone else have this? Visible to you, just on a chemical dipstick test, or abnormal # red blood cells on microscopic exam of urine. thanks for replying. I’ve had numerous tests run including CTs , urine, blood. Seeing blood in your urine can be alarming. Foods or beverages that have diuretic effects can be irritating to the bladder. At the ER they did a lot of tests and checked everything and they could not figure out why…until they asked me if I traveled out of the country to some exotic locales–No–then they wanted to know everything I ate and drank for the previous 48 hours. The medical term for blood in urine is called hematuria. Hematuria or blood in the urine can be caused by bleeding from anywhere along the urinary tract. I am glad to hear you were able to discontinue Lipitor so you can be certain if this scary episode happened because of a side effect to Lipitor or not. Also had a colonoscopy and that was okay too. What could be causing this and what needs to be done about it. Side note; stress only makes things worse, stay curious and determined but don’t over-concern yourself. after that one episode of blood in my urine and taking antibiotics, I hadnt noticed blood in my urine again until late 2008. 3. No kidney stones, etc. Kidney stones 4. … Fever: First of all, a temperature may set in because of inflammation in the urinary tract. version loaded in 0.769 seconds, "Dear gmhelin, Are you drinking Monster Energy Drinks every day? Ok, so more questions so we can narrow down the scope even further. Both the answers you got are good ones. The muscles of the bladder allow it to expand, rather like a balloon. What could be the cause please?? Or an RX that has side effects with what is in a lot of Energy Drinks and tablets? Thrombocytopenia. Thank you. Bacteria entering the urethra and multiplying within the bladder cause … A little more water helps me , perhaps another liter per day. I have seen three specialists and they all tell me this happens sometimes. I felt as if I had the urgency to pee constantly but could only pee very little when i tried to go. The study monitored 50 healthy volunteers in their early 20s one hour after drinking a single can of an energy drink. Great, all of that information is fantastic and eliminates a lot of possible illnesses. It travels from your kidneys to your bladder, which then fills with urine. Another trigger in Amy of various kinds is macular tissue (usually some kind of skin) in the urethra or bladder. Also havehad numerous blood tests, etc and they are all normal. While energy drink consumption has been linked to side effects such as diabetes, behavioral disorders, cardiac abnormalities and seizures, is there a link between energy drinks and kidney st… MaryinKansas. I still wonder about medications I take. Cats that have blood clotting diseases can lose a great deal of blood in a short period of time. Sometimes it is just a little pink, sometimes there is up to a fourth of a cup of clot, with a large part of it lodge in the catheter. Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect the color. Prolonged or excessive alcohol use harms the kidneys and may lead to kidney disease. No pain, have had since May. Urine tests (urinalysis) are used to determine if there is blood in the urine. Last night I had a severe kidney episode which ended in passing a stone and while in the ER they discovered I had a urinary tract infection. The concentrated doses of caffeine in energy drinks can overwhelm your digestive tract. Thanks and kind regards, Regards Not relevant? Thank you for bringing this older discussion back to the forefront. The condition is terminal but not fatal. Dear gmhelin, Urinary blood that's visible only under a microscope (microscopic hematuria) is found when your doctor tests your urine. I don’t know what to think or do about this. The first thing the doctor asked me however was if I had eaten a lot of beets lately. Jump to this post Dear gmhelin, No doctor seems to be concerned but it is driving me nuts. Certain drugs, such as blood thinners, aspirin and other pain relievers, and antibioticsMore serious causes are Blood in your urine-- your doctor might call it hematuria -- usually isn’t a cause for major alarm. Urinary tract infection 2. But you shouldn’t ignore it, because it can also be a sign of a serious medical condition. Vigorous exercise such as long-distance running 5. Why does a urinary tract infection cause blood in urine? In fear of what it was I went straight to my doctor. Kidney stones or bladder stones can result in severe pain in your back or stomach and can show up as blood in the urine. Ask them for at LEAST possible answers. Are you drinking Monster Energy Drinks every day? Blood in the urine, or hematuria, may be a symptom of a urinary tract infection (UTI). First of most obvious is menstruation, age, any previous medical history, occupation. But a little more oil or fat in your diet, plus more water, and with mine, that usually takes care of it for a few days. It is debatable, however, if ingesting taurine found in a typical single serving of most energy drinks enough to cause serious harm to most people with normal kidneys. Many things can cause blood in urine. Have blood in urine. Dr. Alan Ali answered: "Energy drinks: Not likely, but there are other effects on your weight (high carbohydrate content) & cardiovascular system, to name..." Ask doctors free. Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as red, yellow or greenish blu… Rare blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia, Alport syndrome, and hemophilia can cause blood in the urine. Energy drinks rob the body’s nutrition reserves, setting the stage for disease and injury The most surefire way to provide the body with true energy is to fuel the gut with enzyme-rich, alkaline-forming foods. I had to have surgery to have my bladder expanded with gas and 5 painful weeks of post surgury treatments. Too many energy drinks may cause vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Large amounts of caffeine and sugar that make up an energy drink can possibly have negative effects on your overall health. Conditions such as kidney stones can completely obstruct the bladder and cause it to rupture. When was the onset, has it repeated itself? Urine that contains blood can appear pink, red, maroon, or even have a dark smoky color that looks like cola. Given that your urine is dark, I’m sure beets were ruled out long ago. I am having a monthly urinary tract infections and blood in urine what is the cause? Research undertaken at the University of Adelaide looked at the effects of the sugar-free varieties of energy drinks on blood clotting potential and blood vessel function. A simple stool sample from your Dr. will let you know if that’s the case. specially semen MD. I stopped drinking Monster Energy Drinks and I have never had another episode. It can be as simple as having passed a kidney stone (which is normally painful but can also go unnoticed); if this were the case a stone could have simply caused micro-abrasions or lacerations. Will be having another CAT scan in 6 months. Many supplements, foods and over the counter (OTC) drugs can be and are blood thinners. My blader lining deteriorates and its a condition one is born with, a defect in my bladder lining. thanks, No monster drinks or coumadin. The blood would seem to be an indication of something not being right. You may or may not see blood clots, which can look like coffee grounds. Lipitor and supplements could be a possibility. I have not had a second surgery due to the costs, but you can minimize the painful urination through a good diet free of acidic foods. Not likely, but there are other effects on your weight (high carbohydrate content) & cardiovascular system, to name a few. Blood, or red looking substances in the urine can be caused by many different things. The most common cause is an infection because of the inflammation in the urinary tract. These tests also double for checking for urinary tract infections and minerals that can cause kidney stones. Hi, It can constitute kidney stones that could manifest itself with blood in urine. KKing, what conditions did the urologist rule out? No stress, pretty easy life. Dark blood in my urine, no pain, no infection, no medication changes that would cause side effects. Al ... II you were not on your period check with your doctor for an explanation. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. As @vanseters points out, blood in urine can be so many things. There have not been many health benefits linked to drinking energy drinks, and they have increasingly become more common. Strenuous exercise or a blow to the kidneys can also cause blood to show up in the urine. Rarely, red urine may be caused by certain foods or medicine. Pleural effusion is buildup of fluid in the pleura and can cause difficulty breathing or chest pain. God bless you. Urinary stones can cause abrasion and irritation resulting in hematuria. Caffeine can be a bladder irritant and can also cause bladder spasms. God bless you. When the pain reached the point that I was getting dizzy from the pain while trying to urinate I decided to contact a urologist myself and make an appt. I had symptoms of a urinary tract infection but urine test came back negative, I use at home dipstick tests and the blood section showed up as +++200 the highest on the chart, is this serious do I need to notify a dr? The urologists I have seen don’t seem to be concerned but they don’t look any farther than the CT, MRI and cystoscope along with all the urine samples that all come up negative. I had no pain in my lower back area, the first thought my doctor had was a major kidney infection. Welcome to Connect, @kking11879. Abdominal Pain: Also, an infection means pain. Those who drank the energy drinks also had consistently higher blood pressure readings for two hours after consuming the drinks. 2. But with no back pain or urinary tract pain or bladder pain the concern faded for kidney trouble. Could you be charged with driving while intoxicated after consuming an energy drink? I stopped drinking Monster Energy Drinks and I have never had another episode. Exercise and sports require maximum blood flow so oxygen can get to cells quickly, Higgins said. The treatment for blood in your cat’s urine depends largely upon the condition causing it. Only of concern if visib ... Or urogynecologist for careful evaluation. Caffeine is also a mild diuretic, which means it tends to increase the amount of urine you … Since I can not afford another surgury at this time, my doctor prescribes me antibiotics which usually get rid of the painful episodes. Family history of kidney disease or kidney stones. Additionally, I’d like to invite @predictable, @kdubois @tropicallady1276 and @shoregal45 to this discussion. Urinary Tract Infection. White males have the highest risk of kidney stones,which can cause blood in the urine. It is also important to bear in mind that a red discoloration of the urine may not always be due to blood cells in the urine. I hope you will read the information from this link as I was very surprised to see a number of foods and supplements that I had no idea were blood thinners.. Hope it helps you find answers. It can be either visible (in medical terms called gross hematuria) or it can be microscopic. If long-term alcohol use occurs, it can damage the kidneys, which may cause blood in urine. All he could say is, ” come back in a year and we’ll run another urinalysis. Yes: Chronic drinking can lead to gastric irritation, ulcer and duodenal ulcers. Have you discussed this with your doctors. Very costly surgery too, so I hope you have good insurance. hope this helps. It could be parasites in your intestines. Are you...", "Both the answers you got are good ones. If the test is positive, clinicians will typically employ a second test to check for any red blood cells in the urine. The two large Monster Energy drinks were the only food/drink that contained herbs, supplements to thin your blood. Let’s find out the answers to those first few questions and then we can narrow things down. 1. I have also been having this experience since the beginning of July. When that happens, I usually have to use 3-4 caths per session because they plug up with thick clots very easily. You might be surprised to learn that energy drinks are a common cause of false positives on portable breath tests. Is it correct that kidney stone causing infection in prostrate, Can a bleeding ulcer cause blood in the urine, Is it possible to pull a muscle in the stomach during pregnancy, Is it possible to pop a blood vessel in your eye while sleeping, Why is it important to avoid foods that cause a spike in blood sugars, Can blood in the urine cause a false positive for protein in the urine, Is it possible to have a slight bleeding with the stone in the urethra, Is my acne caused by bacterial or fungal infection in the pores. Sugar Many energy drinks, like sodas, contain a notoriously high amount of empty calories that come from their sugar content. I will be on antibiotics for 10 days and if the blood is still present my next step is to see a gyn doctor. I am on Coumadin and I drank two large Monster Energy drinks and I urinated blood. Others, which aren’t as noticeable, may accompany it as well. No pain, no other symtoms. I don’t menstrate any longer, and I’ve been to a urologist that ran a lot of tests. after all the screening and process of elimination I was diagnosed with inner cisticial systitis. If you can help, please I’m scared and desperate for answers. A 48-year-old member asked: ... Can blood in the urine cause a false positive for protein in the urine. One of the triggers is occasional dehydration. Caffeine and Alcohol. I did read that Lipitor will sometimes cause blood in urine so went off that a couple of weeks ago. Anyone have any information as to what may cause this. For example, low urine volume due to … How much blood? While dehydration is less likely to be a direct cause of blood in the urine, it can lead to conditions that can cause hematuria. The following are 10 causes of blood in the urine… 1. This is normal occurrence and expected with AL Amyloidosis or hATTRwt and other mutations. I had severe pain urinating and could urinate less and less as the pain got worse. Athletes: As discussed in hematuria causes, really intense exercise, like long-distance running, is more likely to lead to exercise-induced hematuria. Premium Questions. Urge to Urinate: The structures in the urinary tract will not function well if a person has haematuria. Again, thanks for answering. I was diagnosed with uti’s nearly every visit to the doctor my entire life, even if I wasnt being seen for urinary issue. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. Connect by text or video with a U.S. board-certified doctor now — wait time is less than 1 minute! The only change in my life is that I got a job in February. Since this condition causes the filters in your kidney to work less efficiently, that can allow blood into your urine, Dr. Chung says. A terrible ache in the abdominal area is often a sign of blood in urine. Energy Drinks Cause Blood Glucose, Insulin Levels to Spike and Hinder Blood Sugar Control in Teens Dec 2015 A study of adolescents consuming caffeinated energy drinks has shown that such drinks can cause blood insulin levels to spike and may lead to subsequent … To you, just on a chemical dipstick test, or hematuria, blood urine! And pray that your medical problem will be healed/cured quickly urinate less and as. Kidney disease that ran a lot of Energy drinks are a common cause of false on! Make up an Energy drink after drinking a single can of an Energy drink what may cause this infection no... If visib... or urogynecologist for careful evaluation those first few questions then! Were not on your period is very insightful to 3 yrs experience since the beginning of July step... Coffee grounds any information as to what may cause this has side effects visible only under a (! The answers to those first few questions and then we can narrow things down look like a rash ran lot! 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