This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Official Site of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. , the vision of antiquity remained the same: a Germanic golden age in Greece and Rome which was scattered and shattered by the Jews. In a criminal way, the Asian and African slave had crawled up to the throne of the Roman Empire. From Humanism to Nazism: Antiquity in the Work of Houston Stewart Off we go. 22 Den Jesus knnen Sie nicht zum Arier machen, das ist Unsinn. Thanks to this book, and because he was someone who mattered in Bayreuth, Chamberlain later became a very important mediator in the formulation of the Nazi ideology, before he died in 1927. His book The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century explained the difference between races. Introduction Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) is best known for his cultural history Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Foundations of the Nineteenth Century; Munich, 1899) as well as for his studies of Kant, Goethe, Wagner, and Heinrich von Stein. British-American philosopher and educator. 6 Drben, im asiatischen Osten, hatten und haben nicht einmal die Menschen Persnlichkeit, hier, in Hellas, ist jeder Fluss, jeder Stein belebt, individualisiert, die stumme Natur erwacht zum Bewusstsein ihrer selbst, in Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, op. A translation from the German by JOHN LEES, M.A., D.Litt. Silent nature awakes to the consciousness of itself6. Both an art lover and a dilettante, he was welcomed into Richard Wagners larger circles when he became his son-in-law. This book has the reputation of being hard, if not impossible, to read. 10, p.296, in the English translation by MURPHY, James, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1939, vol. Chamberlain devotes some 500 pagesnearly half the bookto that period, providing his reader with ample material on Rome, Greece and the Jews as well as on another sacrosanct trinity: Athens, Rome and Jerusalem. 16 Das Rassen- und Nationalittlose Vlkerchaos des sptrmischen Imperiums, Ibid., p.371. Reassured though he was to have met the saviour of Germany and of the German race, Chamberlain did not die right away and had to wait four more years before falling into a deep and peaceful sleep. 11For Chamberlain, the victory of the Carthaginians over the Romans would have been a catastrophe: We have been saved by the brutal delenda est Carthago of Cato and the likes. He published in 1899, in Munich, a very large book entitled the Foundations of the 19th Century5 (Grundlagen des 19 Jahrhunderts). , Wien, Zrich, New York, Europa Verlag, 1940, p.51. , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003, 463p. And Weindling, Paul. Nordicism is an ideology of racism which views the Nordic race as a superior and sometimes as an endangered racial group. I also examine Chamberlain's influence on Nazism and suggest that houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary. The son of a naval officerhis father was an admiral in the Royal Navy , he spent his whole youth travelling around Europe. Auswirkungen der Entjudaisierung Christi im 19. und zu Beginn des 20. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary Being a Nazi in 1926 was just not the same than being a Nazi in 1938, 1942 or 1944. Racism: In Depth | Holocaust Encyclopedia Nearly as significant and important was the fact that, thanks to the Roman conquest, the Greeks finally turned their back to the East, in other words to Asia: Without Rome, undoubtedly, Europe would have been a mere perpetuation of the Asian chaos. El este descris n Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ca "scriitor rasialist". The German Christian Movement in the Third Reich. The Persians indeed were Jews, at least as much as the Greeks were Germans, and the Persian Wars were nothing else than a racial struggle which lasted over a century between Asia and Europe. In Chamberlains work, the past is a warning for the present. He mumbles, wants to speak, he can'tand then weeps like a child! ner'sson-in-lawand chief disciple was Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Houston Stewart Chamberlain - The German Worldview - YouTube ), British-born Germanophile political philosopher, whose advocacy of the racial and cultural superiority of the so-called Aryan element in European culture influenced pan-German and German nationalist thought, particularly Adolf Hitlers National Socialist movement. The known world, the oekoumene, reached its apex around the first century A.D., when the Romans, having conquered Greece, managed to combine their chtonian gravitas with the celestial intelligence and inspiration of the Greeks. Die Rasse in den GeisteswissenschaftenBand II: Hauptepochen und Hauptvlker der Geschichte in ihrer Stellung zur Rasse, The Nazi Germany Sourcebook. After France, Italy, Belgium, he ended up in Vienna, then in Geneva, where he earned a Bachelors degree in Science. One of the most important features of Darwin's theory was his proposed mechanism for evolution: natural selection through the struggle for existence. Thanks to the Romans, the legions saved mankind from this plague: People have not stopped complaining about the destruction of Carthage, from Polybius to Mommsen! Those three cities had been, throughout the 19th century, the epitome of Western culture: the Greeks had bequeathed philosophy and the arts, the Romans the Law and the Empire, and Jerusalem had opened a new path to salvation with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was an Englishman who had married Richard Wagner's daughter. We have to thank Rome () that it transferred the centre of gravity of civilization to the West and that the Jewish-Asian spell was broken, so that Germanic Europe became the beating heart and the thinking brain of whole mankind.14. His two-volume book Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, whose title translates from the original German as The Foundations Of The Nineteenth . In the 1031 pages of the two volumes, Chamberlain borrowed ideas from the leading sciences of . Summary With a collection of 300 sources--each accompanied by an introductory essay and review questions--this two-volume primary source reader emphasizes the history of ideas. The self-taught student had found his philosophical stone and was ready to share his revelation, to the public. They were never able to create a unified Hellenic state and, instead, spent centuries launching fratricide wars against each other, only to exhaust the race in endless massacres of the Athenians by the Spartans and vice versa, until it bled to death. Immediately download the Houston Stewart Chamberlain summary, chapter-by-chapter analysis, book notes, essays, quotes, character descriptions, lesson plans, and more - everything you need for studying or teaching Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Trailblazer, pioneer! She married Siegfried, Richard Wagners only son, and was considered the only true custodian and bailiff in Bayreuth after Siegfrieds death, as well as a sort of muse for Adolf Hitler, whom she greatly admired. , but this time for gooda word to the wise for people who were sent fighting the new Carthage of Jewish bolshevism on the Eastern front. Auswirkungen der Entjudaisierung Christi im 19. und. 7 Der Grieche war von jeher, was er noch heute ist, untreu, unpatriotisch, eigenschtig, Ibid., p.50. 19Although he did not agree with everything he had written in the Foundations, Hitler knew how to value such honour. What mattered to them was biology and race, not the law or a mere artificial citizenship. Houston Stewart Chamberlain Aryan World-view Because truth lays beyond the reach of the intellect, we can't use words for it. The Europe the Romans had ambitioned was saved by a racial messiah: the Germanic tribes which, by invading the Empire, preserved the continent and its civilization. Without him, the Indo-Europeans would have disappeared. He holds my hand and won't let me go. () Where are the roman scientists? Before praising the Romans for being good lawyers, he blames them for their lack of creativity: Can you find one single poetic genius among the Romans? It would be the official creed of the Deutsche Christen under the Third Reich; for instance, an official Protestant church pledged to the Nazi party20. Updates? This beautiful race (in every regard) was dominant in Germany and Austria, but also within the elites of the British Empire and of the United States of America; it extended to the French elites as well, but only partly. Historians must therefore make the effort to understand that, for Chamberlain's coevals, his book was important in that it provided an answer, at the time, to important questions and, to a larger extent, tried to give a meaning to history. In this monumental piece of work, he tried to answer the following questions: what made (t)his period the most remarkable one in history? Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - Prabook Search results for `Houston+Stewart+Chamberlain` - PhilPapers I, chap. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. This idea allowed Chamberlain to combine both his vast amount of knowledge in history as well as in the humanities, in general. Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Race Struggle of - ResearchGate View all Houston Stewart Chamberlain Quotes. Christ, Karl, Hellas: Griechische Geschichte und deutsche Geisteswissenschaft, Mnchen, C.H. If Greece had fathered the spirit, Rome had mastered the organisation. Eugenics and antisemitism - The Holocaust Explained In very ancient times, Germanic tribes had come from the north to colonize the south. It is no wonder that an Englishman like Chamberlain became part of the Wagner Circle for Britons were considered to be members of the Aryan race like any other German(ic) man. To prove the excellence of Germanic blood, scientists and race specialists had argued, since the 1830s, that every light came from the North, and not from the East. Houston Stewart Chamberlain a fost un scriitor, sociolog i filosof englez; autor de cri despre filosofie politic. Wo ist ein grosser, schpferischer Naturforscher unter den Rmern? Es gibt eine Gewalt, die aus Chaos stammt und zu Chaos hinfhrt, und es gibt eine Gewalt, deren Wesen es ist, Kosmos zu gestalten. 12In the end, Rome triumphed. The early Parteigenossen of the 1920s or the people who cast their ballot for the NSDAP in the 1930s did not want the annihilation of Poland or the Holocaust. Schemann, who held a doctorate in history from the University of Berlin, made a living as a raciologist (Rassenkndler) at the University of Freiburg and translated Gobineaus work in German. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary. So they Aryanised him. Es war hohe Zeit, dass der Retter erschien, Ibid., p.549. 20 Bergen, Doris L., Twisted Cross. This book had already been published in 1850, but anonymously. What Chamberlain wrote in his. Chamberlain, der Seher des Dritten Reiches : das Vermchtnis Houston Stewart Chamberlains an das deutsche Volk : in einer Auslese aus seinen Werken [1936 - 1934] Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927. He wrote these excerpts to make Germany aware of what he . circular tooth thickness formula; toba catastrophe theory; raising baby ducks for beginners; medical emergency number belgium; louise belcher hat, baby. However, it was quite successful from the 1900s to the 1930s; it sold over 200000 copies. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005. , New York, Columbia University Press, 1981. , Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1960. , London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1962. , Munich, Franz Eher Verlag, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1926. , Wien, Zrich, New York, Europa Verlag, 1940. They then engaged with the Romans: Carthage was a Jewish kingdom and Hannibal himself was some sort of a fighting rabbi! After years of travelling and wandering/wondering about new ideas, he found in the racist theories of Schemann and other Rassentheoretiker of the time a unified vision of the worlda true Weltanschauung. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a social Darwinist and a true racist. (Houston Stewart Chamberlain, 1855 9 9 ~ 1927 1 9 ) , , . how quickly does holly grow. He was therefore read and admired by the major figures of the Nazi ideologyone of whom was Hitlerand became, just before he died, in the 1920s, one of the leading minds of their movement. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1996. : to fight against the (revolutionary) French idea of Nation based on the (false) assumption of equality. The main postulate was quite simple: everything in human history and culture could be explained by race, as Schemann would later emphasize in the three volumes of his, . As they wanted to destroy anything that was not Jewish, they fought against the Greeks. . 3This book has the reputation of being hard, if not impossible, to read. In his book, we can read that Plato was, by all means, a great philosopher. If Greece had fathered the spirit, Rome had mastered the organisation. Greek and Roman antiquity play an essential part in his argumentation. URL:; DOI:, Professor of History - Junior Member, Institut Universitaire de FranceSorbonne Nouvelle, Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0,, Site map Legal information & Credits Links Directories and labels Syndication, OpenEdition member Published with Lodel Administration only, You will be redirected to OpenEdition Search, Expressions of Environment in Euroamerican Culture / Antique Bodies in Nineteenth Century British Literature and Culture, Antique Bodies in Nineteenth Century British Literature and Culture, From Humanism to Nazism: Antiquity in the Work of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a social Darwinist and a true racist. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary Among them were Houston Stewart Chamberlain and many members of what historians later called the Bayreuther Kreis, an informal circle of members and friends of the Wagner family, including Cosima Wagner, the wife of the Master, and Ludwig Schemann. is a form of prolonged indictment against the Jews, depicted as a race full of hatred, longing for might and vengeance. Houston Stewart Chamberlain Quotes about Jew - Lib Quotes 13 der rechtsmssige Erbe des Hellenen und des Rmers, ibid. 10, p.296, in the English translation by MURPHY, James, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1939, vol. He then joined the Nazi party before he passed away in 1927. Chamberlain now expressed this philosophical allegiance to German imperialism with the most brutal cynicism: "Nobody can prove that Germanic supremacy is a blessing for all the Earth's . Der Grieche war von jeher, was er noch heute ist, untreu, unpatriotisch, eigenschtig, Demandt, Alexander, Politische Aspekte im Alexanderbild der Neuzeit. Decultot, Elisabeth, Johann Joachim Winckelmann. The Jews of Semitic Carthage were defeated because the Romans (or Germans) were the best at fighting and winning. Chamberlain addresses a most respected and dear Herr Hitler, the only one who could give him strength and peace, confidence and energy, everything that he had lost in August 1914, when Germany entered a fateful war: Es hat meine Gedanken beschftigt, wieso gerade Sie, der Sie in so seltenem Grade ein Erwecker de, I have been wondering why it was you of all people, you who are so extraordinary in awakening people from sleep and humdrum routines, who recently gave me a longer and more refreshing sleep than I have experienced since that fateful day in August 1914 when I was first struck down by this insidious sickness. Houston Stewart Chamberlain: Writer - Historian - Critic Houston S. Chamberlain's 1923 Letter to Adolf Hitler - Renegade Tribune of his time. The main postulate was quite simple: everything in human history and culture could be explained by race, as Schemann would later emphasize in the three volumes of his Rasse in den Geisteswissenschaften. Relying on Sanskrit being part of the Indo-Aryan, and thereby part of the Indo-European, family of languages, from which he supposes a common ancestry, he deems Europeans can benefit greatly from a study of the Vedic texts, the latter . is to serve the Germanic race". How Evolutionary Theory Shaped Nazi Thinking | Evolution News Since he and Hider were very close friends and he married Wagner's daughter, one can imagine the mutually satisfactory con-versations that must have taken place among them on the subject of race. I, chap. A true anti-Semite, Wagner wrote an essay against the perversion of the arts by the Jews entitled, ) that led Friedrich Nietzsche to break with him but that gained him the affection of many dubious devotees. In the 1031 pages of the two volumes, Chamberlain borrowed ideas from the leading sciences of the time (history and the natural sciences) and stood up for the dominant ideas, at the Belle poque, of the European bourgeoisie: in other words, racism, social Darwinism and colonialism. Foundations of the Nineteenth Century - Goodreads The idea of physical race unity and rice purity, which is the very essence of Judaism, signify the recognition of a fundamental physiological fact of life; wherever we observe life from the hyphomycetes to the noble horse we see the importance of "race"; judaism made this law of nature sacred. , Health, Race and German Politics between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989. [11] Ulterior a devenit cetean german i ginere al lui Richard Wagner, dup ce s-a cstorit cu fiica acestuia, Eva von Blow. These people are too stupid to think for themselves, . Chamberlain was brought up by relatives in France. I am deeply upset. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Methodenkritik, in Archiv fr Kulturgeschichte, 64, 1972, pp. Only 1869 did Richard Wagner authorize its publication under his name. Corrections? Outside the rain patters! If only those elites would come to that same awareness, they would crush any opposition and rule the world for good. Like Hegel, Chamberlain praised the Greeks for inventing freedom and the key notion of personality: Over there, in Asia, in the East, no man had ever been a person. 2 diciembre, 2021 | . What then could possibly have happened? Why was the world precisely how it should be (the white population thus rewarded for its supremacy over the others)? THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1905-1908) - Medium Blut von ihrem Blut und Geist von ihrem Geist, What is interesting, however, is the following statement: according to Chamberlain, the Romans and the Greeks, the founding fathers of our European civilization, were indeed Germans. This idea allowed Chamberlain to combine both his vast amount of knowledge in history as well as in the humanities, in general. . In fact, I would call you the complete opposite of a fanatic. Athens was beautiful, but Greece was splendid: the people looked like statues, they had perfectly proportioned noses and marble skin, they spoke the language of books (written in Greek) and they invented not only mathematics but also the theatre and the art of warfare. (). He became a member of the Wagner circle and grew quite intimate with the family of the, whose daughter, Eva, he ended up marrying. File:Bundesarchiv Bild 119-1600-06, Houston Stewart Chamberlain.jpg Chamberlain saw in Hitler the new William II who could save Germany, as he wrote to him in a moving letter in the form of an accolade from the old philosopher of the race to the young racist politician.24 Chamberlain addresses a most respected and dear Herr Hitler, the only one who could give him strength and peace, confidence and energy, everything that he had lost in August 1914, when Germany entered a fateful war: I have been wondering why it was you of all people, you who are so extraordinary in awakening people from sleep and humdrum routines, who recently gave me a longer and more refreshing sleep than I have experienced since that fateful day in August 1914 when I was first struck down by this insidious sickness. Athens was beautiful, but Greece was splendid: the people looked like statues, they had perfectly proportioned noses and marble skin, they spoke the language of books (written in Greek) and they invented not only mathematics but also the theatre and the art of warfare. 10, p.153. , Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1960, 141p., in the English translation: , London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1962, 156p., p.77. 7Chamberlain has nothing but contempt for Plinius, who might have been less of a mediocre Konversationslexikonsredakteur, as he puts it, than he was himself. Houston Stewart Chamberlain | Religion Wiki | Fandom Was sagt man zu einer Geschichte, die mehr als 1200 Jahre umfasst, und nicht einen einzigen Philosophen aufweist, ja, nicht einmal das kleinste Philosphchen? And Chamberlain would not be the last to perform such a tour de force. Results for 'Houston+Stewart+Chamberlain' 11 found. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was a British-born author of books on political philosophy, natural science and Richard Wagner. In it, he provides his readership with a new approach to Western history in relation to the question of race and the necessary rise of Germanic power. 1.7 Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Race Struggle of Western History Like Theodor Fritsch, Houston Stewart Chamberlain represents an important link between This attempt at completing the Nazi evangelium was not crowned with success: Hitler, who considered. He imported some of his arguments from the . Die vlkische Bewegung im wilhelminischen Kaiserreich. Before praising the Romans for being good lawyers, he blames them for their lack of creativity: Can you find one single poetic genius among the Romans? But his several tracts written during World War I are interesting in their own right as documents of German nationalist . Mind, Jew. 10 Diese Anschauung von der Bedeutung der Kunst entspricht auch, wenn ich nicht irre, einer spezifischen Anlage des deutschen Geistes. "In this manner the ground was prepared for the emergence of a new race of'Supermen'," said Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Johann Chapoutot. Educated at Versailles, Geneva, and Vienna, Chamberlain became an admirer of Richard Wagner, publishing his first work, Notes sur Lohengrin (Notes on Lohengrin), in 1892. 5 Sourced Quotes. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1912). cit., p.50. Sie haben Gewaltiges zu leisten vor sich, aber trotz Ihrer Willenskraft halte ich Sie nicht fr e, Resorting to antique concepts and quoting Goethe, Chamberlain celebrates Hitler as the creator of a, , the hero who fights against every sort of, : You know Goethe's distinction between force and force. The Persians indeed were Jews, at least as much as the Greeks were Germans, and the Persian Wars were nothing else than a racial struggle which lasted over a century between Asia and Europe. The Romans, of course, were the best, but they did not protect themselves; they did not protect the excellence of their blood. I want to cry out, I want to weep.29. Among them were Houston Stewart Chamberlain and many members of what historians later called the Bayreuther Kreis, an informal circle of members and friends of the Wagner family, including Cosima Wagner, the wife of the Master, and Ludwig Schemann. So the Berbers of Morocco were Nordic originally. Here, in Greece, every river, every stone lives and is an individual. Being a Nazi in 1926 was just not the same than being a Nazi in 1938, 1942 or 1944. 2, John . It was not really a success, mainly because Hitler did not agree with Chamberlains glorification of Christian culture; but also because he believed that Christ was a mixed-blood; he who was born, according to the Fhrer, from a Roman soldier and a Palestinian prostitute named Mary, : You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus that is nonsense. Core tenets of Hitler's worldview were that the primacy of race in determining historical developments, Aryan superiority (with the Aryans being the sole creators of culture), the Darwinian racial struggle, the need for eugenics policies, and the evils of racial mixing. Houston Stewart Chamberlain died far too early to witness the rise of the NSDAP and the, of Germany under Nazi rule. He spent his winters in Cannes and springs in Florence. His book Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The . But it also disappeared. This obsession with diseases and the assimilation of blood-mixing with infection is a common characteristic, as well as a deep concern, among the most convinced racists of the time,23 and not just in Germany. What can you say of a 1200 years long history that does not offer a single philosopher, not even the most modest one? The German Christian Movement in the Third Reich. He also had quite a vast cultural knowledge for a self-made man. 18 Ohne ihn ging der Tag des Indoeuropers zu Ende. "Foundations of the Nineteenth Century". Language. This is summed up by Chamberlain who, contrary to Hegel who wrote Ex oriente lux, pretends that Ex septentrione lux: the beacon of civilization lies in the north with the white Germanic race. So they Aryanised him. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who spoke fluent German, belonged from then on to the sanctum of Germano-maniac racism, a group of worshippers who had gathered around Richard Wagner: Wagner, the bard of a reinvented Germanic mythology, who celebrated heroic figures of oneiric purity and had a slight tendency of considering that his agethe 19, centurywas leading white Germanic mankind towards decadence, degeneration and death. They settled down in Greece and Rome, enjoying the benefits of cultural photosynthesis, thanks to the sun and mild climate of the Mediterranean. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) war einer der wirkungsmchtigsten Publizisten im Deutschen Kaiserreich. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain, however, who crystallized the ideas for use in German nationalism. Wagner, Richard, Das Judentum in der Musik, Leipzig, 1869. Feb by Claudio. Weindling, Paul, Epidemics and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1890-1945, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003. Houston Stewart Chamberlain - Wikiwand Houston Stewart Chamberlain is the translation of "Houston Stewart Chamberlain" into Croatian. (PDF) Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Race Struggle of Western Houston Stewart Chamberlain as founder of modern racialism - Stormfront . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.