Coupled with bad weather, the result was the death of 20 million people by starvation during 1960 and 1961. In addition. United Church of Godis a501(c)3organization. Dollars will be worthless as this is CLEARLY a prophecy against man made currency! If you multiply 3/32 by 16 you get 1.5 If you multiply 3/32 by 20 you get 1.875. Copyright 20102023, Academic Journalism Society. The Greek word for measure is choenix, which is equivalent to a dry quart. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? The Apostle John recorded in his famous prophecy about the Four Horsemen that the times just before Christ's return would be marked by wars (a red horse) and widespread food shortages (a black horse), in addition to violence, hunger and disease that will claim the lives of one quarter of the world's population (Revelation 6:1-8). Im sure my diet isnt as healthy it could be, Wayne Got questions on the food What is healthiest way to eat according to the bible. Using this interpretation, you may wonder if the world is seeing or close to seeing the third seal famine. There will likely be human factors contributing to extreme shortages and bad crops. [2] You shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD., 2023 Prophecy Proof Insights Publications. Similarly, the book of Ruth opens with a famine that forces Naomi, the mother-in-law of Ruth, and her family to move first to, and then away from, Moab. Jesus Describes Sword, Famine & Pestilence as the "Beginning of Birth Pains." Matthew 24:7 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. BTW, when I calculated the name Monsanto in the same way the Antichrist will have his name calculated to equal 666Monsalto also equals 666. Of course, other crop prices will rise too There are several other things we need to look at to understand the times like the prevalence of False Christs, earthquakes, political instability, wars, rumors of wars, decay in morals and society, etc. The choice of words conveys more than just scale. The color black suggests starvation and death, and the scales suggest something was going to be weighed, judged, or measured. Balances are used to weigh precious things, but here a balance is used for measuring wheat. And higher prices make the remaining food harder to afford. 6 And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, "A [ b]quart of wheat for a [ c]denarius . The scourge of famine has appeared cyclically throughout history. I am the author of several end time books, including Prophecy Proof Insights on the End Times, a comprehensive book about the end times. How much can you hide? Food insecurity and outright famine is already a reality faced by hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. Gold will always be too expensive for the working man. I dont think we have seen the Great Tribulation yet. China's "Great Leap Forward" in 1958-60 resulted in mismanaged food production and the disruption of distribution chains. Youll also get my latest articles and updates delivered to your inbox. 5 When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come[ a]!". Daniel knew how to read the Mazzaroth. Nice bait, Wayne. Throughout the ages, meteors have been associated with a harbinger of bad news. She returned to Israel with her daughter-in-law after the famine was over, following the death of her husband and sons ( Ruth 1 ). That prophecy will be fulfilled in the future. The oil and wine discussed in the book of Revelation are food for the wealthy, also controlled by the Anti-Christ. Tell me, who among us can drink blood? War makes food scarce, which depletes the body and opens it to more diseases due to compromised immune systems. Just a bit of trivia. This would represent between a 1333% and a 1667% increase in price! The Lord will make the rain of your land dust, and sand shall drop on you from the sky, until you are wiped out.. Well call this ratio the choenix/denarius ratio for wheat or CDW. I think this is important to look at. Thus, due to famine in various places and forced destruction of food, and forced non-growing of food by the evil governments, again the amount of money a person earns for a days wage will not go very far. The author was probably a Christian from Ephesus known as "John the Elder." . Thank you for commenting. Why do you say Daniel knew it? The resulting starvation would cause the social structure to unravel at a frightening speed. That was God through his mercy warning us, here it comes. A choenix of wheat costs approximately $0.13 given a $4.33 wheat price per bushel, so prices would need to rise by an astronomical amount. No President Trump is not the Antichrist. Wheat and barley are not tweaked, if you will, by gentic engineering like corn and soybeans. Neither the Exodus nor King David the central story and a major character of the Hebrew Bible would exist without famine. In regard to your response to the Russian invasion, I agree. God is long suffering, patient, loving and kind. Send inquiries regarding the operation of this Web site to 2) The second point is that wheat made for bread, and barley (a cheaper and less desirable type of bread) will cost a days wage, or 1/10 of a Troy ounce of silver. A Troy ounce of silver weighs 31.1 grams. Sadly, this prophecy is directly ties to Americas demise. The principle of hospitality, still common in the region, ensured that the displaced would be protected. The Bibles association of famine and other natural disasters with divine anger and punishment paved the way for faith leaders throughout the ages to use their pulpits to cast blame on those they found morally wanting. According to the biblical narrative, Zerubbabel was a governor of the Achaemenid Empire's province of Yehud and the grandson of Jeconiah, penultimate king of Judah.Zerubbabel led the first group of Jews, numbering 42,360, who returned from the Babylonian captivity in the first year of Cyrus the Great, the king of the Achaemenid Empire. Hey there! However, if a nation's social fabric begins to unravel, larger problems can set in. These 4 horsemen signify war, plague, famine, and death. The calculation is shown in the table below: The price for a choenix of wheat will be equal to the value of a denarius after the opening of the third seal. Before Christ performed a miracle to feed at least 5,000 people His disciples asked Him whether they should go buy 200 pennyworth (denarri-the plural for denarius) of bread to feed the people: (35) And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed: (36) Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat. Bible prophecy links the following two "seven-year famines" together, though separated by 1300 years. World Archeology Issue 23. The great flood of Noah was likely the first Cycle we experienced. They dont agree on everything, but at least they are watching. Some who dont know any better may listen to that person and begin to experience unneeded anxiety over it. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Michael Ray. He said: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Sign up today.]. Oh yeah, and one sword, preferably a .223 or .308, Luke 22:36, Im not surprised the U.N. is behind it. Revelation 6 gave us price points to recognize the Third Seal famine. Meanwhile the locust outbreak that began in 2019 continued into 2020, hitting Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia particularly hard. God delivered the Israelites safely from slavery to freedom. A person reading Revelation 6:5-6 in the first century A.D. would have read that a denarius would buy only enough wheat to make 1.5 to 1.875 1 lbs loaves of bread instead of 25 loaves of bread. [5] And your threshing shall reach to the vintage, and the vintage shall reach to the sowing time: and you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. I know you have a plan and purpose for each and everyone of us, and I pray that you forgive my sins .. Saying that a whole days wages will only be enough to buy a choenix of wheat or a loaf of bread implies that everyone will earn the same for their work during the end times. Learn to NOT go beyond what is written. What does the Bible say about famine? Worth exploring? Modern agricultural methods and generally stable weather patterns produce bumper crops in the developed world resulting in massive levels of food production, more than enough to feed the hungry of the world. Famine = "Curses"or "Plagues" for Disobedience! However, to kill by the sword is the insignia of the second horsemen as well as famine that is associated with the third horsemen. We come now to the third horseman's ride. He is heard in the silence so when you pray remember you are talking to the Holy creator, He is really listening, so its ok to just be still and know He is Lord. Right now if you took the minimum wage and subtracted basic living needs you would find families living an almost a loaf a bread a day. Preachers during the Dust Bowl of 1920s and 1930s America held alcohol and immorality responsible for provoking Gods anger. What does Revelation 6:5 mean? The word penny is incorrect, altogether. I thought that was interesting. Events will drive the world into an out-of-control spin. The tables below show how much higher wheat prices would be versus current prices if third seal conditions were here now.[12]. PLZ Google transhumanism and elite population reduction. This is a really interesting discussion. We behave like it is a life or death circumstance, if we cannot watch each and every game, less we loose our identity without it. Therefore, do not worry about the third seal being opened right now. [6] And I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land. In Revelation 13:5 the same period is mentioned: "He (the beast from the sea) was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months (forty-two months is also 3 years). Continuing, He says: "I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none will make you afraid; I will rid the land of evil beasts, and the sword will not go through your land For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you" (Leviticus 26:3-9 Leviticus 26:3-9 [3] If you walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; Ive written about them already Im just adding this to another thing we can monitor. Jesus Christ wept over the fate that was about to fall on Jerusalem in the first century. God speed. We can get an idea of how much the price of wheat may rise in the future by finding how much the price has to rise to get the CDW equal to 1. The main objective of this article is to calm people down who listen to people who claim we are seeing the 3rd seal now. It is thus told by Jacques de Voragine, in his "Legenda Aurea:" The antichrist, after all, will cut off food supplies from those who do not have the Mark of the Beast ( Revelation 13:16-17 ), and he will kill and persecute many followers of Christ.