$ 9.99. Doomslayer: The Everchosen may rise and rise again, but he will forever be consigned to oblivion! Some saw skies riven with fire, some looked upon an ice-cold maelstrom of stars, some saw colossal tentacles and fanged maws that drooled the molten stuff of Chaos. Archaon had claimed the Temple of Ulric as his hall in the many months since he and his Norsemen had laid the city low. Archaon casts a spell of 6th level or higher. Attacks. No other course remains; not to mortals, nor the Divine.". The Host of the Everchosen are the forces of chaos united under the banner of Archaon, the Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse and the greatest champion of the Dark Gods, charged with conquering the Mortal Realms in their name. His throne forged from the bones of Ulric's priests, and the hammer of Ghal Maraz set upon it as a trophy -- a testament to the supremacy of the Dark Gods of the North over the deities of the south. After passing through the inner gates, Archaon found himself on a narrow causeway surrounded by hellfire that scorched his skin and burnt away his hair. And already, its precursors were being felt. The Everchosen often rides to war leading this cadre of veterans from atop the daemonic beast known as Dorghar, the Steed of the Apocalypse. 2519-2528 IC Archaon's anger blazed brighter, for in his frenzy he laid upon Sigmar with all his hatred and self-loathing, decrying the God-King as a liar and coward. MELEE WEAPONS. Archaon laughed, for his plan had worked. Darkness is ours. In The Old World and Mortal Empires campaigns, he is one of the three Legendary Lord choices for the Warriors of Chaos, along with Kholek Suneater and Prince Sigvald the Magnificent. Statistics All that he needed now was a coronation. The first treasure he sought was a unique Mark of Chaos, that bore the blessings of all four Ruinous Powers in unison. Deathclaw saw the blow before his master did, and imposed himself between the Emperor and the keen edge of U'zuhl. vs. Buildings:1 Melee Interval:4 s Melee Reach:3 Magical Attacks:Yes Archaon is the Everchosen of Chaos, the doom of all that unites the armies of the Dark Gods as the greatest of their champions, doing so with the legendary daemon sword, the Slayer of Kings and mounted upon the terrifying beast known as Dorghar. add to list. Scyla, at last, had found Ungrim on the field of battle and matched his mighty claw against the Axe of Dargo. [1b] The midwife who attended the birth reluctantly took the child on the road with her, eventually leaving him on the steps of a Church of Sigmar, before abandoning him. Greatest of the Dark Gods' champions, the Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse, he is the Everchosen - the doom of all. For some time he fought for the Empire of Man and was a renowned Templar. Archaon, born Diederick Kastner, and also known as the "Three-Eyed King," the "Herald of the Apocalypse" and the "Lord of the End Times," is the thirteenth and current Everchosen of Chaos and the last high king of Norsca.He is the self-proclaimed supreme Chaos Champion of the four major Chaos Gods in the form of Chaos Undivided who was sent to command the last and greatest Chaos invasion of . For the Three-Eyed King's part, he knew of Valten well and was equally determined to slay the preening southlander to further prove the lie of the false idols he called gods. Inside the citadel, it was said to be blacker than even the heart of a Dark Elf soul, for when one of Archaon's followers attempted to light a torch, it was snuffed out instead by the all-consuming darkness. Thunderously did U'zuhl and Ghal Maraz clash in blows that could have shattered mountains and shook the very world to its foundations. So it was that Archaon journeyed into the Chaos Wastes for nearly 100 years, searching for the legendary artefacts that would exalt him and reveal his true destiny as the next Everchosen. Though the Incarnates and their dark allies fought tooth and nail against the daemonic hordes, they could not prevail against the boundless fury of rage itself given form. . He is an individual whom all the Chaos Gods have bestowed their gifts upon. [1a] Born in 2391 IC, the baby was the death of his mother, Viktoria, and her husband . They sailed to a mysterious land populated with savage half-humans. Immune to Psychology: The unit is immune to psychological attacks (fear and terror). In the alternate, non-canon timeline known as the Storm of Chaos, Archaon's plan for the End Times was to conquer Middenheim, the city of Sigmar's own patron god, Ulric, and extinguish the sacred flame of the Winter God with his own corrupted body. The two clashed and managed to slay each other's mounts. The World's Ending and a New Beginning. Upon the massive Holy Temple of Sigmar in Altdorf, the cursed Templar knelt before the Golden Statue of Sigmar and begged for a sign, to ask for his help from the darkness that had come to consume him. Deafening metallic clamour rang out as U'zuhl and Ghal Maraz clashed together, daemonfire and holy lightning striking out with every blow. FOR SALE! It has since been ret-conned. !" Warboss Grimgor Ironhide. Only Averheim, capital of the province of Averland, stood unbowed against the bite of Norse steel. He journeys with an armada of mutated, insane humans, and tears rifts in reality, releasing demons into the universe wherever he ventures. Through the gateway was a labyrinth filled with dire beasts and vengeful Daemons. None Under her leadership, the ragged remnants of the Kislevite nation staged a doomed resistance against the depredations of the Norsemen and their allies. I stand here on this mountain, and I will sit on this throne. The next artifact he sought was the Armour of Morkar, the armour worn by the very first Everchosen. The Final Destruction of the Warhammer World as the Oak of Ages is consumed by the unmaking energies of Chaos. Slowly it spread at first, but then with the hunger of ravening wildfires. And though Valten was a peerless warrior amongst his own kind, it was truly not within his mind to vanquish the Everchosen. Twisted by unnatural energies, it dissolved entirely into nothingness. Archaon hacked his way out of the dragon's gullet with the ferocity of a Flesh Hound, until Flamefang's throat was hacked to shreds and it died of exhaustion and blood loss. Their charge was unto the southlings as the ending of worlds, as their impact trampled hundreds of brave warriors of both the Reiksguard and Griffon Order alike into the gore-slick dirt. Two destinies at war, the skeins of fate straining to control their struggle as the rest of the battle simply faded into the background, where heroes lived and died in their dozens. He is well balanced as both a melee unit AND a caster and g. Archaon killed Volkmar the Grim, Grand Theogonist of Sigmar, with one blow from the Slayer of Kings by unleashing the power of U'zuhl, the daemon bound within it. The future of all creation would be decided, either by the Slayer of Kings or the Splitter of Skulls. Archaon's ultimate goal during the Storm of Chaos was to storm Middenheim, enter the Temple of Ulric, and corrupt the Eternal Flame with his own essence, extinguishing it and ushering in the End Times. Festark Kran's death, however, would not stop Archaon from achieving his goal. Archaon is the . is the perfect guide for any and all wishing to do justice to their spectacular Everchosen models! Barbarian Bjornlings braved the hail of cannon fire and crossbow bolts as they locked their massive kite shields and slowly took the pathways of the labyrinthine city. The Steed of the Apocalypse changed shape and burst into flames, but Archaon was able to break it like a wayward stallion and escape from the Realm of Chaos. Particularly if Sigmar, the ancient foe of the North. Within a matter of hours, he was able to slay hundreds of the misshapen monsters that had infested the mighty citadel, until finally his sword-arm turned numb and the ground grew slippery with the blood and gore of the fallen. The attack ceased for a moment, and Archaon smashed him aside, banishing the spirit of Morkar and allowing him to claim the armour as his own. In combat with the monsters' champion, Diederick clashed Terminus against the other's weapon, breaking off a shard of warpstone that flew into his faceplate and pierced his eye. Be'lakor greets Archaon. He gathered a small band of Chaos Warriors he called the Swords of Chaos and battled his way to a citadel so tall it appeared to pierce Morrslieb itself. "I am the Final Moment made flesh. It matters little, for the truth of those hopeless wars are lost. The gnawing rift at the heart of Mankind's domain devoured reality. The Everchosen was forced to flee from the battlefield and went into hiding in the Middle Mountains. The Everchosen raised his mighty blade and rode towards his enemy, and the moment was lost. Upon retrieving the crown, the daemon prince Be'lakor performed the coronation that made Archaon the Lord of the End Times. Archaon's only two significant issues are that he lacks a monstrous mount (making him a smaller target, but also harder for him to escape mobs of infantry) and that as a hybrid warrior/caster he needs to get to a very high level to amass enough skill points to use his entire skill set. If your country is not shown and you are in the EU, please select ''Rest of EU'', otherwise select ''Rest of World''. The men of Carroburg and Ostland, Quenelles and Altdorf, all felt despair rise up like bile as Aeslings, Baersonlings, Bjornlings and Graelings thundered and muscled through their lines and slaughtered men without mercy. The Everchosen won by unleashing the daemon U'zuhl from his sword, defeating the Grand Theogonist with a single blow and shattering his war altar. (This does not work on the APP use internet version). Once, the temple had been illuminated by the Fire of Ulric, but that callow flame had proven no more divine than the dim torches that hung upon the walls of the defiled temple. He stared into the void, and from the darkness, the void stared back. Add to wishlist. The Six Treasures of Chaos were the sacred artefacts of Chaos Undivided that Archaon spent over a century hunting down to lay his rightful claim to be declared the thirteenth Everchosen of Chaos in the eyes of the Ruinous Powers. Unsheathing his mighty blade, he slew the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch Kairos Fateweaver, beheading the abomination and taking his blood as the sacrament with which to honour the greatest of all the Dark Gods -- Khorne.