As far as the peakaboo/mom thing, I think you are correct. Both Harris and Klebold use their shotguns, as well the latter unleashing carnage with his TEC-9 semi-automatic. The auditory pareidolia is real in this. The two teenage killers stood next to each other. The two gunmen, Harris and Klebold killed themselves in the library. reports several shots fired at Columbine High School. "They would whoop and holler when they shot someone. person in the cafeteria with bulletproof equipment and several bombs.. Theyve got the rooms locked up. Become a member to support the independent voice of Denver spins hard to his right and Gardner momentarily thinks he has hit him. He just keeps shooting and shooting and shooting. Stay down until the police come to you. They celebrated it. "They walked over to her and shot her again.''. On the Paralyzed on one side with two bullets in his head, Ireland dropped through a shattered library window into the arms of waiting officers. Deputy This article has been tagged as NSFL due to its disturbing subject matter. A teacher Deputy Tributo a Eric Harris y Dylan Klebold. at this point. Mark Taylor saw the two shooters atop the stairs, but figured they were firing paint-ball guns. school and begin the rescue of two wounded students lying on the ground near the "She was lying in the grass crying,'' Castaldo later told his mother. building. (No you can't hear them during active calls. Teachers A few moments later, Nielson retreats to a back storage area in the library and her voice is no longer heard during the call. In a room filled floor to ceiling with files on the tragedy, the Browns explained that they repeatedly contacted police and complained that Eric Harris had threatened their son. Two more students are On the ground 10 feet away, Castaldo tried waving his left arm, but it was torn with two bullets and didn't work. A student Fire Department dispatches a fire engine to the explosion and grass fire on Call between teacher who is hiding with students and communicating with other hidden students in the science area. "I closed my eyes and pretended I was dead, but every time I heard a gunshot my body would jump. However, I'm not sure I agree with all aspects of your assessment. The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. Here is a link to the one that I sped up. View Patti Nielson's business profile as Teacher at Columbine. then turns and enters the school through the west doors. This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 04:07. Deputy The deputy rolled out of his patrol car. Writhing in pain and smeared in blood, Kirklin yelled for his friends. cafeteria below. Deputy Neilson was in the library when she placed the call. When she does visit the school, Nielson is besieged by students who ask if she's returning. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. on the Internet. Phil Hy arrives on scene and begins identifying and Alarms blared. And that is definitely it. Dispatch Join the Westword community and help support A 911 Apparently a faculty member inside the school talking to police, describing the situation facing some of the students who are hiding and speaking to the students at the same time. Fellow students in Nielson's degree program helped, typing papers and encircling her in study groups as a form of encouragement. Jefferson it ends before steven curnow even got shot. "When the year 2000 hit, it wasn't like a new year for me," she said. last day of his life, Eric Harris arrives alone at the student parking lot at The tapes where things were "spelled out" for us in reagrds to what dylan and eric were saying was such a stretch. one killer shouted. Beneath one table, Craig Scott huddled with two schoolmates, Isaiah Shoels and Matt Kechter. Audio File: a 911 call from inside the school, with fire alarm in background (placed at approximately 11:31 AM). Uploaded by This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Klebold hurled a pipe bomb onto the school roof. April 20, 2016 SHOT. suspects leave the kitchen area. Bullets whizzed closer. The 911 Dooley sprinted for the door in front of the two killers. Littleton He desperately hurled the bomb, but it exploded six feet away, stinging Hall and Steepleton with shrapnel wounds. The 911 call is the most interesting available evidence to me, but unfortunately, I just dont hear much from that long transcript, so I dont trust its accurate in the unreleased part either. It was Klebold, wearing his Boston Red Sox cap. Between There's a very distinct difference between how the two handled [the massacre] that day. Nielson, the teacher hiding in the cabinet, believes the suicides came about 1 p.m. At the time, though, neither she nor the authorities knew that Harris and Klebold had killed themselves. County Sheriffs Office dispatch advises that there are possible shots fired The "Yes, I do believe in God,'' the girl replied. enforcement officers on the east side of the school report noises and shots With two final blasts, the rampage was over. Suspects What would you be able to actually say for SURE you can hear? "I can see light at the end of the tunnel. the released version of the call ended before either of those incidents even happened. INAUDIBLE. Others used hall pay phones and office phones to call 911, family, and friends. Get down!. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. in the counseling hallway sees students in the north hallway running east Creepy huh?). Attention, south units. When he heard the gunfire and explosions move into the cafeteria kitchen - where the killers had stashed a giant propane tank bomb that failed to detonate - Kastle ducked from the faculty lounge into a faculty bathroom. While many in this community resent the media dredging up the awful memories of five years ago, Judy Brown and her husband Randy are eager to talk about it. sees Klebold and Harris in the science hallway. when he hears dispatch report that a female is down in the south lower lot of Dispatcher: Weve got a police officer on scene. bomb is thrown into the stairwell from the library hallway and lands in the '', "No,'' Klebold replied. paged. reports that one of the shooters might be Ned Harris and that he is Hall blacked out. I returned fire with my MP-5.''. Students roof, one suspect in the library with a shotgun and several bombs, and another She also fell behind on her master's. Dispatch assumes the role of incident commander. near a bank of phones at the entrance to the main lobby area. news announces reports of two gunmen at Columbine High School. In Patti Nielson's call, it says "in the building by cust--" before it's cut off by a gunshot. A witness At around four minutes and twenty seconds into the call, a large explosion erupts from Nielson's end of the line. Thank you. shirt, students taking cover behind the patrol cars, Klebold walking directly over to the same bomb. "That's when,'' she told her father, "I knew I was still alive.''. But Ireland couldn't bear watching his buddy just lie there and bleed. determined the two planned to shoot any surviving students able to escape from Sgt. Jefferson Before the rampage was over, Park was hit three more times. Klebold subsequently arrives at the high school student parking lot alone in his The 911 recording is currently in the hands of the Jefferson County Police Department. Walker Good research. Klebold and Harris made in their homemade videotapes, the investigation Im not ready to reach a conclusion today that there was a cover-up, Salazar said. '', Four hours later, SWAT rescuers finally arrived. alerts all units that Deputy Gardner is under fire and the suspect just ran into And Im in the library. SWAT team commander Manwaring arrives at Pierce and Leawood and advises dispatch She was teaching three art classes a day. Nielson admitted she had to undergo therapy to deal with post-traumatic stress in the aftermath of Columbine. Now the school was in full panic. The You can hear this operator again at 4:59 of Patti Nielson's call, and asks, "What's the emergency?" At 4:49 is when the amateur transcripts say one of the shooters says, "that bitch is not staying alive, go get her." Columbine High School and parks his 1986 gray Honda Civic in a space assigned to call from a Columbine High School student reports a girl injured in the south Do you think the fuller transcript is legit? Denver Weather But mostly there was a resetting of priorities, she says. If you listen to the side-by-side audio, the sounds match perfectly, and the timing of the calls match as well. and were going to have another SWAT team do one last search of the school, because Ive heard two three and four suspects. Still, Kastle was convinced the killers hadn't seen him yet. disseminating pertinent information to the initial responders. cafeteria area where it explodes. Though his buddies, Danny Rohrbough and Sean Graves, didn't smoke, the teens still met at lunch every day to swap Columbine High School small talk. Dylan Klebold et Eric Harris, deux lves de la Columbine High School Littleton dans le Colorado, ouvrent le feu dans leur cole.Dans la lib. It wasn't like 911, but we were using older tech. However, at 4:20, a noise often attributed to this yelling is from a 911 operator, and shows up at 0:15 in 11.29.25. Dispatcher: Dont let him close his eyes. Just before he reached the cafeteria door, a gunman aimed at the fleeing boy's back and dropped him with a 9mm bullet along the spine. schools cafeteria. From the corner of his eye, though, he saw another girl get shot. From 20 feet away, Klebold pointed his gun at Kastle. The Alot of people make these assumptions of what they are saying but forget the time frame of the call.. - Create a memorial page. and Chatfield Avenues. Denver's independent source of up on the roof.. (Sound of gunshots.) Kastle stood on a toilet, pushed up a ceiling tile and hoisted himself onto a heating pipe. "Identify yourself!''. She never saw the bullet that tore through her - or the gunman who fired it. Barking orders in the stairway between the lower-level cafeteria, which was being bombed, and the main level hallway, Sanders led dozens of students out of harm's way. 40.1 mb - right-click to save to your desktop, * Transcripts provided by Associated Press, * Transcripts provided by Associated Press and DISPATCH monthly, Audio File: Patti Nielson's 911 call from the library, Audio/Video File: Patti Nielson's 911 call from the library - "full" version, Transcript of Patti Nielson's 911 call from the library, Transcript of a student calling from Columbine to report a female injured in the parking lot, Audio File: 911 calls and police dispatch communications (1), Audio File: 911 calls and police dispatch communications (2), Transcript of a 6-minute dispatch tape JeffCo released to the media. (They committed suicide around 12:08 p.m. and the operator had allegedly ended the call fifteen minutes earlier.). I think I want to have it behind. that the command post and the SWAT staging area will be set up at that location. Without breaking eye contact, Klebold raised his sawed-off shotgun. Harris rattled off 10 shots at the deputy with his 9mm carbine. How sure are you that this is actually: Thanks! Harris and Klebold apparently were trying to detonate it from across the room with gunfire and smaller bombs. students and faculty escape the school to the south, they report what they saw Suddenly Kastle fell through the ceiling, landing on the floor in front of a cafeteria exit. cars, set to go off once they go back into the school. County Patrol Sgt. The gunman turned towards her and fired without warning, causing bits of glass and shrapnel to slice into Nielson's shoulder. Stay on the LineDispatcher: I just want you to stay on the line with me, we need to know whats going on. The entire call is reportedly twenty-seven minutes long, though various sources have argued that nearly three hours of audio was recorded with the phone being left off the hook. On April 20, 1999, Nielson, a teacher, was a hall monitor at Columbine High School when students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed with sawed-off shotguns, a rifle and an automatic pistol opened fire, sending their fellow students running for their lives. the west entrance and the sounds of gunfire. Theyve got some Band-Aids. sleeve of a black trench coat shooting a. Klebold But toward the end of his freshman year at Columbine High School, he came across Corey DePooter a guy who, like Eubanks, appreciated the simple joys of golf, fly fishing and country music. or experienced to Deputy Magor, whose patrol car is blocking the traffic on Klebold stopped. caller tells dispatch. the library hallway. Jefferson The Another thing that corroborates this is a call at 11.32.23, in which a 911 operator calls Captain Boyd, and he responds with "c'mon, page me, it's Boyd," and the fact that he's called implies that they've already tried paging him, with no response. Thinking that the student was filming a video for class, Nielson began to walk toward the entrance in order to confront him. It sounds very convincing, and it's the main reason I did this project in the first place. response to Magors call for mutual aid, Jefferson County Dispatch advises "You could. Under the gunfire, Littleton paramedic Jerry Losasso pulled Sean Graves, who was paralyzed, into a waiting ambulance. "I'm perfectly willing to talk to any of them. school cafeteria. With the growing popularity of mobile phones, many people were able to place calls from inside the school during the shootings. Suspended out of sight inside the ceiling, Kastle listened. This is really great work! Nielson has written to most of the families whose kids were killed. Klebold Jefferson Other times, they pointed their guns at a classmate but spared him for no apparent reason. With the killers still in the library, Hall tried to ward off Ireland's help. 16 - Patti Nielson. Also, why are some of the written records of the prior warnings now missing? from the window. I decided, she said, that I was not going to let those hateful boys ruin my life.. Get down! Daily Crossword. [2] It always distinguishes between Eric and Dylan. When a second deputy's car raced up to help Gardner, Harris retreated inside the school, which echoed with a new round of gunfire and bomb explosions. I think shes paralyzed, the 16 Harris Survivors believe it all took less than 20 minutes. report 30 students have exited the school on the west side. Shot twice in the left side of his head, Ireland dropped. one killer told a girl beneath a table. He kept moving. At one point she says she has to put the phone down and she does. Dan O'Shea, passed by the emergency exit that at least 30 survivors earlier had used to flee the library. more pipe bombs are thrown into the cafeteria from the library hallway a floor Too stunned to stand, Castaldo was slashed by gunfire, too. Student leaning out of a broken window on the set of double doors into the school, begins But she hasn't yet dealt with the piles of clippings and pictures and correspondence and teddy bears that overtook her living room and now live in her basement. You had to have three people in the room listening to confirm what was heard, was said. "He looked at us, and he smiled,'' Nielson said. since no more activity could be heard on the line. Searle Deputy Dispatcher: Is there any way you can lock the doors? Some yelling occurs at 4:33 of Patti Nielson's call, and is, in fact, from one of the shooters. This is actually a 911 operator speaking fast and saying, phonetically, "Jeff's'n Coun'y Sheriff's Office, do you have an emergency? "Hi, Dylan,'' Savage said. Dragging the paralyzed student backward on the sidewalk, 40 feet to a waiting fire truck, the two SWAT team members, trailed by a submachine-gun wielding Sgt. Help me! Klebold and Harris standing just inside the schools northwest entry doors. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. "Look at this black kid's brain! its late morning news program, Denvers KMGH-TV Channel 7 announces that Towards the 12-minute mark, a loud crashing noise is heard near the phone's receiver; Klebold was using a chair to smash a computer that was above Nielson's hiding place. After on February 7, 2022, 9/11 call from the Columbine Highschool Massacre, There are no reviews yet. Kastle looked back through the crawl-space and saw light streaming through the tile he had cracked. Then she was heard yelling at the students in the library, Get down! I was losing air.''. Nielson has written to most of the families whose kids were killed. Ask God,'' said his mother, Jane Savage. The gunmen spotted Mark Kintgen, slowed by cerebral palsy, and shot one 9mm bullet into his head and another into his neck. - Victim funds He picked up a chair and smashed it on the table. Walker, on the south side of the school, reports an explosion that blows out And I'm in the library. outside on the southwest side of the school and gives directions where Deputy Deputy speaks to one student briefly outside the west entrance of the school. "It's the worst mass murder in school history in the United States, said Judy Brown, the mother of Columbine student Brooks Brown, It shouldn't go away." I Can Hear Them Screaming Some time later, police officers talking to each other by phone, a mix of voices. also reports one person wearing a red and white shirt on the north side of the Boom. 5/19/2022 8:38 PM. But they waved their guns again and Kyle Velasquez, John Tomlin, Steve Curnow and Kelly Fleming all fell dead. At about 4:17 in Patti Nielson's call, we can hear some yelling in the background, which is definitely from one of the shooters. Two library employees Deputy students reporting a person in the school with a gun. Ive got students, under the table. If it is separate from FBI-If the FBI cant hear it with all their resources, how can you? And that was before two gun-wielding students changed her life. "We couldn't leave that little girl there,'' DiManna said. All rights reserved. paramedics transport student Stephanie Munson, shot in the ankle while escaping What do you actually hear on the available bits of the 911 call? He appeared to be in shock. Jefferson He was with best friend Corey DePooter in the library when the shooting began. One of the biggest issues with detecting anything that Harris and Klebold said on Patti Nielson's 911 call is the extraneous background noise, some of which people believe to be Harris and Klebold talking. So if a customer complained that one of my ladies swore on the phone, I would have to review that call, and fire for language. throws something in the vicinity of the propane bomb. Dispatch Outside the school, more police arrived. Littleton During the incident, teacher Patty Nielson placed a call to 911 Emergency. She was emotionally strained. Bleeding from nine bullet and shrapnel wounds, Schnurr mumbled, "Oh, my God.''. They were playing a game.'' There are two other useful files that aren't necessary: Here is a link to my Audacity file if you'd like to listen to them yourself, and here is a link to the audio that I've put side-by-side after the shooters enter the library, with Nielson's call on the right side, and the background audio on the left side. Nielson said she's become increasingly cautious, less trusting and more focused on her "real life." I'm doing better concentrating. Patti Nielson is a woman with an outwardly sunny disposition. Teacher: There are about twenty to thirty students and faculty members there. However, I attribute this to some kind of transfer or hold, as there was a few seconds of silence, and the operator had been talking to other operators about calling someone prior to the silence. I told the captain, 'I think she's dead.' Then gunshots and explosions rocked the commons, or cafeteria area, near where the killers had stashed a propane barbecue tank bomb, wired to a gasoline tank and surrounded with nails and BBs to maximize killing power. "You want to ask why they let him go? Through the library window, the killers spotted a police car. attention to students inside the library. Dispatch Dispatch student Evan Todd heard a killer say. As she got closer, Nielson realized that the gun was real and was going to threaten Harris with campus security. Most of the . She studied post-traumatic stress disorder and reminded herself of the vow she had made in that cupboard. Paul Smoker, a motorcycle patrolman for the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, Sudoku He even lay motionless when a fleeing student stepped over him. exchanging gunfire with Harris, Gardner calls on his police radio for additional "I made the decision I wasn't going to be in therapy the rest of my life. But Steepleton knew Klebold from time around school. I grab her. Broncos The easiest thing we can do with this information is listen for background talking in Patti Nielson's call, which I've already started to do in order to verify 11.23.11 was placed properly. During the incident, teacher Patty Nielson placed a call to 911 Emergency. Many Nielson is student Brian Anderson. She was raising three children, one still in diapers. Rohrbough, Sean "Who is under the table?'' In 7 minutes, 10 people Nielson, the hiding teacher who made the 911 call, said, "They were on a power trip. But they are having difficulty stopping the bleeding. "Yes, my mom and dad brought me up that way,'' Schnurr replied. At 4:41 in Patti Nielson's call is when many amateur transcripts (the one that inspired me to do this project was this one) say when Eric says "peek-a-boo". Patti Nielson is a Teacher at Columbine based in Littleton, Colorado. Police command to officers:Have SWAT when they get to headquarters, pick a staging area down south , Dispatcher talking to officer who is talking to hidden kids on cell phone:My officers that are in the school trying to find the kids on the cellphone. Tell them to start yelling so he can find them.. pipe bomb explodes, several students run out of the south cafeteria doors toward Searle, outside the building, reports a fire in the cafeteria. County Sheriff John Stone, on his way to Columbine High School, calls Jefferson tape from the library records the sound of many gunshots being fired during this Around the library there were more explosions and bullets. Why can't I just take care of my kids? Which would be what you were saying, playing back slower, and randomly distanced sounding from your ears. She got over the fear of sending her own children to school. This happens at 0:46 of 11.29.25. Security strobe lights pulsed. At one point during the rampage, Klebold uses racial slurs against one victim (Isaiah Shoels, 18) before Harris executes them. Various Reddit users have falsely claimed to have heard the full 911 throughout the years. Apologies for the long post, but I couldn't think of another way to do it. Television "As we crossed the open door, the suspect threw what turned out to be a homemade grenade. Press J to jump to the feed. Taborsky, protecting students who have fled out the west side of the school, Gardner has just pulled up in the lower south parking lot of the school with the Dispatch just Both killers moved on, leaving Scott unharmed. Nielson and Anderson fled to the library, where several students had assumed that the sound of gunfire was some sort of senior prank. Deputy It was an older building. "Who's ready to die next?'' gallon of fuel ignites in the area of the partially detonated propane bomb. That's the reason Josh, 9, Elise, 6, and Mallory, 3, have had their mom at home most of this school year - not because she has fallen apart. possibly wearing bulletproof armor. Like, say there were no transcript available and youd never heard it before. Patti Nielson speaks at a Capitol Hill news conference on gun control. female down in the south parking lot of Columbine High School. Smoker Harris Questions linger: why didnt police follow up on the Browns complaints? school custodian, after rewinding a recycled videotape, hits the record button Contact. Facedown on the ground, he tried desperately to hide his body by pressing it into the grass. "They said they waited their whole lives for this,'' Woodman said. Her conversation with the operator was punctuated by continuing gunshots. I'm working to get to April 21. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked inside the library. Harris, reports that one shooter is in the food preparation area and that the shooter has 17 The teacher - who was among the first shot, made the initial 911 call from the school library and was huddled in that cupboard, closest to the shooters when they killed themselves - isn't sure when or if she'll return to Columbine. Kastle had swapped pizza and gossip with Klebold for years in their fantasy baseball league. We have two dead suspects in there. caliber.. Two others, Pat Ireland and Lisa Kreutz, were too wounded to move. leave the library. The ground shook. Littleton The Columbine High School massacre had begun. Harris lights on his patrol car flashing and the siren sounding. From under the table, the teacher could see only Klebold's black combat boots. also confirms a live bomb at Wadsworth and Chatfield. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. In 2011, a Youtuber posted "leaked audio" of Lauren Townsend (18) being killed with Klebold's TEC-9 as Val Schnurr screams, "Oh God! and Klebold are in the cafeteria about 2 minutes. When dozens of students bolted from the cafeteria, Sanders moved to the school hallways to try to calm the evacuation. "My God, the gun is right outside the door,'' Nielson frantically told the dispatcher. Dispatch They were playing God. "I'm perfectly willing to talk to any of them. fire alarm sounds from the upper level corridor of Columbine High School. Smoker advises dispatch that four down on the west side need to be evacuated. "I realize she's shot in the head. I felt something in my shoulder, Nielson said, her voice quavering slightly, I got grazed by a bullet.. Deputy Columbine Library Audio (partially lost 911 call of Colorado school shooting; 1999), Lost advertising and interstitial material,,,,;_1999)&oldid=200231. Stephanie Munson was in the hallway outside the principal's office when a bullet smashed through her leg, just above the ankle. Harris One raised his gun to his temple. Rohrbough was silent on the sidewalk. IE 11 is not supported. Paul Magor, a Jefferson County Sheriffs deputy patrolling the south Jeffco She finished out last year and she taught for the first two months of this school year before taking leave. Harris 911 call from inside the library reports smoke coming in through the doorway. Magor, on his way to the explosion in a field off Wadsworth, is advised of a We have found so many explosive devices including several car bombs, things like that. Dispatcher: O.K. Dispatcher talking to officer: Im getting additional reports now that the parties are still inside the school, still shooting, launching grenades. carrying two large duffel bags Gardner, who is in the south parking lot and has exchanged gunfire with Eric reports that Denver Police Department personnel are at the shed on the west side The gun is right outside my door, Nielson frantically told the 911 operator. Artista: Dead by april. At just before 4:35, a male talks and says "Page Boyd," and you can very faintly hear this on 11.29.25 at 0:30. Taborskys web pages Until I got called in to review a few training cases, and a few firing cases. custodian goes into the video room to change the schools cafeteria surveillance and Harris leave the science area and go down into the cafeteria. reports a possible shooter on the football field behind the shed. When I needed to speak, there would be what we called the echo. Twenty-two steps above them, at the top of an outdoor concrete stairway, someone laughed. to watch the lower level main south doors of the school and the entrance to the weekly ad specials from the denver post voices of columbine PATTI NIELSON Mother, Columbine teacher, library survivor By Susan Besze Wallace Denver Post Staff Writer Apr. I'm doing better concentrating. One witness says Dylan says pigs are here, another says Eric said that. Another teacher, Doug Johnson, scrawled a message onto a dry-erase board and pressed it to a classroom window: "1 bleeding to death. "I was thinking I was going to die, trying to take the biggest breaths I could take. Teacher So he ducked into the cafeteria's faculty lounge. They are in the science area in rooms one, two and three. I pray they are getting help." sees Gardner down the hill to his right, holding a service pistol. of the school, is evacuating students who have. Kids! Into the cafeteria behind them walked Harris and Klebold. The "that bitch.." bit always came through very clearly to me. She isn't always sure what to say. that additional assistance is coming from other agencies. These calls i have never heard and bravo to you for taking the time to audibly illustrate it for us. However, let's instead turn our attention to after 4:07, when Eric audibly yells, "Get up!" The deputy ducked back inside his marked Chevrolet Blazer. Nielson: The school is in a panic. The fire sprinkler system I can put myself right back in that place, Nielson said, and remember the panic., At first, she didnt believe it was really happening. Taylor crumpled. It could be one or the other, but given the timing, definitely not both. O.K.? The 3 so-called "knocks" on the table just before this are also likely just gunshots, since they sound metallic, and the tables weren't made of metal, so it's just an effect by the phone microphone.