I don’t understand. My little sister exploded like a dynamite and called me a snitch and a freak and a loser and saying I was jealous of her because I couldn’t get anyone to like me and she managed to get guys to talk to her even when she couldn’t walk. Yet, I'm also the only one who is really there for my friends and they know it. “She wouldn’t even give my father the picture he wanted,” Rising says. Live your life without help from your parents and being dragged down by your sister. I've always been the "last resort" friend who gets asked to hang out if everyone else is busy or doesn't want to, or if there's a falling out between the "better" friends. I agree and that´s my plan but right now with the pandemic it´s even harder to do so and I have years left to finish uni, really? She sounds like she has a mental disorder or she's just very dumb.. or smart for constantly taking massive advantage of all the family around her. After one particularly insult-laden meal, Rising’s father asked her sister to apologize or leave. Living together is and was hell, she never helped with the chores in the house, she couldn´t mantain a job for longer than two months, and that kind of stuff. I have to walk with crutches, and yet, my sister finds a way to cut me down in front of her friends and whatever guy’s cock she’s sucking this week. Start "This quiz is was made so you can see if you love or hate your family. I don’t even want an apology from her, I just want her to stop being so angry and drinking and screaming and destroying our house. She’s just a very horrible individual and I don’t care if anything bad happens to her. She’s just a very horrible individual and I don’t care if anything bad happens to her. Hi. i am 14 years old (female) and my sister is 11. i know all families have fueds. I hate my little sister I wish I could expel everything I’m feeling and everything she jas done to make me just lose all my respect and love for her. I really wish I didn’t hate her because that means I think about her. Water balloons are the perfect tool to bug your sister with, especially if she hates getting her hair wet! :(, I lef out a lot but i wanted to keep it as brief as possible, feel free to ask any questions. “I hate my life” is a sadly common internal expression against whom are struggling people of all ages. Need help with your relationship? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Looking at her irritates me so much! ok, i have disliked my sister for quite a while now, but a recent altercation has changed that dislike into hate. She’s six years younger than me, and I would regularly wish she’d never been born. Just the sight of her makes my blood boil. I Hate My Family . So, if you find that you’re saying, “I hate my family” more than the average person, here’s what you should do. Go back to uni, get an awesome career and move out on your own. i hate her because she doesn't leave me alone,everything i do,she says that I'm doing it wrong wrong wrong. Everything is all about her. How do I tolerate her? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She also favors my younger sister to the point where everyone notices. Like, she brought up secrets I didn’t even know about and just blabbed to some guy on her phone and it hurt my mom deeply - still my mom does things for her and I don’t understand why. She knows I would cry and visit with her and worry if she’d ever get to walk again, so I don’t know why she’s lying and still sticking to it now. after a fight, you may wonder what you can do about it. i wish my mom did that but shes really conservative and she bings jesus into everything. She's a spoilt brat,has always been. does she like me? Long story short she told me something that I didnt like, she grabs my hair, tries ripping it out (I'm a guy by the way, 16 years old, and she's 20), tries to punch me in the face, and hit me in the kidneys. I would post videos of how she acts and you would think differently. Its ok she always asks :) That little runt touched my clothes?!?! She eventually found a way to finish High School and went to live in the city with my aunt; to say that they had problems is an understatement, she then moved out with an old friend and it was the same. I don’t talk to her unless I have to. She smells so fucking horribly. Ever since I was born, I’ve hated my sister so much. (44 Posts) Add message | Report. First things first I don't literally hate my sister I am beyond proud of her and love her so much! I just spent several days with my sister-in-law.She ended up at the same beach house as my family. i feel true, raw HATE for her. My younger sister is 3 years younger than me. I wish I could expel everything I’m feeling and everything she jas done to make me just lose all my respect and love for her. Other Brother Sister Hate Sibling Report. « » Log in or sign up. I genuinely believe my sister hates me. I hate her. Now, she’s an alcoholic who rages and breaks things in the house. I HATE her…. “I wouldn't say I hate my husband's family, but we've had some disagreements and rough spots over the past few years. I have had these feelings for over 30 years, but I need to say something to someone. However if he’s insistent on this then that will be out of my hands, under no circumstances am I excluding my boyfriend from any part of my … but like, she created her own level or irritation and im not being over dramatic, but she makes me self harm the way she is. Bipolar, alcoholic, narcissistic sociopath. My sister has told guys she’s slept with and moved into our house that my mom and I treated her like shit, that we didn’t love her. HELP! Since university applications were done, I got a job and received double the money my parents were giving me, but because I was working they stopped sending money for me and my sister, so basically I was now maintaining her, working 8 hours a day AND cleaning the house all by myself which was so frustrating. While you should discipline, there is a right way and a wrong way of going about it. My sister and I are close now, but I know that even when we're ancient, she'll still be telling me to put my coat on when it's cold, and I'll still boil with anger every time at her bossiness. 23h. The world would be a better place. Contact a disability rights group. With a passion. im 21..my sister is 22,5 and always she was destroyer of my self confidence and life. Another thing I don’t get is, she has tons of friends that she treats like shit too, and yet they seem to worship the ground she walks on. Even so, I don’t treat anyone as badly and crudely as my sister does. It became a toll in my mental health and adding a lot of other factors, after less than a year I dropped out of uni and went back to my hometown. Hate my family Isolated and bullied in family my cousin sister Isn't being ignored one of the worst possible feelings? show 10 more Life in isolation - how to deal with family? they are the most useless creation ever to come into existence and serve no purpose other than to fill the emotional voids of weak pathetic people. She has to cook for me and I feel like such a burden, and I’ve heard my sister say: “I can’t wait until she finally fucking kills herself! My husband assured me that my SIL and her kids wouldn’t overlap with us, but she insisted she wanted the cousins to play together. It's unfair that government leaches like you mil and fil,also white trash shitbag leaches like my 2 sister inlaws are just fine while good people are sick and passing away. The way we see as we grow and attitudes directed towards us confirms how we see ourselves later. I apologize if it’s all over the place, I’m just sad and angry and don’t know what to do anymore, I just want my head to stop. However, I can relate to people seemingly worshipping assholes no matter how they treat them. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. im loosing faith because the bible just seems so inconsistant to me. My sister won’t get off her ass and get things in order like she should if she really wants to get help. I will kill her. If not, she wasn’t worth having in your life anyway. These thoughts originate from the negative experiences of early life. My husband's brother never had to work for anything in his life. When I was 7 years old my sister literally split my head open. I think hate is toxic and don't want it in my life. ... Randle, K. (2018). I can't stand the sight of her anymore. 1. 1. I absolutely do not like her and I wouldn’t feel anything but relief if she went away and never came back, or if I managed to get away and never saw her again. I was barely at the house because i didn´t want to be there but it was all the same. My mom keeps enabling her and no matter what I say to my mom, she won’t listen and continues to let my sister tear up our house, smoke weed, cigarettes and get drunk. Like really hate her, want her to fail kind of hate. So to put it into context, here are a few reasons why I hate my sister. What do I do? My sister acts as though she hates me and I can’t bear it If you want to try to mend things, you need to pick your best mode of communication, says Annalisa Barbieri. Dude. Now she is demanding a new phone and my parents are buying it for her. Why can't it be the other way around. My mum spoils her because she is the youngest in the family. Once you know the signs you know how to deal with a situation, at least you try to stay away to curtail problematic situations. If I was able bodied and could work still, I would’ve been gone a long time ago. But where do they come to these thoughts? The best thing you can do is accept you can’t change her, and cut her out. I’m 27, I still live with my mom and rely on her to help me around and take me places. My mom told her not to give her any money, because that would be another thing she’d throw in my mom’s face. getabloodygrip Wed 15-Sep-10 18:00:56. I´m not saying I´m the perfect child but I struggle getting good grades and helping with what I can like not spending a lot of money and that kind of stuff and we are getting the same treatment?? My older sister is the same way. At. I miss having my job so much; I was working on a plan to learn how to drive, then maybe find and buy an inexpensive car, and then hopefully I would be able to afford my own place away from her so I’ll have peace and quiet...that’s probably never going to happen. ... Do you hate your sibling? Quit faking!” Which I never did. Get out!! But, they'll worship the ground their friends who don't give shit one about them walk on, yet get annoyed at me for the slightest things. My mom won’t make her leave, and I don’t know why. Back in high school my sister and me couldn't get on at all. My sister is a *****. I was standing at the bottom of the stairs and she was standing on the top, and she purposely threw this plastic crocodile horn toy at me and it split my … I don’t get it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. :( i´m truly sorry if you´re experiencing something similar, More posts from the relationship_advice community, Continue browsing in r/relationship_advice. Annalisa Barbieri. *RANT* I hate my sister-in-law: I pride myself on being a forgiving, loving person. she went through some medical issues that caused her to be unable to walk for over a year. I stayed there trying to kind of find a will to live half a year and then came back. all my life,she was calling me fat,and when i lost 21kg ,one year ago,she's more jealous than ever. She is also overtly proud of her good looks and never thinks twice before insulting me for my look or weight issues. She was also constantly asking me for money to pay for her failed tests (because she keeps failing classes), she also asked for me to fix her phone because it was TRASHED, I lent her the money because my mom told me and then she trashed her phone again (she´s been phoneless for like, half a year now) When I got in uni again my parents started sending us money but like, it´s always the same crap, I buy everything with my money, she keeps stealing my stuff, I clean the whole house while she, and, I swear this irks the crap out of me she doesn´t wake up ´till like 5pm which is when her classes begin, then she proceeds to take them and then binge watch stuff till like 8am and she is LOUD, she is also failing two classes and last week they called from her uni (she goes to a private one) to tell us that she is in DEBT, and it´s like a lot of money, she said that it is from times she had to pay for failed tests and she couldn´t give the monthly payment because of it. She doesn't listen to me or do what I tell her to do even even when I'm trying to help her. Eventually, due to her rebelious attitude and low grades she dropped out of High School (when she was 15). I have, we live in the same house but I just ignore her. I hate her attitude, she burbs loudly even though I repeatedly told her not to do it and why. She also used to constantly ask for money because "it wasn´t enough" but when we went visit her she had a TON of junk food trash under her bed and the house was gross (but the family friend was gross too ig) she even said that she didn´t clean the toilet because "she didn´t know how". I'm really sorry you're going through this. If I had the balls, I would’ve killed myself along time ago. I wish I had some quality advice to offer. My sister finished HS when she was around 21-22 and i finished when i was 18, since where i live there are no universities, i had to move to the city and my parents decided that we should live together. They can help. Asi. I think people have a weird way of craving acceptance from people who are hard to please assholes who treat everyone like shit, and just think of people who treat them well as someone who will always be there no matter what, so they don't feel the need to go out of their way to make sure they treat them well. sometimes i feel like i want to thrust a knife in her, no joke. Keep Browsing r/Anger Get the Reddit App. Get your hands on some water balloons, fill them with cold water and carefully tie the ends. She is horrible and I don’t know what the fuck happened to her. We might sometimes have our ups and downs, but that doesn't mean we have to take it out on our family. " She is three years younger than my husband and they have a love/hate relationship. I was the weird outcast in school and never had any real life friends, so my sister was my beat friend. I hate myself for being a pedophile. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! Once I settled in our house I had to do all the cleaning, I had to do all the shopping with my money (our parents give us an equal amount of money weekly (which is the same amount they gave her btw)) and i just couldn´t. Hopefully your mother will come to terms with the fact that her enablement is only going to make things worse. She used to be so sweet and funny and kind and lovable and she was my best friend. It hurts me sometimes when I remember how close we used to be, and now she’s like this angry stranger I can’t get rid of. I have, I have literally not spoken to her willingly in 4 years - I just act as if she’s invisible, https://www.tynker.com/dashboard/student/#/community/project/5ad11506949b56b8138b457f. The biggest lies she told were some guys I never met, that I would leave her stuck on her portable toilet in her room for hours, that I never fed her, that I would push her out of her wheelchair and tell her to “get up! I hate her so much, I just hope she disappears and we never have to see her again. I hate her. She makes me cry. My brothers and me were fine, but there wasn't a lot of common ground. God, she fucks up everything!” and my mom didn’t disagree with her. Then, she turned 18 and something happened that turned her into this raging monster. Hey amazing parenting skills, her kitchen skills, her boundless creativity and beauty. All that year my mom and I took care of her, we helped her in her rehab, we helped her shower and use the bathroom. The last 6 years have only gotten worse; I’m disabled now, I can’t work like I was doing 3 years ago, and haven’t gotten any help from doctors or physical therapists and everyone thinks I’m faking. There was quite an age gap between me and the rest, and while I was in early high school the rest was either late high … When you have two siblings screaming phrases like "I hate my sister!" ... Get infinite scroll, chat, and more with the Reddit app. When I was 15 she was a tall (I believe 5 feet and 11 inches) blonde haired girl with C cup breasts and a rather plump rear, though at the time I tried not to think about that sort of thing. I wiped her ass and dumped her shit buckets because she couldnt get to the toilet - our hallway is too narrow for a wheelchair or walker to comfortably walk through. She talks horribly about us to her friends, telling them that we verbally and physically abuse her; she tells blatant lies that have just caused so much rage in me that all I can do is cry. I don´t know, I hate my sister and it is sad for my parents so how do I stop hating her? She claims to pay all of our bills whenever she gets any kind of money, and that’s just a blatant lie - I’m over here selling all of my vaulable things I bought when I had a job to help my mom pay the bills. I'm allowed to hate my sister, right? Cookies help us deliver our Services. I used to cut myself as a punishment. All. Now I eat stuff that I’m allergic to knowing that it hurts me. An example of a wrong way is to try to find which sibling to blame. She makes my mom cry. Sounds like my ex. 10 Questions | By Jamessteve | Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 | Total Attempts: 4619 . What should I do with this *****? I obviously refused because i already knew how it was all going to be and i was correct. It was hell. I dunno, I just needed to get this off my chest. First time posting on reddit and english is not my first language so i apologize in advance, I (F20) have a 25 years old sister and i can´t stand her. When I outgrew her she stopped bullying me because then i could defend myself, she eventually overcame her rebel phase, but then she started to steal all of my stuff, like, my mom would buy me new nice clothes and then she would grab them without even giving me the chance to wear them (I then told my mom to stop buying me clothes), we had this kind of issues and a lot more, we kind of had a phase where we would just hang out but it went away pretty fast. She has told people, when she was working, that she pays all of our bills and that my mom and I steal her money. #1 Solve the problem. I loved her to death, I took care of her from when we were little and my mom had to work, until she turned into this monster after her was able to walk again. Yes, we do laugh at each other and chitchat, but deep inside there’s really something that’s bothering me. i hate all pets but i hate dogs the most. I hate to say it but I feel like my only option here is to cut my dad off, issue is I feel like that’s extreme and I do love him despite his behaviour so I don’t want to lose him. When I was a child and a teenager, I hated my little sister. Don't Forget to Subscribe, Like & Share My Sister made a HUGE mistake and is now Brain Damaged. I get straight A’s in school, I’m in NHS, don’t do drugs, or drink. I Hate My In-laws Stories Feed: RSS Atom. 6. She’s a disgusting, rude, disrespectful, mean alcoholic who thinks her behavior is cute. Maybe it’s me; I’m probably the problem - no one has ever liked me and everyone seems to love her no matter what she does or how she treats people. I hate my sister in law. I feel terrible admitting it but I am struggling to let go of these feelings. Not abusive or anything, but definitely dominant, for lack of a better term. I don’t know what the hell her problem is, aside from being a mean alcoholic. She keeps talking about going to rehab but keeps picking places she nor my mom can afford and then throwing it in my mom’s face that everything bad happening to her is my mom’s fault. Visit Community. Obviously if you’re feeling like you hate your family, there is a problem you’re facing with them that’s causing you to feel this way. and she uses it as threats to get to me. So while my mom was at work, I was her caregiver; I did everything and anything to make her comfortable and then she just turned on me. My girlfriend also knows about my self-harm and gets furious and sad if I say I want to cut. basically, she is annoying. I’m answering anonymously to protect the innocent. She just seems to twist this narrative in her head that my mom and I didn’t exhaust ourselves to make her comfortable, make her feel normal, to make her feel loved and taken care of. Hey that sucks I hope you get out of there some people are just dicks without having a reason I don't know if I can but can I ask what you have. The only thing you can do is find a way to cut her off completely. Does your sister in law hate you or you are just overthinking and if not, let us try to understand some signs showing that your sister in law does hold deep grudges against you? Happy life to the point where everyone notices beat friend romance,,! Think differently breaks things in my house without her where just fine, but was... Move out on your own to take it out on your own along time ago and honestly I so... Going about it at peace me, and I would ’ ve been gone a long time.. Im 21.. my sister! happened to her rebelious attitude and low grades she dropped out of school! The sight of her makes my blood boil want it in my house without her where just fine, do! That throwing money at things will get them what they want I like! 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