If we don’t honestly seek to stop craving the pleasures of the world, we won’t ever come to really know God’s perfect satisfying love or enjoy Eternity with Him. Sadly, most of the time, we don’t even realize we are seeking love from man, since we have allowed this sin to define who we are. If we follow God's will, it will lead us straight to Heaven. How did I make the journey? There is much confusion as to what the after life is going to be like, but we can learn the true teaching of each so we can aim for the correct goal and get the assistance from those in Heaven and truly help those in Purgatory... Our hearts of love want to comfort others but from our mis-guided love, much of the time, we lie and claim we can read the soul of another, and tell the grieving their loved one is in Heaven. instead of spending our time seeking how we can know, serve and Love Him. That needs to be our goal in life to: to suffer for the love of God so to send grace for the salvation of souls. We die and reject God's mercy strictly from our pride. We must desire God’s love alone. Her greatest desire is to be a channel of God’s comfort and encouragement. To learn more please read “How to Become Attached to God and Not the World.”, “Come, I beseech You, into my soul, there to destroy all that displeases You and to establish Your heavenly kingdom. John of the Cross. The reason is Genesis 3. In the world I have known, the American Midwest, the word desire has been used too often in the context of lust and sex. Will God Punish Me and Others for My Sins? There are various types of grace from helping grace to saving grace. I longed to love and be loved. We have become hooked on the “feel good” sensation attention delivers and we feel we deserve it. So ask yourself: Do we tell others all of our woes looking for pity? Yet, we are easily coaxed into desiring much that isn't God and loving God only some of the time, giving the rest of our heart to the world... Penance is something we do in reparation (to make right our wrong) for our sins. Yet, we deserve nothing but suffering for the sins we have committed against God, any pleasure we have is most undeserved. Only God can make the depraved heart desire God. Will Anointing of the Sick Forgive Mortal Sins? We need to honestly look into our entire life because desiring one thing that isn’t God, rejects it all. We are akin to an empty jar that wishes to be filled with the other. If suffering is all that is required to effect this change, I offer myself with my whole heart to You that I may suffer all the martyrdom and torments that ever have been and ever shall be suffered in the world. They don’t have the grace to suffer like Christ and therefor can’t. If we are seeking the cross, we will rejoice in any neglect and praise God for the lack of love/attention from others so we can focus on receiving God’s love and loving Him through His cross, which is the true way to Christ. “You must understand this, that in the last days distressing times will come. Even though we will still be rejecting Him, He will still bless us with something as long as we don’t completely push Him away. We need to put aside childish things like St. Paul did, “When I became a man, I put aside childish things.” (1 Corinthians 13:11) and pursue true love in God alone. We won’t even want to mention the things we seek out for happiness/consolation which aren’t God, and will try to justify their need and how they aren’t really sinful because they satisfy our need for love and happiness so perfectly. Oh, how much harder it is to let go of loving them over God and desiring their affection instead of God’s when our family dotes over us! We must increase our faith. Desire Other Things More. Truly, underneath each and every sin we choose is our pride (self-love). Desire for Perfect Beauty. We must sincerely cry out to God for strength and forgiveness with a humble heart and become a man like David “a man after my [Jesus’] own heart”; truly willing to “carry out my [Jesus’] every wish [not our own will]” (Acts 13:62). My future was uncertain. What an incredible feeling to want God alone…how can words describe what it feels like to be emptied of all we desire and have replaced it with God. The Words of Everlasting Life are hard to preach, but we are all called to do everything for the salvation of souls since that was Jesus' intention for all He did... Our Loving God does and allows everything to guide us to Eternal Life. What we need to ask ourselves is, do we really believe, “God will fully supply whatever you need” (Philippians 4:19), because if that is true, we need to work to amend our ways, because we–act–otherwise. And if we choose to do anything that isn’t to know, serve or love God, it is a sin. There are three ways a person expresses the desire for God’s name: 1) imitate the character of God, 2) live in submission to God’s judgments, and 3) seek to teach others about God’s righteousness. Image Credit: Jared Erondu/Unsplash. They go together. Now is the time to change. And God uses us to comfort and love a child as it grows into maturity. But if God, for reasons unknown to us, chooses to bless us with anything, we don’t desire those blessings. What an incredible feeling to want God alone…how can words describe what it feels like to be emptied of all we desire and have replaced it with God. “But, if I’m honest, I want a husband more than I want you.”. Too often we desire other things more than God. And that seeking of love from them is really hard to let go of, since we love to feel loved. To do this we need to first acknowledge that we don’t love Our Creator above all nor truly desire Him alone as our actions have proven. Like I said, for most, we simply can’t get ride of every attachment all at once, we would sink from a lack of faith. How did my desires become so completely transformed? I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods [grace from You alone is all I need]; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I remember you; I think of you [nothing of the world] through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings [that protect me from sin]. I cling to you [no worldly pleasure]; your right hand upholds me [will save me]” (Psalm 63). I had suffered the indescribable pain of adultery. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. There have been other moments of surrender as well. No. But to have a true desire for God alone is incredibly hard to obtain, since, from original sin, without God’s grace moving our every thought, word and deed, we desire endless things for self-love (not to love God), to satisfy our desire for pleasure. If we aren't striving to stop ALL of our sins, we certainly should not receive Communion. Oh, how damaging that is! Get back to the heart of worship. Because without much grace, those who are sick and feeling the need to be loved, need to be loved by man and doted over to feel loved at all. But what I mean is, when we desire God alone, we know what we want–our will–is one of sin (seeking to satsify our deisres, not God’s), so we want nothing to do with a single desire we have and only want what God desires–He alone knows what is best, so we relent all we want for what ever God allows. This makes our will, by nature one that seeks to love ourselves (sinful), from having a great inclination towards sin, which is anything not loving God…and if we aren’t truly looking to love God, we won’t. They came from somewhere deep inside of me, perhaps a place that I didn’t even know existed. But truly this is the Way of the Church and the saints. We have to be honest with our selves. What God wills for us is all we truly desire. God does not take away sexual desires from single people because it represents the love of God for us. Somehow, I knew that he had everything under control, that he understood that my heart’s greatest desire was for a man rather than for him. We don’t feel we deserve the cross, but love from man. Plus, our hearts still choose other things and don’t always go to God…we still want some of the world. Joy, affections, desire, delight—all are essential parts of biblical Christianity. NOT OURS- remember that. Desire the cross, so we can learn how to cling to Christ. We will know we are on the right path when our hearts can’t wait to die–to be with God. Desiring God alone, means we only seek what is pleasing to God...we only seek things that are to know, serve and love God. We have allowed sin to make sin to make us into needy, complaining people that don’t tolerate anything but perfect comfort. Horribly, many receive God's actual Body and Blood when they should abstain until they grow in faith... "Fear of the Lord" is fear of sin and its consequences. He wants to fill us, but we just don’t let Him. That is why it is very important to visit the lonely because they need the affection from us since they don’t know how to obtain it from God yet. Publication date : … We must learn how to desire God alone. I also found ways to focus on him throughout my day. I took off running, knowing that God always met me as my feet pounded the pavement. I began to see him use me to help others walking the same difficult path I had walked, and I was overwhelmed that he would consider me a worthy vessel. We like to journey because God imprinted us with a desire to find Him. What wonderful blessings temptation, suffering and punishments are. Just tragic. And only seek to GIVE LOVE. But the devil wants to warp our intentions and make them mostly for self-serving purposes; we need to always be checking “why” we do what we do. Somehow, in that moment, I knew that he had a plan. “Let nothing else please us and cause us delight except our Creator, Redeemer and Savior, the only true God” (St. Francis of Assisi). Dena Johnson is a busy single mom of three kids who loves God passionately. Oh, mortal sins are much more involved than we might understand and go far beyond the grievous sins we might know. If we stay with the world as our source of happiness, we will loose God forever and choose Hell for all eternity. God will use our desires when and how He chooses. They don’t know God well enough and how to feel God’s incredible love through the cross alone, therefore, without the love from man, they feel all alone and unloved. Therefore, it should be our greatest daily effort to work towards this goal of losing every attachment by removing one at a time. But tragically for most, we simply can’t live without our worldly attachments as our actions and responses to loosing them proves. Are we crying for our children’s affection? But we can’t have God fill us with His love, if we run to other things to fill us instead. We need to try to come to understand the needs of others where they are in their spiritual journey. People, who pray wanting to experience God’s love, want pleasure for themselves. or do we go to God. We just need to find enough “want to” to ask for it. God says forthrightly, “This is the fast I desire.” What if we viewed our fasts as a way to establish justice and bring God’s goodness to the world instead of seeking our own piety? We can’t let the devil deceive us. As my focus changed from the hurts of the past to the beauty of my future, I began to find delight in my Savior. The lie we live with thinking we truly love God when we still don’t is what kills us. We want God to make us happy, and we even want our happiness with bounds of worldly pleasures (people, power and possessions) as well. And if we aren’t perfectly healthy or comfortable or satisfied, we let others know. Sadly, most don’t find prayer and spending quality time with God more fulfilling and relaxing than the pleasures of this world so we run to the world instead. We find some other worldly pleasure instead. Take my yoke [commands] upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. She delights in taking the everyday events of life, finding God in them, and impressing them on her children as they sit at home or walk along the way (Deuteronomy 6:7). I want this, I want that…we want and want, not according to God’s will but our own. We will start with the huge things we see that crave love/happiness from or those great pride building things we run to for self-value or satisfaction and remove them first. But we have to leave them (metaphorically for some)–remove the attachments from our lives–and live for God alone, while still living in the world. If we do something good, we let others know, looking for their praise. Why would we even want any of that nonsense in the world if we have God? We don’t want to wind up as tragically many of us do who are so addicted to the world, and constantly crave more and more pleasure from it…who eventually loose all sight of Who delivers us the real joy/love we are looking for. Therefore, we need to begin the journey towards removing our attachments and habitual sins, one sin at a time, until the Spirit enlightens us to all of the sins we desire, so we can seek God’s grace to sincerely hate those sins and truly desire God alone. When we desire God alone, we aren’t seeking to make ourselves happy…not with anything in the world, not with a single person, not even with our works of mercy or even God; all we want is to LOVE GOD. God’s happiness is all we care about. “The souls in hell having been found at the moment of death with a will to sin, have with them an infinite degree of guilt; and the punishment they suffer, though less than they deserve [because of the infinite degree of guilt from one act of self-love], is yet, so far as it exists, endless.”Â. Delight. One of the great misunderstood words in the Word is "don't judge." Eventually, however, through the Father’s relentless pursuit of me, I surrendered. It is especially hard to banish seeking our will and not God’s. How did God love? God willing, after reading this article, we will develop a clearer understanding of what are some of the sinful things we choose (desire), that pushes away God’s love so we can repent and change. We can clearly see how we–those still living in the world–still need our worldly things we go to for happiness, because once we loose one of them or can’t have one of them, we don’t know what to do with our time. will leave, if we continue to seek a saving faith and are persistent in our efforts to change and then be filled with loving God. Without grace, we simply can’t understand how someone can be truly satisfied with God alone, because we don’t have God’s love that satisfies the soul yet. If we truly have a genuine desire for God—not just the things of God or the things that come by seeking His kingdom—we will want to grow in it more. Therefore, when we come to understand our misery (sinfulness) more clearly, we will become humble enough to accept God’s transforming grace and grow from virtue (godly quality) to virtue, one virtue at a time into the image of Christ as we find the path of Life. 10 Marriage Goals Every Couple Should Have for 2021, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, Crosswalk.com. When we loose someone or some thing that we are attached to–we can’t wait for it to return and if it can’t return, we run out to get another if possible or we do something else to replace its loss. That is real reason so few saints are married people as it is terribly hard to surrender looking for happiness through worldly life, but we must let go of our family, friends, pets, and all things that we run to for happiness and run to God instead. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing” (Romans 15:13). Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. What a cross it is to live for so long away from Who our hearts yearn so greatly to be with. I desire you more than anything on earth. Here are four simple ways to grow in our desire for God more. Many of us don’t realize how often we are looking for love…not from God, but from man or things which causes us to loose love for God. How Can I be Happy when Things go Greatly Wrong? The tears flowed freely as doors of ministry began to open. This growing to desire God alone, is a constant progress. Now, I’m not in any way saying we shouldn’t show love and have compassion towards others, so to spare them from falling into the trap from the devil, especially if they are sick and needing help. Which means we should desire God more than anything else. For my yoke is easy, and my burden [cross] light” (Matthew 11:28-30). is bad; it can be very good. How do I tap in to my true heart’s desires — the ones that lead me to His best for me? Jesus helped those in need. Truly God will take care of us, when we care for others. Our happiness, our desires mean nothing. Anything else is loving our will (sin) over God’s and rejects God’s saving forgiving mercy from idolizing ourselves. Imagine never wanting to find happiness with the world…just God. However, until we have the grace to desire God alone, we actually need the love and affection of others, and sadly we even need the pleasures of this world too, because without them, since we have made them the source of our happiness (and not God), we would live bored, depressed and quite lonely lives. It has been filled with highs and lows. Seeking help, when help is needed is very good, and seeking to help/love/encourage/support others when they are in need is of course good too. No one comes to the Father except through me [Jesus]” (John 14:6). Without fear we are suffering great blindness... No. Panic…sadly, we have made them our life source, and we feel we simply can’t live without them. If we are reciprocated love in return–great, but alert that we don’t allow the devil, who is looking to sneak into our lives and kill us, to make us addicted to love. However, there are those who have left the world behind completely to love God and pursue living for Him perfectly by entering into a strict religious life. Therefore, our goal in life is to steadily remove our inordinate attachments (the things we desire that aren’t to know, serve and love God) as we grow and grow in grace, so we can one day love Him above all and desire God alone. David Mathis Dec 30, 2020 2.3K Shares Ask Pastor John. What Sins Can I Continue to Commit and Still Receive Holy Communion? California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. But we need to give someone the proper help they need. In English, to be satisfied means to have your fill of what you desire, expect or need. Us wretched sinners don’t deserve anything but a life of penance. We shouldn’t be jealous of the families that hang out and do many fun things together. The evil one has been busy confusing us to the true Catechism (teaching) of the faith. This is what is in the heart of someone who truly loves God above themselves–the heart we need to be saved. As I drove home from church, something washed over me. We don’t have fear of the Lord. Since our will is corrupted with the desire/inclination for sin (concupiscence), we surely can’t love God if we are offending Him with our self-love (our will). We need self-knowledge.Â. Surrender. I think we just get a small taste of that in the form of sex on Earth before going to heaven. When we finally grow in God’s grace, God’s power will eventually take over and following God’s commands [His yoke–the Way to help us to Salvation] will finally become easy, and any cross [burden we have to carry] won’t be overwhelming but light. But be ware, we might hide our prideful ways in asking for prayers in times of need or some other seemingly “good” intention, but we have to be very careful to really look into the true intentions for why we talk…is it seeking glory, praise and attention from others or is it from a genuine desire…a true need for help or honestly to help/love others. People, who do good works and want blessings from God, want good for themselves (unless we want the blessing so to not offend God–to love Him). Have we spent our life learning how to let go of the world (children, spouse, friends) or are we devastated when any of them leaves. Oh, the blessing in the disgruntled selfish teenager who rejects our love and guidance for self-love. Some will love the truth, while others will simply reject it. Before we begin to answer the question, I would like to clear some things up first. When the pain in our souls, as we long for God, is so great that we simply can’t stand to be without God…like we are devastatingly parched for thirst from working tirelessly in the sun…needing water (God)…then we are coming to desire God alone. The things of God become the new desires of our hearts, and the things we once believed we need to quench our thirst lose their shiny appeal. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in my statutes and keep my rules and obey them. If they haven’t expressed a joy in suffering, simply don’t do that. Yes, we would die of loneliness and utter boredom to say the least. “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. And if we do things correctly God will use them to draw us closer to Him. “Whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst [for a pleasure of the world again and be completely satisfied with Me]” (John 4:14). Stories of God moving, healing, revealing, providing, strengthening, speaking, and showing himself spark my faith and make me want more and more. I know this sounds very hard to do especially if we are married and with children, but it is possible. What I didn’t know was the journey that was beginning, a journey to change my heart’s greatest desire. God’s will for many is so hard to accept. Longing for a husband is a good desire. What a challenge! I began to trust him to lead me into it. “God, I want to want you more than anything else,” I cried out from the depths of my pain. If we desire anything but God we die. Mortal sins are more complex than we might know. My greatest desire is to walk daily in your presence.”. God blesses us with this grace to help move us towards perfection for the salvation of our souls. Sadly some never over come their desire for their attachment and live suffering from the loss–never accepting God’s will nor embracing His perfect love and peace. And yet, desire is such a sweet spiritual word, if we receive it as such. But we have to really want to find God, because this path is incredibly harder than it is for a religious. We don’t want the cross, we want our children’s love. A child can’t find God’s love and survive on it, no a child needs human love to thrive. We say something funny looking to be liked. This is what destroys our relationship with God and our spouses and others. We see this behavior over and over again…from the small things we desire/love…to the greater things we are horribly attached to when we can’t have them. If we want to love God above all and desire only Him, He will teach us how to do it. It is that desire for love/happiness from others or from things and not from God that rejects God’s saving love. How Can I Be Happy With All of My Shortcomings? The journey has been long and difficult. I came to understand that I am his at the very core of my being. (1 Chronicles 28:9 NKJV) “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches all … The truly humble want to be nothing but to love. Then read Romans 5:12-21. 3. But, be alert, check our intentions and desires…and if we seeking to be loved we need to work on modify our desires and seek to give love receiving God’s love alone? Longing for someone else’s husband is … We can’t. God allows our children to leave us, and they are supposed to go off to serve God and/or their spouse, not their parents any longer. To obtain Eternal Life and not reject God’s saving mercy for sin, we need to honestly desire God’s will over ours (hate our will) and to obtain perfection, our will has to be perfectly united to Gods. True intimacy with God in heaven is way better pleasure than sex on Earth. We can’t desire God alone if we don’t desire His cross. 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