into their adopted children, for seemingly little return, but there are reasons However, in the long run, the positive affects of adoption on children typically will outweigh the negative affects. If children have already been removed from the birth family, and birth family have not put the changes in place to support any further children, then a care order will be issued on an unborn child. Some avoid reminders of their adoption, or simply try not to think of it. Adoptive families typically provide the children in their care with residence in a safe, supportive neighborhood, attendance at a well-functioning, high-achieving school, and love, emotional support, and intellectual stimulation at home.1 These environmental benefits should enable the young person to rise above the loss of their birth parents and any adverse experiences and enable them to … If you click through and make a purchase, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to yourself. Data collected over the past three decades support adoption as a superior means of promoting normal development in children permanently separated from birth parents. HELPING OUR CHILDREN MANAGE THEIR EMOTIONS AROUND CHRISTMAS, SHOULD I HOME EDUCATE? They must merge two separate families and histories as they explore how they fit in. Foetal alcohol syndrome can also affects the way a baby’s brain develops and is caused by exposure to alcohol whilst in the womb. Levels of cortisol in the brain are established very early on – in utero and within the first three years of life – so even if a child is adopted into the most calm and relaxed family, they may still feel highly stressed and anxious because of their in utero experience. Adoption Effects On Children Development Due to circumstances, a small percentage of children have to go in adoption and live with adoptive parents or in institutions established for this purpose. © 2021. There is no need to try to make children feel something that they don’t feel it necessary to feel. Adoption affects all triad members (adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents) and other birth and family members throughout life. In middle childhood, children adopted as infants or toddlers often start thinking about themselves and their pasts more carefully. So, please, do not allow this article to induce guilt! my alcohol consumption at our New Year’s party on 31st December 2008 affect the Maybe. As a Christian adoptive mum, I cling to the hope – for me, but especially for my adopted children – that one day our holes will be filled in. Effect of adoption on the development of post-institutionalized children. These children may also feel a sense of anger at their birth parents or possess feelings of abandonment. But before adopting a child, consider these two factors — age of the adopted child at the time of adoption and parental skills of the adoptive parents in supporting the child’s emotional needs. For both older and younger children at an age of understanding, adoption may be seen as relief after being in foster care or a negative situation for years. Abuse and neglect can happen in the womb, and this can have a massive impact on child development later on, so perhaps a better phrase would be ‘haven’t experienced abuse or neglect since birth‘. A mother whose children have One of the common factors in such households is substance use – and this becomes yet another factor in how being adopted can affect a child’s development. The development of a clear sense of self by the adopted child is influenced by early experience, adjustment within the family and community, and social attitudes toward adoption (among a number of other factors). We all know these things, of course, but it’s easy to forget the attachment of an unborn child when considering adopted children. The dynamics that exist within the new adoptive family will influence, and be influenced by, those that exist between siblings. This may be especially true in transracial adoption. School-age children form a stronger sense of who they are. Notice Did Children placed apart from brothers and sisters may have little, or possibly no, further direct contact with siblings. newly-created foetus who’d just started growing in my womb? It is no longer appropriate for me to talk about ‘children having not experienced abuse or neglect’. For more information on how this affects children, check out my no-fuss guide to attachment styles. 5: THE INDIVIDUALISED HOME EDUCATOR. These pleasant interactions and the parent’s or parents’ consistent attention form the parent-child bond and the founda- tion for a child’s sense of trust. common that you’d imagine: if a mother is not actively looking to get pregnant, This is a pretty direct example of how being adopted can affect a child’s development. In order for there to be gain –- of a family, of a child –- there must first be loss. This explains the adopted child’s difficulties in combining a sense of self with other non-familial spheres of social identity. DO YOU HAVE TO TELL A CHILD THEY ARE ADOPTED? imagine it can be pretty tough to be an adoptive grandparent, aunt, uncle, or He could also hear and recognise Dad’s voice, if he were around regularly (which, in my case, he was). They may have heard the voices closest to them shout and scream. They may not know how abusive an environment was. In the busyness of everyday life, we quickly forget things – especially if we’re having […], […] adopted kids start off a notch or two further up the Challenge Scale, because of what they’ve experienced, but isn’t it true that we all have our issues, foibles and quirks? Many parents wonder if an adopted child will be loved as much as a biological child. In Heaven, where the significance of biological families will fade away, we will all be as we were meant to be: equally adopted into God’s perfect family forever, with all our hurts healed. is not only appropriate but sadly accurate to say that children in care will (See Why Adopted Children Suffer – Even if they’ve Been in Care since Birth.) As Jenna graciously shared, “There seems to be this continuous assumption that if a child is adopted, then they are going to go through some huge identity crisis at some point of their life and always be wondering, “‘What if they were not adopted; what would their life be like? If you’ve been pregnant, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll have dealt with stress to some extent during your pregnancy. ▸ The adoptees who come from families that lacked financial support to raise them, get a stable family where their needs are taken care of. ENHANCING ADOPTIVE PARENTING: HOW POST ADOPTION SUPPORT GAVE US HOPE, 'BABY SHARK' NATIVITY SONG (AND THE ADOPTIVE ROLE OF JOSEPH), « SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRITUALITY: 6 WAYS TO ESTABLISH A CONSISTENT BIBLE MESSAGE FOR YOUTH, MINISTRY-PROOFING YOUR MARRIAGE: PREVENTING PASTORS’ MARRIAGE PROBLEMS ». even realising that she’s pregnant are fairly high. Most of them can cope with the ▸ Children may be put up for adoption because one or both their parents are involved in substance ab… odd unhealthy choice or stressful life event. On a daily basis, a mother who has had children removed from her may have to deal with any/all of the following stress during pregnancy: poverty, unemployment and/or low earning potential, low literacy levels and/or additional needs, poor standard of housing, little extended family support, social isolation, relationship breakdown, abuse, addiction and mental health. have experienced abuse, neglect or both in utero. Whatever the head says, the heart still […], […] it’s very unlikely to have been a happy family situation. They may struggle with the knowledgethat they may have a whol… alcohol, the effect of substance use during pregnancy can be extremely negative Of course, my language has had to change. T1 - Adoption and the effect on children's development. I’m sorry this has been long – but equally, I’m kind of #sorrynotsorry. We are trying to better understand why adopted children struggle. For adopted children, developing an identity is more complicated. Or they may not have heard his voice at all. Data collected from studies over the past three decades, supports adoption as a superior means of promoting normal development in children permanently separated from birth parents. poured in. N2 - Adoption, whether formal or informal, has always been a superior method of assuring survival for children whose parents are unwilling or unable to care for them. system, but I prayed it anyway. They may have heard several male voices, not knowing which one was ‘Dad’. In some ways, adoption has a tremendously positive affect on children. Not many people go that deep down when choosing to go for an adoption. WHAT DOES ADOPTION LOOK LIKE, 14 MONTHS IN? Most foster children are in care due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment; those factors alone affect development. If a child has been removed at birth, it is most likely to be because older siblings have been removed, and that family/household has been deemed unsafe for children. This withdrawal can take several weeks or So I hope that this blog post outlining how adoption affects child development will help you begin to understand the issues your friend might be having with their adopted child, and why they’re there in the first place. It is also helpful to align your children with resources such as support groups and counseling if necessary. They express it through sucking, feeding, smiling, and cooing, behaviors which, ideally, stimu- late loving responses from their parents (or caretakers). This last one may be more While you are a part of that story, they are the one who will need to sort out the loss that comes with every adoption. She may be experiencing financial, physical, mental or emotional difficulties that she feels would … A foster child’s development is already affected negatively by the time he/she enters foster care. Yes, they are […], […] Adoption is full parenthood – but it is not merely parenthood. Some children may still feel different from their family, a direct result of their adoption story. However, adoption can also affect child development in profound ways. It and long-lasting. Whilst we all need to act take responsibility for our alcohol consumption – particularly when pregnant – the point of this post is to show how adopted children might be more exposed to pre-birth dangers because of the situation of their birth family, and how it might affect them later in life. the issues your friend might be having with their adopted child, ADOPTION AND THE BENEFITS OF THE SUZUKI METHOD, 5 WAYS MY TODDLERS ARE DIFFERENT FROM YOURS, WHAT WE TEACH OUR ADOPTED CHILDREN ABOUT SANTA, WHEN YOU CAN’T BE THE PARENT YOU DREAMT OF BEING: THERE IS HOPE, ENHANCING ADOPTIVE PARENTING: HOW POST ADOPTION SUPPORT GAVE US HOPE - The Hope-Filled Family, IS ADOPTION SCREWING UP MY BIRTH KIDS? A strong attachment to a caring adult is an important part of every child’s development. For some it may seem like an incredibly arduous journey. There have been numerous research papers on the effects of stress during pregnancy on infant and child development – and Sue Gerhardt’s excellent book Why Love Matters explains it very well. If we’re not, then we feel the effects. Straight-off, It When attachment is distributed, a child may not develop the foundation needed for healthy development. stressful work situation during pregnancy, had too much alcohol in the early Required fields are marked *. This will drastically help the child to make long term friendships which will positively impact the child. The premature birth of a child can influence later development. These special adoption related challenges can occur whether your child was adopted at birth or when they were older, whether they were adopted from foster care, through an agency adoption or a private adoption, or whether they are from a different cultural heritage, race, or country. I use affiliate links in some blog posts. We Journey with your children and remember the journey is theirs to navigate. Find out how families today share their child's adoption story with them, and how children know their adoption story from day one.. . Many of us already know that stress produces cortisol, which adversely affects brain function. For both older and younger children at an age of understanding, adoption may be seen as relief after being in foster care or a negative situation for years. If mum cannot keep her children safe, if she cannot leave her abusive partner, Thos… These numbers suggest that one of the effects of adoption on child development is overall improvement in health, performance in school, and increased family involvement. Even so, some may feel a sense of anger at their adoptive parents as they may have held out hope of reuniting with their birth parents. But if you’ve been pregnant, Will an Adoptive Family Love My Child as Much as Their Own? It is this separation, this learning to attach to another, this pattern of separation and re-attachment which was begun at your birth, and over which you had no say, which impacts all adopted people through childhood and as they grow into adulthood. They may also wonder about what their birth family looks like, acts like, does for a living, etc. Raising an adopted child is like doing a massive jigsaw with several pieces missing. . Whether adopted as a newborn, toddler, or later in childhood, each child will come to a point where the journey to sort out emotions and identity. All foster children have one special need or another. This is as comprehensive a list as I can muster, and covers the main areas, but there will no doubt be additional stressful factors that I’ve not thought of. AU - Johnson, Dana E. PY - 2002/1/1. and see some familiar situations in what follows, please don’t feel guilty. Yet as I started to understand more about the care system, I realised that a large number of children do not experience abuse or neglect post-birth, because they’re removed from parents as soon as they’re born, due to serious concerns regarding the care of their older siblings. No Now, four years down the line, I’m becoming more and more aware of how adoption affects child development, regardless of abuse or neglect, as I start to see how our boys might have been affected by their time in utero. They have now found out that their entire genetic understanding and inheritance is false. Our children might be sick or neuro atypical, and some of us may be working through past trauma with adopted children. What Are Common Open Adoption Rules and Benefits. has been countered by all the good stuff he’s received – physically and All rights reserved. Adoption alters a child’s kinship network, including those connections with siblings. The resources in this section provide information on the lifelong impact of adoption, focusing on several common themes. not able to make the changes they need to in order to provide for their Until recently, once a child was placed for adoption by an agency, little else was offered about general child development or rearing; and if the adoption was a private one, there were no professional helpers. While it is certainly not advisable that children be kept from the truth of adoption, this does occur and can lead to a more difficult journey than necessary. affects children: there is no getting round it. This journey will largely be due to the adoption story and may bring up questions and territory not yet explored. There may also be children who seem to handle the idea of adoption well, but have many questions that need age appropriate answers. For children adopted as infants, the journey may look different and come at a different time in life. Imagine a child growing inside the womb of someone battling this level of stress on a daily basis. Because, as I often say, even though adoption is a beautiful and wonderful miracle, it is filled with layers of grief and often trauma. Cortisol levels increase, and of course there may also be a long-term physical or mental impact if the child is injured as a result of the domestic violence suffered during pregnancy. She has expressed to me her frustration that others seem to expect her to go through this grand identity crisis, when in reality she never felt that as her own experience. Thanks so much Stephanie – I hope it will help prospective adopters as well as those who support them , […] that we wouldn’t be able to have children – because then we’d have to face the messy reality of adoption, and I wasn’t sure if I could cope. Speaking as an adoptive mum, I’m delighted with the amount of understanding about early life trauma which has developed over the last couple of […], […] also take a look at my deep-dive on how adoption can affect a child – it’s one of the most popular posts on this site! And they’ll almost certainly never know how much stress was felt by birth mum during pregnancy. Access to More Opportunities and a ‘Head Start’ in Life An expectant mother may choose adoption for her child for any number of reasons. now, happy and healthy, so I can only assume that any impact of that alcohol The effect of adoption on each child will largely hinge on when they were adopted. weeks before we realised we were pregnant, and/or any other situation which can put a child a risk. Babies’ development can also be affecte during pregnancy by such conditions as: smoking, drugs and alcohol which can harm babies. YOU'RE NOT ALONE - The Hope-Filled Family, DOES BEING ADOPTED AFFECT A CHILD? Adoptees are allowed to feel whatever feelings they need to in order to deal with their adoption. EARLY BRAIN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT. My baby, I was told, could hear my voice. The seriousness of how adoption can affect child development must not be underestimated. As readers of Portrait of an Adoption well know, loss is a fundamental and complicated aspect of any adoption. But the difference for children placed into care is that their birth mother’s life was likely to have been far, far stressful than the life we lead. But he’s 10 However, adoption can also affect child development in profound ways. They are able to obtain good education and lead a comfortable life. pregnancy will be 100% perfect. Identity issues are of particular concern for teenagers who are aware that they are adopted and even more so, for those adopted in a closed or semi-open circumstance.Such children often wonder whythey were given up for adoption. However, even though you have the chance to meet and get to know the family your child will be raised in, you might still have some questions about adoption. When we ask ourselves what are the negative effects of adoption, I’m guessing most of us think of abuse and neglect. How might the dangers of alcohol be more present in the situation of a child who will be removed at birth? The Hope Filled Family ( is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and all regional Amazon sites. For more information on child development or to get help coordinating evaluations and services, call Jamila Cleary, 212-360-0259, or e-mail According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, adopted children feel a sense of grief, rejection and abandonment at some point in their lives when they learn that they were adopted. Isn’t part of being […], […] enemy here. […], […] for a child who has had changes in caregiver, chances are they’re already feeling pretty shamed. If there is an abuser in the family, Again, let me reassure you that this post is not about feeling guilty if we had the odd drink during pregnancy. More children are entering foster care in the early years of life when brain growth and development are most active. Opportunities: As for birth parents, putting a child up for adoption rather than other methods is saving a life. the life of a mother whose child has been removed – then the chances of her not The Effects of Adoption. Once adopted children reach five to seven years of age they begin to understand the difference in being adopted and many become more sensitive or ambivalent about the subject. Sitting above it all, though, is a big question mark. However, adoption can also affect child development in profound ways. Adopted people, while children, and even as adults, often wonder why they were placed into adoption and whether something was wrong with them when they were born. By choosing the perfect family you want to adopt your child, creating a post-adoption contact agreement that lets you be a part of your child’s life, and more. Regardless at what age adoption occurred, there will be children who process adoption quickly and without much difficulty. Out of calamity and loss, children recover and progress to become functionally and emotionally competent adults. Adoption affects children in fairly predictable ways, and it's important for adopting parents to take care of all of the physical, emotional and mental needs of adopted children. The impact of literally separating from the one inside whom you grew cannot be overstated. […], […] like adoption, opens our eyes to a new place, a better place, where the sin and suffering of the last place are no […], […] is not to ignore the genes that will obviously have an impact upon an adopted child’s life, but it is to say that the ‘nurture’ (good or bad) that has occurred since birth will […], […] a daily – no hourly – basis, I feel like adoption rears its ugly head in each emotional response my children give to whatever is going on that day. They will rarely know how the pregnancy went, and which of the above factors were evident. Pregnancy 1. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. When you adopt, you give a child the ability to make stables relationships through a school setting or near their home. Witnessing violence literally changes a child’s brain. For me, personally, I have never gone through an identity crisis due to being adopted. But it was always helpful to be reminded, especially of the impact of adoption on children, even when they’ve been in care since birth. abuse or neglect. why an adopted child may struggle – despite all the love and resources being An adopted child may well have a mother who drank during pregnancy, either because of addiction (alcoholism being a common factor in families whose children are put into care), a stressful environment (see above), an unwillingness to deny herself a party lifestyle, lack of education about health and safety during pregnancy, or simply because she didn’t know she was pregnant. Of Humble Faith family Wellness shares a post that reflects the heart of identity and relationships. Early life a rough start in life some children may still feel different from their,... Sense of anger at their birth family one day, we will assume that you are happy with it to! 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