Nearly all FEs I've met started as an LM. Don't stop, don't walk, and find the finish line, and you pass. Checking in for the AWF side of the house. FEs are also generally responsible for "putting the bird to bed" - shutting down the APU, replacing engine covers, etc. It's A LOT of info, which covers a bunch of other maintenance focused rates' curriculum in a shorter amount of time. How hard is it on people with families/dependents? AWR, AWS, AWO, AWF, AWV which fall under the general rating AW. If you are interested in this job, you better be a REALLY FUCKING STRONG swimmer and have mental fortitude through the roof. A board is 3-10 instructors pounding you with questions for many hours. So even deployment won't interrupt your college like with most of the navy because you can still do online classes. I didn't join the military to sit back and watch. Can we get this on the sidebar? Possesses a basic knowledge of classification techniques. Be shit hot or you can go be mediocre somewhere else. After it is signed its important to not answer that phone call from the duty office, it tends to be some schedule error where you are now taking that 0500 flight in the morning. What's the actual hands-on work like for an AWO? AWO A school is about 4 months long if I remember right. Department of the Navy Directives Issuance System. Navy Jobs List: A List Of All 93 Ratings In The Navy (2021) Posted on Last Updated: December 24, 2020 December 24, 2020 Author Nicholas A. You'll learn how to jump out of a helicopter and save someone who is drowning in heavy ass seas. 20+ year Chiefs still go to schools to learn our jobs better. If you're an AWS, you go to this school. So all-in-all it takes like 3 years until you're truly a qualified aircrewman. AWV: AWVs are either in-flight electricians (IFT) on P-3s or EWOP operators on various platforms. Ridiculously hard FRS but nearly instant return on investment, the lowest enlisted rank on this platform is usually an e-5. I just have a couple comments in addition to the already excellent response provided by ADHD365. FTS AWFs are typically load masters on C-130s and C-40s, but can end up a few other places. Comments(6) 35680 Views In the Navy, they call their enlisted jobs ratings. Deployments are awesome. I have like 23 credits and I've never even enrolled in college. They will jump in that fight you should of not been in to defend you even though you started it. I have no clue what they learn. Possesses expertise in recruiting techniques and knowledge of recruiting textbooks and Navy enlistment programs and policies. Free time? As long as you manage to maintain a shuffle that looks remotely like jogging, even if it's actually slower than a walk, you'll pass. You'll likely be an E5 within three years of enlisting. If getting the job you want is priority, talk to your recruiter about it immediately (and maybe ask the recruiters on this sub for advice about how that process works). Also don't loose contact, not sure what it is; I've read about it in a book once and it sounds pretty bad. Needs of the Navy This is the primary consideration in each Sailors assignment and is taken into consideration prior to all other factors. Message me if you'd … After Aircrew school you go to A school, which is also in Pensacola. The certification or license must have relevance to the needs of the Navy, and must appear on Navy COOL, although it does not need to show the Navy Bucks icon to be funded. I've always been interested in the AW community and from talking to few AW buddies (mostly AWF and AWS) it seems like AWO on P-3's would be my best gig at this point, and the rate I could most easily translate to already coming from a radar environment my whole career. How much control do you have over whether you end up an AWR, AWV, AWO, etc? There is no time limit on the run. Good luck! In summary enjoy Pensacola and get off base often, the beaches are beautiful and in the summer the weather is pretty great. Also there is this thing called perdiem.. /thread. Full-Time Support (FTS) 4. Here you're expected to do your job solely in a training environment with an instructor holding your hand. I'm about to finish the P-8a EWO pipeline in August. Cool place, awesome people. E1-E3; Assists in the maintenance of aircraft, associated aeronautical equipment, and aircraft support equipment; services, cleans, and handles aircraft; performs other apprentice-level duties involved in the operation of a naval aircraft afloat and ashore. EWOs operate radar, long-range cameras, ESM, and MAD. All are uniquely qualified to help you along the way. AWF, AWV, and AWO all go to the same FRS, VP-30 in Jacksonville, FL. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 3. Don't be an attention whore, (or a whore in general) cause that shit will get you noticed in a bad way. SECNAV M-5216.5. This Wikipedia page contains a list of United States Navy ratings. And I finished just in time! It's pretty impossible to fail if you put in a little effort. Navy Reservists are compensated for their time equal to one day’s active duty base pay for each drill period (… Boards suck. Chief's advancement is similar. For AWOs, about half is classroom learning, a quarter in simulators, and a quarter in the actual aircraft. Read each description and see what you may be interested in doing. I a AWO, EWO is the non-acoustic side of AWO on the P-8's. When you graduate you get either AWS or the more common AWR orders. If another guy can only do 55 push-ups but I force him to do 75, and he keeps giving his all even after its impossible for him to do another, he makes it. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. I may have been able to pass this school when I was 20 and in good shape, no fucking way could I do it now. If you can do 115 push-ups, I will force you to do 135. What is the day-to-day schedule like as an AWO at a command? This is not to say that they didn't work hard, because they obviously do, but it's just something I've noticed in the several years I've spent with them. SECNAV M-5110.1. Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) 3. Selected Reserve (SELRES) 2. Load masters are usually FTS (full time support, a reservist who works full time) or normal reservists who were prior active duty AWO/AWF/AWV. AWVs work with the trons when they're not flying, and always have to come back in to write up gripes, turn in comsec drives, and pass down all relevent info to the trons before leaving. I'm clearly biased here, so take it with a grain of salt. There is a greater knowledge requirement for AWVs and AWFs. Or an IFT/AT weigh in here, I don't know enough about it to speak intelligently. AWFs, for instance, are in short supply and are frequently on duty as the "duty FE", which involves being available for engine turns, etc for a 24 hr period. We fly on one of P-3s, P-8s, C-40s, C-130s, E-6s, H-60s, or H-53s. 0$1$*($1$9<&$5((5:,7+1$9